What Is The eCom Success Academy – Find Out Now

People were asking me the question “What is the eCom Success Academy”? In order to answer I had to dig deeper into some research. What I did find out rather quickly, is there are plenty of glowing reviews to be found.

At first glance, that seemed like some good news, but before you get all excited, read my review.

  • Product – eCom Success Academy
  • Author – Adrian Morrison
  • Released– May 2016
  • Website – www.adrianmorrison.com
  • Price –  $2495 or $2991
  • Additional costs– Weekly-$1500
  • Planned Up-sells– $3000 products+
  • Refund PeriodNo Refunds
  • Overall Rank3/10
  • Verdict – Legit Not Recommended


Table Of Contents

What is the eCom Success Academy – Overview

The eCom Success Academy is a product that Adrian Morrison claims will train you to make big money. How?

By using Facebook Ads and a Shopify website, you can make money the first day. Since he released the product in May of 2016, he has used the same techniques on his own eCommerce site to grow his profits to 4 million in revenue in 8 months.

At least that is what he claims.

He promises that the product will work, but there is no guarantee it will work. This program requires work and it all depends on you. He uses a Shopify website and a unique selling technique, of selling products for free, and charging for shipping. And you will need to spend money on Facebook ads! If you don’t have a big bankroll, this is a problem.

What Is The Ecom Success Academy Image Of Adrian Morrison
Adrian Morrison

Adrian Morrison

Who is Adrian Morrison. He is the brother to Anthony Morrison, and was featured in video’s years back pitching Anthony’s product, “Success With Anthony”. That product was considered a spam filled, poor quality product. I know I bought it!

It was a non-stop series of popup ads leading you down a never ending sales funnel, selling one product after another. The sales funnel kept you head spinning and never really gave a complete picture of how it actually worked.

Coaching Is Extra For The eCom Success Academy

But that wasn’t the end of it. They never simply sold a fast flurry of programs and that was it. Oh, not at all! Once you sign up, and pay for products, you will also receive phone calls that redirect you to more people who offer personalized coaching for thousands of dollars more. Before you knew it, this sleazy, high pressure marketing had you owing $20,000.

How do they do it? You will be sold by pro marketers who convince you the way to get rich fast is with private coaching that show you exactly step by step what to do. Then you are pre-qualified by your financial health and how much you can afford.

If you have a credit card with room for $5,000. Guess what your coaching will cost? These are the shady tactics that the Morrison’s use, that made them millionaires.

He did offer a refund. So, people could get their money back when they got totally confused by all the pop-up ads. I was lucky enough to get out!

Adrian Morrison does not offer any refunds for his product. So, what is the eCom Success Academy? Is it legit? I would question that, because he is not offering any refunds!

I have not owned this product, but I am skeptical because of the bad taste his brother left in my mouth for sure! And this is a different program, so lets give it a chance.

Using Facebook Ads

  Adrian claims he is often referred to as a Facebook Marketing Expert. This is because he says he has made millions using Facebook ads for his own eCommerce store and affiliate partners.

He also claims to have mastered the art of Facebook advertising and taught thousands of others to do it as well. He has in fact been invited to Facebook headquarters. So, why not offer a refund? Usually(a no refund policy) happens if a company is going out of business, and all sales are final.

Related: What Is The Home Business Academy

What Is The eCom Success Academy And How Does It Work

 Adrian tells us it is with his course we can start making money selling products online, the very first day. That’s impressive, but is it really possible?

What is eDom Success Academy by Adrian Morrison

Knowing the extent of work involved in setting up websites, and displaying products, I would only be a “maybe” for the best marketers. However, his course involves using facebook ads, which you would have to learn to do as well. To sell a product the first day would almost be a miracle!

Set Up A Website

 The first thing Adrian tells you is to open a Shopify account. He suggests that you upgrade to Shopify @ $79 monthly plus additional fees.

The Basic Shopify @ $29 plus additional fees. It does have a slightly higher credit processing fee, and does not have several features that Adrian uses, such as: Handling Gift Cards, Detailed Reporting and Abandoned Shopping Cart Recovery.

Shopify now offers a 14 day free trial offer!

Set Up An AliExpress Account

 Using his training along with a drop shipping outfit called AliExpress, anyone  can sell products by giving them away for free, and charging for shipping. You find products on the AliExpress site. Then, you place them on your Shopify site. Using Facebook ads to promote your products, you make money by giving them away and charging for shipping.

Be aware, that you will be dealing with China when using the AliExpress site. That means, long shipping times, and you are never sure of the quality unless you order a sample first. Some sellers are great, and others are not. You may get a lot of refund requests for poor product quality.

  The very first thing that Adrian Morrison does is the same thing his brother Anthony Morrison does. He requires you to give him your email address. Why? Well, that’s simple. That is so he can hound you with everything else he can sell you in up-sells.

Find Something That Sells

 Another problem with his program is the ability to find a great niche product to be able to generate enough sales to cover the extra costs involved in advertising. He solves this problem by selling a proprietary “SIZZLE Product Sniper Software” he claims will be able to generate profitable niches for you. Well, if everyone has the same software, everyone would have the same best products for sale.

Using Facebook Ads To Promote Products

  According to Adrian, you will create Facebook ads to promote your products. These will then target a specific audience and only sell products to people who want to buy them, This is nothing new. Facebook has offered boosted ads for promoting products for a specific audience some time.

   This will require an advertising budget. So, some additional funds must be available to generate sales. Even using the targeted ad campaigns on Facebook, it will cost you money. Sometimes a lot of money!

If you are on a shoestring budget, this may be difficult or even impossible. Adrian is saying $200 as a budget just to test for items that might work. Maybe it will take 2 or three tests to get a good product. I don’t see how that is possible in ONE DAY?

What Is The Ecom Success Academy Ongoing Costs

  There are also other costs involved in the Shopify site, and autoresponder costs. A good estimate would be that it will involve $4-6,000 startup costs to get you rolling. This is not made clear and people think all they need is his up-front cost. He does not tell anyone about his future upsells that you will need to succeed.

  The program uses a Shopify website to create an ecommerce store and Aliexpress to obtain and dropship products to your customers. Costs and fees at Shopify are not cheap. This will also be additional expense.

  Because you are using Aliexpress, it will take some time to get orders filled. So, you will have to allow 3 to 4 weeks for products to ship. His gimmick seems to be using a free product, then using shipping charges to make your profits. This may have been a novel idea for a while, but others have begun to use the same tactics. Aliexpress offers the same deals almost daily.


  • Course For Building An eCommerce Store
  • Designed For Beginners
  • Experienced Marketing Tips
  • AliExpress and Shopify are legitimate products.


  • High Cost, and Upsells
  • Constant Product Testing Required
  • No Refund Policy Costs You 2-3K If You Don’t Like It.
  • Expert Marketer Has A Better Chance For Success

What Is The eCom Success Academy – Is It A Scam?

I have not personally used this product, however I did experience Anthony and Adrian In Success With Anthony. This has all the similar markings of a high pressure sales product. Most of these are not quality products, and I can not recommend to anyone a product that does not allow a refund or a trial period of any kind. You lose your money if you don’t like it.

Doing the math if you made $3 in profit on each product, you would need to sell 1000 products for a $3,000 a month profit. That would allow you to make a $36,000 per year in sales. Basically a $36,000 salary per year, is not really a fortune by any means.

What Is The eCom Success Academy Complaints?

 I found this complaint posted on the Ripoff Report Forum claiming this is nothing but a hoax. This person is someone who purchased the product for $997 and could not get a refund. They claim they were not aware of the “no refund” policy.

  Adrian Morrison has at least 20 complaints listed on the Ripoff Report website dating back to 2012. In my honest opinion, I don’t think someone with that many complaints should be trusted with a “No Refund and no free trial policy”. He likely does this because of very high refund rates, and this guarantees profits, and puts 100% of the risk upon you. This is not an ethical way to do business.

Final Word

The program appears to have a possible success factor. It would no doubt bring some success, because you are setting up a Shopify site. However, the promise of becoming so successful that you make hundreds of thousands of dollars, is going to require a full team of people.

Not to mention, a very hefty price tag for additional coaching as well. I do not think that the “no refund” policy adds any credibility at all, and frankly makes it smell even more like a scam. You will receive a flurry of spam products in your emails.

Why anyone would sell the secret of such successful product for $2500?

Simple, he can make a ton of money, selling you one product after another to help you achieve your goal.Telling you that in order to get rich faster you need his quality coaches to help. You will receive phone calls selling you coaching.

If you have to work harder to support someone else, are you really going to get ahead?

Knowing that these brothers are notorious for up-sells, I would say you will get plenty of them. He also states that you can do this yourself. But, most people wouldn’t know where to start.

What Is The eCom Success Academy No Refunds Policy

I must question the no refund policy. to see people complained they were shut out of the program because they asked for a refund? If that is the case maybe you also will stop receiving any of the promised weekly webinars and help?

I have to say this in my opinion, any program that says “No Refunds” is a borderline scam. It is designed to get you into the loop and keep selling you high priced products. This model will work but it’s real purpose is to make money off you also. Any program that is any good at all will give you a refund.

Shopify and Aliexpress offers lessons to teach you how to make a successful site as well for free. This is nothing new, and Adrian Morrison is cashing in on stuff that is already available online for much less cost, if not free. Why spend $3000 with No Refund?

Shopify Upgrade Recommended

Everyone thinks of the Basic Shopify @ $29 but Adrian recommends the upgraded more expensive Shopify@ $79. Plus, you have to run ads to test you product, and if you don’t have funds to do this it will be impossible for you to work this program.

This is not for someone on a shoestring budget. The costs could quickly overwhelm you and not allow you enough time to realize any profit. The “No Refunds” policy could cost you your investment.

I think if you find you can’t afford to do this program, do not purchase this product. You should be able to get your money back. And their are cheaper options out there.

  • Product – eCom Success Academy
  • Author – Adrian Morrison
  • Website – www.adrianmorrison.com
  • Overall Rank3/10

Verdict – Legit Not RecommendedImage Of Thumbs Down For Not Recommended

Expect plenty of hidden costs and there is a no refund policy. And you will be paying for costly upsells. You can quickly lose money on ads if you don’t understand what you are doing. You need a hefty bankroll to ensure this program works for you.

Not recommended for people who can’t afford to lose $3-5K.

Let me show you a safer way, you can try for free, with no money out of your pocket. Why not learn to do it yourself, the proper way, and have much less cost involved with no up-sells? Take a look at this.

How to Make Money Online The Right Way With Expensive Programs

Make Money and Get Rich Slowly

 You can check out this program, take it for a test drive, and not have to worry about refunds.  It is FREE to check out and look it over, BEFORE you buy. I promise you won’t regret it. Check it out below

If you have any questions, please leave them below, I will get back to you ASAP!


Life Can Change Quickly

Covid 19 has ravaged the world causing the death of tens of thousands compromised family members and tens of millions of people worldwide. Millions of people in the USA have been thrown out of work do to no fault of their own. This has caused workers to rely on temporary state aid, and forced many from their homes. Something like this is how your life can be turned upside down in an instant. It doesn’t have to be that way

This stark reality is why creating your own business is so important now more than ever. Affiliate Marketing is something that cannot be taken away. Online business is thriving because people are shopping online more than ever!

There has never been a better time to cash in on this lucrative business and create your own financial Independence with online marketing.

Be your own boss, start your journey to financial freedom today.

Chas The Owner Of Help For Scams And Frauds

I am Chas, creator and founder of Help For Scams And Frauds. I started affiliate marketing and earning money online in 2015. And I can tell you, anyone can do this. But, in order to build a business the right way you must have the right training and avoid the get rich quick schemes.

Check out my #1 Recommendation For The Best Online Training in 2024

eCom Success Academy


eCom Success Academy



  • For Building An eCommerce Store
  • Designed For Beginners
  • Experienced Marketing Tips


  • High Cost, and Upsells
  • Constant Product Testing Required
  • No Refund Policy Costs You 2-3K If You Don't Like It.

64 thoughts on “What Is The eCom Success Academy – Find Out Now”

  1. I attended a seminar a long time ago, promising a room full of hopefully people that they’ll easily make money. It was for free, but at the end, they tried to sign everyone up for training on how to sell online. I felt like they were putting carrots in front of everyone, hoping we’ll bite with our credit card sign ups.

    So I started asking the experts in the room, if you guys are so easily rich from selling online, why are you wasting your time going from city to city giving your trade secrets away? Why not stay home and make money easily? Or is selling your programs the real source of your money? That is why they were at a lost for words, and quickly walked away, looking around to see if anyone had overheard my questions?

    Years later I still get constant email from them, putting carrots in front of a rabbit who didn’t bite.

    Use your common sense, if you had a easy way of making tons of money on the internet, would you waste your time flying from city to city selling your methods creating competition for yourself?

    • Hi Bob,
      You have it correct. These people make money from selling these programs. They are great salespeople, selling a dream. The program doesn’t usually deliver the dream, but it makes the producers rich. Yes, the sellers of the Kibo Code made 18 million dollars of it. The buyers are still licking their wounds! But, people believe it works and they will be able to make a killing, so they keep on buying it. I tried to explain this to people, but sometimes they still want to find out for themselves. Even after I explain, I have first hand knowledge, they say “Well, this program is improved. They have all the bugs worked out.” Nope, they are still selling the same old junk with a new spin.
      Thanks for leaving a comment, and please stop back.

  2. We bought into Adrian Morrison scam. He tells you they will build you a working ready to go shopify site with selling products. In 5 months my brother an I spent $14,000 on things like his coaching program where you get no direction. All they do is push website upgrades that he makes money on like optimized up sell, booster theme ect. The site they built look amateurish the add-ons they sold us slowed it down, and made it difficult for potential buyers to navigate so they would leave.

    They only people that make money in his program are Adrian his bother, shopify, Facebook, and all his affiliates.

    If you read a positive review about Adrian and his company its from an affiliate, that im sure at the end of the review there will be a link to send you to Adrian company pushing you to buy one of his programs or products.

    If I knew his course was about pushing his garbage products that don’t work to unsuspecting people so you can make a cut and make him rich, I would have never taken it.

    I am already successful in many business, I have taken many training and coaching programs in my life. However this is the biggest scam I have ever seen, so hopefully I can help people not waste there money.

    Drop shipping is the worst thing you could do products are bad, stuff take weeks to get to your customers. If you have an existing business and you have products that you already sell, it could work.

    However don’t waste your money on anything too with Adrian Morrisons or ecomm success.

    • Hi Domenic,
      Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed comment. I am sorry you got caught up in the eCom scam. I actually had an affiliate of his write me a nasty letter saying how he was #1 affiliate in sales on one of the platforms, I think he is on Clickbank. I wouldn’t post his comment, because as an affiliate, he was making the money, not the people paying for the course!

      I recently tried a Shopify store for the Kibo Code. It is the same thing as you describe! The only people making the money are Adian Booth & Steve Clayton, sellers of the Kibo Code Scam. And Google for the ads, and all the plugin suppliers. I am well aware of the drop shipping nightmare you describe. Lousy products, high refund rates, Shopify and Paypal charges and yes, products taking forever coming from China!
      Thanks for your comment, people read real stories like yours and thank me for having this site. It helps keep me doing this!

      I hope you filed a report with the FTC. After they get so many complaints, they will check into it and possibly shut him down. But, it is hard because he is legally selling a product, but a very poor product at best.
      Thanks again,

    • Hi unfortunately im one of the victims of this scam. I spend a lot but it didn’t work. I build a shopify store thru Adrian but never get a single sale since march. My ebay, FB marketplace, poshmark and tradesy is selling better with my own traditional way without any help. Im hoping i could be a millionaire with Shopify thru Adrian but its an epic fail! I felt so stupid being trapped with his scam. Now i am looking for a lawsuit i can join against Adrian. I am closing my shopify store after a year of subscription because its useless and so expensive.

      • Hi Christine,
        I am sorry to hear you got wrapped up with Adrian, I got caught in his brother Anthony’s scams! They both promise the moon, and deliver little. I don’t know of any lawsuits, but I do hope you find one and get your money back. You could send a report to the attorney generals office and see what they say, But, you have to do that before you speak to an attorney. You can also file a report with the FTC and report him. They don’t really get back to you, but after they get enough complaints they will investigate him.
        Look at my Checklist, it will help. It has a lot of addresses to file complaints

        I tried the Kibo Code also. and it is another scam. I opened a Shopify store also and everybody wants refunds! The products they sell are at retail when you get them from their suppliers!! Super hard to sell anything! Run away from the Kibo Code!
        Contact Adrian and tell him you want your money back. keep writing emails telling him you need a managers phone number that the attorney general can call and find out about his scam.

        To start a legit business, try my #1 recommendation. You can build your own business without any scams. You can build a niche store and use Woocommerce for free. You don’t need a lot of money.
        Hope that helps, let me know how you make out.
        Thanks for taking the time to share your story!

  3. I bought this useless course unfortunately! It has been almost 2 years that I have been disputing this with credit card company but he always sends couple of papers stating that I registered and the credit card company is always on his side! Not sure what to do? Small claim court? Not paying and ruining my credit! I don’t want to support non sense training! I was disconnected in the middle of log ins and what I saw was useless! Talks about his relatives and how to rip off other people as he is an expert
    Any suggestions? Any one?

    • Hi Fariba.
      Sorry to hear you got scammed with Adrian Morrison. Before you try small claims or an attorney, try your Attorney General’s Office in your state. Tell them you have been scammed with this product and you have been battling with the credit card company to no avail. You could try calling them again, and telling them their product is useless, a scam and you want your money back. They will tell you no refunds, and all that.

      Mention if you are a senior, retired on a pension and any health problems that this has caused to get worse. Heart problems, even trouble sleeping worrying how you are ever going to pay this off, ect(real health problems made worse, don’t make up stories.) Ask for a manager that can refund your money, get his name and ask if he will be handling your complaint with the Attorney Generals office you will be filing.

      Ask what the actual name of the business is and the physical address to send the complaint too. Ask for a business phone number that the Attorney General’s office can call them and speak with the manager. Just keep telling them you want your money back, it was a scam! Asking all these type of questions makes them aware you are serious. You could try an email discussion if you can’t do a phone call, maybe over a few days or so.

      Use my checklist for what might help you. Sometimes, just acting serious about filing a complaint will get results, because they don’t want the publicity.

      Regardless, you have to fight for your money back. so, prepare to file a complaint. You can give the Ecom Success Academy a few days to react to your demands, then file a complaint. The Attorney Generals Office is free for the help they give you. You must try them before you hire any attorney, otherwise they will not get involved. They are very helpful and sometimes their pressure is successful.

      I would pursue this first because it is free. It will take the Attorney General’s Office a few weeks to get to your complaint, so be patient…do not try to call and bug them!
      I have had success with just being persistent with asking for my money back, and threatening a complaint…and I have had success with filing a complaint as well. So, I know it works. You just have to be determined to do it! Good Luck! I will help you with anything I can, just let me know.
      All the best,

      • Thanks for the information. I will try this. I tried better business bureau complaint yesterday too . Hope it works. I will keep posting the results
        Thanks again

        • Hi Fariba,
          I have researched the BBB and I can tell you they never blame the company for anything. You are wasting your time with them. They will ask the company about it and most likely reply saying the company didn’t do anything wrong. Read my article The BBB Complaint Business Is Alive And Well
          I suggest you follow the checklist, and go directly to the attorney general’s office. If you haven’t contacted support at Adrian Morrison’s site, you need to do that first. Follow my instructions in the first comment.
          #Tell them you want a refund, (they will reply – No Refunds)

          #So, ask for a manager who is going to handle the complaint you are filing with THE ATTORNEY GENERAL’S OFFICE. You want a refund.
          # Ask for a phone number, and a business address, so the Attorney General’s office can call them! Say Again and again,It didn’t work, YOU WANT A REFUND! They will get the message that you are serious! Tell them this is a scam, it didn’t work and you are worried how you are ever going to pay this debt!

          Then wait a few days! And if they don’t contact you, File a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office in your state!

          They will contact you! It will take a week or so. Don’t try to contact them and bug them, just be patient and wait.
          More often than not, It works! Sometimes the company will fork over the refund without you filing a complaint!
          Good Luck..Keep me posted!
          C 🙂

  4. Thank you so much for stopping me from buying Adrian Morrison’s course, which I cannot really afford. I am looking for an online store to make maybe $1,500 extra a month. I am not looking to skyrocket to millionaire status. I will look into the other one that you suggest. I would like to pay someone to set it up for me, remotely if possible too.

    • Hi Bobby,
      Glad to hear I saved you some money. If you decide to try Wealthy Affiliate the total cost for a year is $359 in one payment, or you can join monthly for $49 a month. You will get training to set up your own site, but you could shop around for people to set it up for you. It is not cheap to have programmers set your site up! With a quick search I found some suggestions. I have not used these so be sure to ask if they give you a free estimate for their work.
      Upwork is another one.
      You can get some quotes and decide for yourself. If you decide to try it yourself, Wealthy Affiliate is a good place to learn how.

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  6. Hi Chas,

    I am not sure if you saw my reply to your comment on Deborah’s case from Australia, so I am writing again. I am also from Australia and I just purchase Adrian Morrison’s Success Academy course and for me in AU$ was a whopping $3792. When I saw the conversion on the card, I tried to stop the transaction but the bank advised that has already gone through and they could not cancel. I then tried to contact ESA support, but they said the course was non refundable and they could not treat case by case. I guess this is fully my for not researching properly, but I have been wanting to do Ecommerce/dropshiping for a few months now and as you know, there are an overwhelming amount of online courses available, making it very hard to chose what is right and truly helpful. I am a big fan of Bob Proctor and when I saw he was affiliated with Adrian Morrison, I thought that was a legit option to go with. I wish I saw your review before purchasing this course, I don’t think the course is bad, but just away to expensive and doesn’t look like it has been updated in a while. If you know any way I could cancel this and get my money back, please advise, I would really appreciate. I could use the money to promote my store and do a more affordable orientated course.

    • Hi Cici,
      I did respond to you earlier comment. I do know that The eCom Success course is offered through Clickbank and they have a 60 day refund policy. But, if you purchased it online, you are probably stuck. Here in the US we can go through the Attorney Generals office, so you need to contact those links I provided for Deborah, or research for any new watchdog agencies in your country that would help you. Wealthy Affiliates just had their Black Friday Sale for $299 a year. They are the biggest bang for the buck anywhere.
      I don’t have a lot more to tell you, you could try to dispute the charge on your credit card. Let them know you have been scammed.
      Good luck. Let me know how you make out.

      • Hi Chas,

        Thank you so much for getting back to me, I saw both of your replies, much appreciate. Good news is, after many phone calls to the bank to dispute the transaction, they ended up doing it. I am so relieved, was only the very expensive cost of the course that got me, but the actual course is so entry level, Shopify can teach you all that shop set up stuff, then most of the Adrian’s videos is selling more and more apps.
        Thank you again for your help, I still want to do ecommerce, I just need to recover from my shock now and YES in the future if something look too good to be true, probably is.
        Cheers from Australia and Happy and successful 2020!

        • Hi Cici< Nice! Persistence pays off! It is always great to hear somebody got their money back! I hope you are wildly successful in your Shopify site. Wealthy Affiliates is a great source of marketing information on building your business also. They are not a scam, and don’t try to upsell you on anything! Thank you for taking the time to comment and let me know what happened!
          A very happy and prosperous 2020 to you as well!

          • Chas, After reading your awesome, informative and cautionary review of eSA, I was glad I didn’t fall for his hype, but then I saw your plug for Wealthy Affiliates (I tried the free intro offer- got nowhere) and I became suspicious of you too. Are you one of their affiliates? I looks like you are, as you have there complete sales offer on your revelry link. If so, the how do you make any money with them? It seemed pretty decent at first but after going through the entire free video courses, it seemed that the only way to make money was to sign up new members and make commissions from the memberships they purchase, making it more like a pyramid scheme the an legit money making business. Please advise. Thanks!

          • Hi Rich,
            I don’t quite understand why you got nowhere with the free offer, because if you sign up Wealthy Affiliate is free for one week. How can something that is completely free for one week be a scam? In fact, you can try it for an additional month for only $19. That gives you 5 full weeks to check out all the premium benefits Wealthy Affiliate has to offer for TWENTY BUCKS. Tell me any other program that teaches you how to build your own business on a shoestring budget that does that. Any other program has upsells galore and hidden costs you don’t find out about until you are sucked in and your wallet emptied.

            You do NOT have to sell Wealthy Affiliate or sign people up for commissions. That is an option! You can make money with Wealthy Affiliate by learning how to build a website and promote affiliate products!

            Wealthy Affiliate has TWO SEPARATE TRAININGS; They have a “Certification Training Course” strictly for building a niche website and promoting products from that niche. That training does not teach you to sell Wealthy Affiliate. You learn how to build and promote a business in any niche you choose.

            The additional training is “Affiliate Bootcamp” for those interested in promoting Wealthy Affiliate and receiving commissions. So, if you did get inside Wealthy Affiliate to check out the video’s, then you didn’t fail or go-nowhere as you claim.

            If all you saw was video’s on signing up new members, then you were looking at the training In the “Bootcamp” for becoming an affiliate for Wealthy Affiliate. People choose to do that because it is a very attractive 50% commission rate.

            There was no $5000 fee to check it out, it was FREE. It cost you nothing.

            Unlike many programs that offer no refunds and charge you upfront $5000 just to be able to see what is inside, WA is FREE for 7 days, and costs $349 ($299 Black Friday Special) for an entire year, which is hardly an amount to break the bank and by the end of the year you will have you own business! The amount of training you have available is worth ten times that amount.

            Yes I am an affiliate of Wealthy Affiliate and I am proud to bring such a worthwhile program to anyone who wants to create their own business with very little cost. You can learn to do it for very little cost, because they show you many ways to get traffic for free, and establish a business of your own. And after the yearly membership cost of $359, there are no upsells, period!

            That is a worthwhile training and not a scam as you suggest.

            A pyramid scheme? There is no possible connection to any pyramid scheme. You don’t recruit members for yourself. Each member is an individual and independent business owner. You learn to create your own business and earn commissions, like any other affiliate program. You don’t build a team, or gain anything from any other member. I don’t know how you came to that conclusion.

            I hope that clears things up for you. If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask, but rest assured Wealthy Affiliate is the most affordable, and completely upfront business on the internet.

    • Hello, I also bought this course for about $3000 just because I saw Bob Proctor endorsement. I did go through the whole thing and set up the website according to all his instructions. I also did Facebook advertisements the same way he shows, but no-sells were made. The funny thing its that after this blunder I started looking on the web for ways to increase traffic to a website, and I found all the information from the course for free on the web. This was a very expensive lesson, doesn’t matter who endorses a training or course always check or look for reviews about it.

      • Hi Carlos,
        Once again, I am disappointed that Bob Procter recommended this course. It seems nowadays people endorse programs without checking things out. There are many reviews disclaming that course, and all the good ones are affiliates selling the course. Most of these courses do just as you say, they sell information you can get free just by doing some research.
        You are absolutely right, nothing beats your own do diligence and research.
        Thanks for sharing your story, and maybe you will save someone else from becoming a victim.

  7. Almost had me as well.. I tried to put links to this page in comments and was not able to as well as the ripoff report.. He is very clever. no wonder he puts pressure on people to have to buy in without any research time unless doing it while he is pitching..

    • Hi Melissa,
      I almost fell for it as well. If you sign up on his website, you get no refunds. You are locked into the course and need more cash to advertise.
      Thanks for letting me know, you didn’t sign up!

  8. An impressive share! I have just forwarded this onto a coworker who was
    conducting a little research on this. And he in fact bought
    me breakfast because I stumbled upon it for him… lol. So let me reword this…….

    • Hi Eve,
      Awesome! I love to hear people researching now before they buy! I did state that I have not tried this program, but you can rest assured that you would be out $3000 plus Up-sells, and if you don’t like it, you are stuck in it to try to get your money back through sales. Because there is NO Refunds! And why is that? If this program was that great, you would be able to try it out and see if you like it first! But you can’t!
      Thanks for leaving a comment! and stop back!

  9. Wow, I was so close to enrolling, even if I didn’t have the money for it. Then I checked online about it. I agree that it’s expensive to enroll but what amazes me is the fact that he Already made lots of money, then why put too high cost to the products? And no refund? If the intent is to help alleviate other’s financial problems.. Also, most people will still have to work on it, requires focus, time, money, and effort, so it’s not really like a super easy thing to have this course priced that much.

    • Hi Flo,
      Glad you didn’t! I personally think they have so many people who want refunds, they can’t offer them. Like you said, it is a lot of money to begin with and they money train just continues once you join. He also has advertising costs. and up-sells for coaching. I get a lot of heat from his affiliates about my post, but it is what I have learned. They are not worried if it is your last dollar. Thanks for taking the time to comment! It is appreciated.

  10. ^Thanks Chas, you saved me from even thinking about doing the Adrian Morrison, i fell for his brothers crap, and knew this name morrison sounded familiar, was glad to check on here for reviews, So thanks again

    • Hi Stephen,
      You are welcome! Adrian is still promoting his high priced garbage! I fell for his brothers crap also, a complete nightmare just to get out of those sites!! I am glad to hear it every time I help someone stay clear of the Morrison brothers!!

  11. I just spent $3.5k through bob proctor
    There was nothing on the site about refunds (whether there was no refund or a refund policy)
    Any ideas what I should do to try to get my money back? I tried to stop the transaction before it went through with my bank but they couldn’t do it. I am in Australia…any ideas pleeeeese?
    Should I lodge a complaint with the fraud dept at my ban ?

    • Hi Deborah,
      I am sorry to hear you spent that much money! I am in the U.S., so your laws will be completely different. I will do my best to help you! If your check cleared, they likely can’t stop payment.

      Bob Procter is basically a motivator! I don’t know exactly what you ordered, but click here for a link to the Bob Procter coaching online terms and conditions from the Proctor/Gallagher website. It does state “No Refunds”.

      But, that may be illegal in Australia, so you may be entitled to a refund anyway!

      This appears to be a helpful site Everything you need to know about refunds in Australia.

      It sounds like you will be dealing with either the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) or the Department of Fair Trading.

      Contact them and tell them, that Bob Procter did not deliver what you expected, and you got ripped off!

      This is where your laws seem to say it is illegal in Australia to have a “NO REFUNDS” clause, so maybe you have a good chance to get your money back?

      Here is the Consumers Guarantees page
      It states a product must deliver what it promises! So, you have a strong legal right to fight for your money back!

      I would try to get it back without cost first, then you could talk to an attorney later and see if you have any rights to the money. I think you do, but sometimes, it just costs more that it is worth to fight it! Anyway, it sounds like you have some laws protecting you!
      If you are looking for a scam free way to earn more money, check out my #1 recommendation it is free for a week to test drive and if you need more time, another month only costs $19. No Scams, No frills, No BS.
      I hope that helps! Good Luck and let me know what happens.

      • OMG I could just copy and paste Deborah’s comment, the exact same thing just happened to me. I wish I saw her case before I purchased this course, I few so stupid.
        I am in Australia and I follow
        Bob Proctor for a while, I love his videos and he started to
        promote Adrian Morrison (well, now I know its not new). Since I have been thinking of doing e-commerce anyway, I thought purchasing a course affiliated with Bob Proctor would be genuine. The price for me in Australia was a whopping $3791.64. When I saw the charge on the card I contacted the bank to try to stop the transaction, but they said the transaction had already gone through. I had a look at the course and seems not updated at all, still saying, updates coming up.
        I really wish I could get out of this course and get my money back. He also does weekly live webinars and the first one I watched, was all about selling a software to enable you to upsell on your shopify, so basically an usell for you to also upsell! I thought these life videos was for further training and updates.
        I’ve been looking at Shopify academy and the courses are all free, there is one for Dropshipping by Corey Ferreira that would probably be enough for beginners.
        Do you know by any chance if Deborah got her money back? I will look at the resources you provided her, looks like you really look into our law here in Australia, thanks for that. I will be definitely more careful next time and do more research.

        • Hi Cici,
          Sorry I didn’t reply sooner, busy with the Christmas season here in the US. I am also sorry about your sending Adrian Morrison a check. He has the same “No Refunds” policy. I don’t know how Debora did, she never got back to me. I don’t know a whole lot about your law. I did see some mention about “no refunds” being illegal, but you will have to see exactly what that means because I am no attorney. Contact those links in your country and see what they have to say.
          I didn’t like Bob Proctor recommending Adrian’s course, it’s all about money anymore. You will see plenty of glowing reports about Adrian Morrison. It is affiliates selling his course! Keep that in mind in the future, if it sounds too good to be true, it is!

  12. Thanks for this very in-depth guide about Econ success. While it seems this does have a very good training program and you can potentially make a lot of money — the cost of this program is just way to high!

    I mean spending Hundreds if not thousands a month — then if it doesn’t work you don’t get a refund back? Sorry but I don’t have that kind of money to throw away — and I doubt most other people do either.

    So I’ll stick to creating websites and getting organic traffic which cost be less than a dollar a day to do — and it too can being me in thousands of dollars a month.

    Thanks again for his great review.

    • Hi Michael,

      You are welcome, glad you like the review. The training is more than likely just enough to sucker you into to investing time and more money, before the hit you up for more coaching and give out a little bit more information.

      It’s like a hamster wheel and the money train never stops. The no refund should kill the deal for everyone, but it unfortunately doesn’t. 

      It sounds like you found a way to make legitimate money online! Good for you!

      Thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment,


  13. Hi Chas,great article here.Always great to read articles on the other side of some of the trash being promoted online.The con/scam market is huge isn’t it?About 1 year ago,I decided to start looking online and i was swamped by scam after scam and even made contact with a person that listened to my story and promised to help,but wuld never quite get around to telling me how they would help.I soon got rid of that character.Simply great work here Chas in that you are promoting awareness about such dealings online. :))

    • Hi Billy,

      Glad you liked the article. It is big, and with billions of eyeballs looking there are a lot of suckers out there just begging to be caught, just because they don’t know, what they don’t know! I didn’t know any better, and you learned your lesson as well. That is why it works so well. Thanks for the kind words, it is hard to take some of the abuse from the scammers when you take their bread and butter away. 

      Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, it is appreciated for sure,


  14. Well it seems like the eCom Success Academy is a very expensive scam.  How unfair to just take people’s money like that and at that price point.  It is great that you are exposing this scam so that less people will be taken advantage of after reading it. People really need to do thier research before deciding which products that they wish to buy online.  

    • Hi Shy,

      It is expensive for sure, and people get caught in it everyday. Guys like Adrian Morrison don’t care about being fair, they just take the bags of money to the bank, or watch the electronic balance grow bigger and bigger. Most people get caught for the first time, and after they get burned, then they realize they should have researched it a little bit.

      Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment,


  15. Great review!

    I think he is quite popular. I saw few youtube videos but luckily didn’t fell in love with his words. You are so right… the secret of his success is using other people money, I am more than sure he didn’t earn millions only from Amazon. If he is not ready to refund money back, he knows his system won’t work and everybody will request refunds. 

    this is quite expensive scam 🙁 

    • Hi Snap,

      Yep, he is popular for sure. But when people find out that is requires work, and  more and more money, they start to get the message. they were fooled into believing the first $3000 was all it cost! Not with the Morrison brothers!

      I don’t know if he did or not make millions, but he has a lot more money to invest into ads that can bring in traffic eventually to your site. So, my guess is he very well could have, but he is not being honest with the actual cost of the entire business.  I totally believe that he gets constant requests for refunds, so he just said “no refunds”. I think that says it all right there.

      He is also using Shopify sites, so they will stay with Shopify if you leave. I think it’s really costly to re code the entire site, unless you find someone to host the “Liquid” code that Shopify uses.

      Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment,


      • This is an amazing blog… I can’t stop reading. We fell for this crap; because we know about traditions; business but certainly not building Shopify stores to promote online business. WOW… we feel like our heads are spinning. All these terms are so unfamiliar with average people of course we all are open for coaching. What is “Liquid Coding”❓ Of course we knew it was up to us to do the work, but we expected clear instructions not sales pitch after pitch instead. Furious, neither Adrian nor Mark Lack can even return emails.

        • Hi Sofia,
          Thank you, I am glad you liked the blog. “Liquid” is the code Shopify uses in their websites. Adrian is good at sales, but not at teaching. These scam marketers don’t want to answer any problems, just take your money.
          Thanks for taking the time to comment, and please stop back soon.

  16. Wow, am I glad I came across this article. I was actually thinking of joining the Ecom Success Academy, once I had gathered enough money to pay for the enrollment. Thank you for letting me know that there are hidden upsells and such. I guess i am going to back to sticking with being faithful to wealthy affiliate and work on my blogs and get my niche going. 



    • Hi Peter,

      Wow, I am glad you read this as well! Yes, stick with the real deal Wealthy Affiliates! I have people contacting me for help because Econ Success Acadamy is not making them any money!! One gal who was a former WA member was going to try the program as well, so I tried to buy a bootlegged version, and got nailed there for a few hundred! lol

      Also you must understand that Adrian Morrison has an affiliate program as well, so all those glowing, wonderful reviews are his affiliates selling the program!

      I did see enough of what he was doing to realize what it is. He will show you bits and pieces, but they no doubt  want to sell coaching as an upsell. I’m guessing $5k. It’s the same crap Anthony was selling in his course Success with Anthony

       Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.


  17. WOW, ok, I know it is hard to say that something is a scam, when it may be able to help people generate money online. So therefore, it is maybe technically “NOT” a scam, but come on. No refund, major upsells, and the multiple costs of all the other services you would need, I mean come on people. This is one that I have never seen before, but I can say that I am so glad that you are bringing it to people’s attention before it is too late. Who can afford to lose $3000 or more? Let me say it again, WOW. Thank you for offering a better solution, one that is well worth looking into. 

    • Hi Free4life,

      Adrian Morrison, the guy behind this scam deal was taught by his brother Anthony Morrison. At one time a years ago, Anthony was on all the late night infomercials Selling his Success With Anthony course, bragging about how he saved his mom and dad, who were broke at the time, blah, blah blah. He taught Adrian how to become a complete upsell monster as well. And the no refunds kinda tells the story doesn’t it? A $3000 product, with no refunds, screams scam, stay away!! But, I have people who have lost their money, contacting me. They usually put it on a credit card, and then they are stuck with it. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment.


  18. Hello

    I am currently a student of Adrian Morrison’s “ecom success academy” and paid in good faith $2,500 US Dollars to Adrian for which he was supposed to teach me how to make money “drop-shipping”. In reality, his program does not work. I am yet to make $1 Dollar Profit. I worked very hard, often staying awake at the computer until 3AM, did everything he recommended in the training video’s, emailed support for help, received generic and unhelpful replies and finally i asked for a refund. They refused to refund me and now i am suffering financial hardship. I live on a pension and barely have enough money to pay for rent and put food on the table. Please help me get a refund.


    • Hi Micah,
      Both of the Morrison brothers Adrian and older brother Anthony are scam artists! I am sorry to hear you sent them your money. I am sure they told you that to make more you have to send more money, buy more programs, ect. All crap!
      Micah, click here for my checklist on what to do if your are in the U.S.A. The attorney Generals office will help you. I would try them first, before you call any attorney and there is no charge. Let me know if you need any help with anything.

      Also, If you want to learn to market products, this is one of the best platforms I know! It is not a scam, and you learn how to market products the right way! You can take a look for free and you don’t need a credit card until you decide you want to join. Click here to check it out. You will be able to have my help and 24/7 support chat line for any questions or help you need. it is by far one of the best places to get real legitimate training!

      I know you have lost money and the last thing you want to here is some promotion. I understand, but you may be able to turn you bad situation into a profitable business. The membership is cheap ($349) for a full year compared to the $2500 you just spent, And you can stay a free member for awhile, around 6 months or more.

      Also, they do have a black friday special every year..for $299. I am sure they will do it again this year. Anyway, just some food for thought. I honestly think it might help you? It’s free to take a look.
      Good Luck! let me know if you need help with anything, and I promise I will help you any way I can.

  19. Chas, I appreciate this helpful article. I love the readability and concise descriptions. Thank you for making the world a better place.

    • Hi Rick,
      Thank you for the kind words, they are appreciated. Keep up the good work yourself,you are also trying to make the world better for all with your blog. And thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. Good luck in all you do!

  20. I also signed up for Anthony Morrison’s webinar.. I decided to opt in for a $80 program he had promoted in the webinar. After I paid the $80, I was taken to another site to be pumped for an additional $700 program, and the site would NOT let me, get out, and after hitting the backspace key, several times, it took me to another page where I was pressured into buying a $1500 program..Anthony was talking and counterdicting himself within seconds of making promises. He said this program has a 365 day trial period, and you have 1 year to try it out, & a money back return up to that point.. Within less than a minute, he said the SAME EXACT program had a 60 day money back guarantee..What the hell is going on, & it happened several times, as I rewatced his other webinar!! After leaving that page he advertised the %1500 program w/365 day return policy, then seconds later say 60 day, it took you to the sales page, which also said a 60 day money back guarantee.. By that time, I KNEW HE Was a FRAUD!! So I kept backspacing trying to get out of his site, but I was still charged the initial $80, tried to contact his website, & thru the text he’d just sent me. I could not get ahold of ANYONE, for 2 wks.. After being bombarded with numerous more emails, sales crap, after trying to text, call, email, to cancel the order, I HAD to Literally threaten his support team, that I was going to have them investigated, & within 3 days, they FINALLY, set my refund into motion.. NEVER AGAIN WILL I HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANTHONY MORRISON!1 Now tonight, I see Bob Proctor (FAMOUS EXPERT ENTREPRENEUR) on an Facebook Ad with Adrian Morrison, Talking like he is Really Some Awesome Marketing wizard for Ecom.. Bob Proctor says Oh yeah, I just got my granddaughter sighed up for Adrian Morrison’s webinar,she’s a model,& needs to have other way’s to secure her future…. I’m thinking is that Anthony Morrison’s brother.. Sure enough, of course it is.. Bob Proctor needs to REALLY CHECK PEOPLE OUT, before he backs them up, then involves his own family member’s to be set up to be taken advantage by these manipulative scam artists.. Buyer’s Beware..

    • Hi Betty,
      it is not pleasant to get trapped in purchasing any of Anthony Morrison’s products. That trap you describe is the pits! I was into $2500 dollars trying to get out of his site Success With Anthony . As you say you can’t do anything but click the buy button! I was furious! I had very little money back then, and I wanted it back!!
      Now it seems the “Refund Guarantee” is a problem as well…you never know if you will be able to actually get a response from the support people to even get a refund! That is the problem. I am glad you got your money back!! That is exactly how he gets his money! He knows many people will feel so stupid they will just let it go or stop trying to get the money back.

      Now, I will tell you that Bob Proctor does not feel bad about promoting Anthony Morrison! Why? If you research Bob Procter a bit, you will find plenty of complaints. He is well known, but his products sell hope…and dreams! And he charges a LOT of money for…basically no product.

      Some people are motivated and don’t mind shelling out $2000 for a seminar, others are not impressed at all! Here is a story of a couple who were sold on Bob Procter..at first…then changed their minds. https://rickpackblog.wordpress.com/2017/08/11/attending-the-matrixx-by-pgi-a-poor-decision/

      I personally do not believe that if you think you will become rich , it will happen because you think it will. That is what Bob Procter teaches. The power is within us, but I have been at motivation seminars before, and they work for awhile, then it wears off.
      Thank you for letting us know your story! May it help others to stay away from Anthony and Adrian Morrison!

  21. I have recently watched the webinar (online presentation) last night. Adrian Morrison did not mention anything about weekly costs and upsell costs. I did not sign up. I am just there to gather info.

    • Hi Alma,
      First of all and most important…NO REFUNDS. You will not get your money back if you don’t like it! So, whatever his cost is now $2500 or whatever, you lose.
      Also, you will need additional money for posting ads on facebook-I guess another $1k or $2k maybe, and you will need inventory another $2,000 or so, and you have the monthly costs of a shopify site, $60 buck a month?
      He recommends the higher priced site, then you may need additional plugins that shopify sells you. It is going to take $7,000 to $10,000 to do what he is doing, just so you know!

      Right up front you lose the $2500…whatever happens. I think that anyone who refuses to give a refund is waving a big red flag! That says scam, because people most likely want their money back often, and to stop that he doesn’t allow refunds.

      Wealthy Affiliates costs $359 bucks a year and you learn how to it yourself without all the extra cost. Good Luck!

      • I purchased his fb app2xs on accident each costing arround 1000.00 $ I explained what happened and was refused a refund on the second one I ordered by accident. Also I am at the time locked out of my store. It got hacked onto on Ali express. Been trying to reach him and its been impossible. I am a vip student and cannot get to anything on his program because the hackers took over. I was hacked by what they call the Microsoft driver update.

        • HI Lisa,
          I am sorry to hear that, $1000 twice! I was involved with his brother Anthony!I got a webpage with a microsoft hack attempt, but didn’t click anything and evaded that one.
          The Morrisons don’t refund money, that is the problem! They even state that..No Refunds! Let this be a hard lesson…Never deal with anyone who does that! Ok, so my best advice to you is to call the host of the website(Shopify?) Tell them what has happened and see if they can do anything to help get your site unlocked.

          Do you have any antivirus software protecting the site? I have Kaspersky and I can call them when I have trouble like that, but being locked out they might not be able to help.I would try to call them as well.
          You could also call Microsoft, but they charge for their help now, just so you know. They may be able to get you back into your site. It may also be a Virus inside you computer, so try to check out that route, and with the antivirus people you have and get your computer cleaned up. That may get you in as well.
          In the end if all else fails, you will have to follow my checklist and contact the attorney general and see if they can help get your money back. Good Luck! Weekends are not the best for support either!
          let me know if I can help you with anything..I will do what I can!
          I can also help you get your own website set up and no scams…for a fraction of what you invested! Just take a look at Wealthy Affiliates, it is FREE to try it…and a FULL YEARS Membership costs $359 bucks!(hosting and hacker protection is included..plus sites are backed up..support could access a backup and get you straightened out quickly in most cases)

  22. I checked out your site and found it very interesting. But when it first came up I saw the ad for the Ecom success acadamy and thought you were selling it. Only after reading it did I see that it was a review of a scam. The other pages were good reading, I love it when someone exposes sites that are scams. Great site

    • When I was researching the eCom Success Academy, I found many people endorsing the product, and I wondered why?. They were affiliates selling the program. If they offer no refunds, the affiliates are guaranteed their money. This is exactly how the Morrison brothers make millions. Thanks for stopping by.


  23. Hello Chas,

    I want to start by saying i think this is a great and very informative review on this product. It is important that people know about these types of products that will sound good in the beginning but wind up costing you much more than one would think in order to succeed. I am also glad you included a FREE and much more effective way to make money online at the end of the review. Great job Chas.

    Christopher De La Hoz

    • Hi Chris,

      My purpose was to make people aware that they are putting up a lot of money that they can’t get back! It is not so clearly stated by Adrian Morrison, that there are “No Refunds”. So, if you try his product and you find out is is not for you, too bad. Yes, I wanted people to know that there are much safer programs to get started online. I am glad I found Wealthy Affiliates. It completely changed my life. Thanks for stopping by!



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