Is The Super Affiliate Network A Scam – Find Out Now

Is the Super Affiliate Network a scam, or a legitimate effective training program?  I will take a look at the Super Affiliate Network to understand what it is all about. My goal is to determine if this program is worthwhile or not. The internet is full of BS Programs that aren’t worth the cost and there are some that are legitimate training programs. This program has quite a few upsells and that is a red flag.

  • Name    – Super Affiliate Network
  • Website –
  • Price     – $37/month to $12,497 with upsells
  • Owners – Misha Wilson
  • Quality – Good Training but Expensive
  • Overall Rank – 7/10
  • Refunds – 30 Day Refund/with Conditions
  • Verdict –  Not Recommended

Table of Contents

Is The Super Affiliate Network A Scam Or Legitimate

The Super Affiliate Network is the brainchild of Misha Wilson. He is an expert, famous for growing traffic and conversions faster than anyone else. He acquired 6 figures in online income at the young age of 24. After succeeding in several opportunities, and helping other entrepreneurs succeed, the Super Affiliate Network was born.

Many other programs I have reviewed, such as The Daily Cash Siphon, The EZ Payment Method, or Explode My Payday, have fake creators. Misha Wilson is a real person. Not a fake, some paid actor, or model picked from photos online. He is real and the course is a real course that teaches his method of online marketing. The claims are a bit hard to believe. However, Misha has been very successful and has a great deal of real world marketing experience.

Misha Wilson’s Product – The Super Affiliate Package:

Misha’s Claim

Simple 4 Step Formula That Unlocks 9 Red Hot Income Strategies & Reveals How You Can Make $2,187.87 On Complete Autopilot In Just 7 Days.

Really? $2,187.87 in one week? This is a huge amount of money for anyone to make with a brand new program and in just 7 days! The SANS Program boasts 3 weeks to freedom.

Image Of The Super Affiliate 
 Network Complete Package

 The Super Affiliate Network Package Contents:

The Super Affiliate Network or SAN training claims it teaches anyone how to do affiliate marketing using paid ads, email marketing and list building.

It is $7 trial offer to join the site, and $47 a month after that. If you skip the trial and sign up immediately, the cost is only $37 a month.

But, as soon as you sign up, you have to immediate upsells.

  • The Solo Ads Success Formula for – $97
  • SAN Monthly Newsletter – $47

The training consists of 18 video training modules in 3 levels of training.

The Profit Boosting Bootcamp

Image Of The Profit Boosting Bootcamp Package

The first 3 introduction modules can be watched, but the actual training videos are locked until you speak to your coach on the phone to get your password. You can’t move forward until you speak to your coach. These trainings are supposed to be watched everyday for 21 days.

After you speak to your coach, you find out you have to pony up $500 to lock in your $1000 rate for additional training. The actual rate for the pro training is $997 – $2497. I turned the offer down, because I had seen enough. This is just riddled with upsells

If there is one thing I personally hate, is getting hit with upsells to continue your training. These are immediate red flags to me.This is where people start to call it a scam. It’s more like hard sell marketing, and most people hate it.

But, most of all I don’t give out my phone number. Why, you ask? It is simple. Once good salespeople get you on the phone, they can sell you anything! Trust me when I say this! It is bad news. You will always be in danger of phone sales at any time, period! They have your phone number. This could continue if you leave the program. Video conferencing is much less invasive.

If I absolutely have to give out a number, then I invest in a separate phone number with a message machine. You can use Google Voice, it’s free with a gmail account. That’s what I always do. They can call forever, but I just hit the delete button.

SAN Uses Paid Ads To Drive Traffic And Advertise Your Products

The Super Affiliate Network Solo Ad Product Image

The method of choice is Solo Ads. Some marketers swear by Solo ads, other marketers won’t go near them. It’s risky. You are paying for lists to run ads. They cost money, and you should research the sellers and be reasonably sure they sell decent lists. Some lists consist of nothing more than scrapped addresses from other websites. That means they won’t convert very well at all. So, you will need to ask around and check out your list seller.

It takes some experience to get Solo ads to work well. And, if everyone is using the same creatives on the same lists, thing will get stale pretty quickly. You need some marketing savvy to create good selling ads. And I can tell you, from doing Facebook product ads, there is a ton of competition from experts with great creative ads. If others are using this same list, then other high quality ads are being sent as well.

Paid Ads Are A Bit More Than Pocket Change

This is best for people with some capital to invest in testing ads and lists. If you are ok with that, then you know that you are going to pay for all the traffic you get, period. If you run short on money, before you get conversions, you are not going to be able to get any conversions until you get more money.

Personally, I like organic traffic using SEO. It’s free, but it does take some content marketing and some time. If you would like to check out free step by step training on my #1 best recommendation for affiliate marketing, click the link below.

Is The Super Affiliate Network A Scam Or An MLM Program?

The SAN Program also has a two-tier Affiliate program that has a whole commission structure with different commission pay levels, depending upon what level you are at. If you recruit someone to buy into the program, you get a commission. But, you commission depends upon your level.

For example, if you are enrolled at the annual level, and anyone joins with your affiliate link, you get paid for annual or below. But, if someone buys a Pro membership, and you haven’t joined(paid for) the pro membership, you forfeit your commission.

It is a sneaky way to get you to buy all the upsell programs yourself! This is something nobody is telling you and the reason I say it is quite expensive. Plus, SAN also does live events that they charge you attend as well.

The SAN Affiliate Commission Schedule

SAN – Monthly$7 Trial Converts at  $47Tier 1 = 70% – Tier 2 = 20%
SAN – MonthlyFree Trial Converts at $37Tier 1 = 70% – Tier 2 = 20%
SAN – Premium$97 – One TimeTier 1 = 70% – Tier 2 = 20%
SAN – SAM$47 – One TimeTier 1 = 70% – Tier 2 = 20%
SAN – Annual$165-$397 – One Time YearlyTier 1 = 70% – Tier 2 = 20%
SAN – Lifetime$497 – One TimeTier 1 = 70% – Tier 2 = 20%
SAN Swipe File$247 – One TimeTier 1 = 70% – Tier 2 = 20%
SASF$7 – $297Tier 1 =90%
PRO$997 – $2497Tier one =  40% – Tier 2 = 20%
COOP$300 – $5000Tier 1 = 10%

These High level tiers resemble methods used in Matt Lloyd’s MOBE Program that was shut down by the FTC. Mobe pushed a product that was just ways to sell the product. The largest programs are more intense training and cost a lot more.

The prices of the Maui Mentoring Event($12,497) and All in Mentorship Programs($25,000) are staggering.

The Costs Are A Red Flag – Is The Super Affiliate Network A Scam?

  •  Monthly Fee  –  $37 or $47 x 12 = $564
  • Solo Ads Email Marketing  – $97 (Email Marketing Techniques)
  • San Monthly Newsletter – $47 x 12 =$564(Monthly video trainings)
  • Pro Membership – $2497
  • Maui Mentoring Event – $12,497
  • All In Mentorship Program ($15,000 – $25,000)

This is going to cost you  $3600 to get to the Pro level and another 37,497 to go all in. This doesn’t include the costs of advertising. So, this is not an easy entry level program for most. And I have to question the cost of the program. Misha compares his cost of doing business to the expensive business franchises. SAN is beyond someone looking for starting a business on a shoestring.

IS The Super Affiliate Network A Scam – It Has A Refund Offer

If you are wondering about refunds, you can get a refund from The Super Affiliate Network. In fact, Misha will give you a hundred bucks for checking it out. Well, we did give up our email addy to get in! Here’s the offer. Some restrictions apply.

The Super Affiliate Network Refund Guarantee


  • Only $7 to Access
  • Proven Marketer
  • Quality Training
  • Facebook Support Group


  • Upsells to $12,497
  • Narrow Focus on Paid Traffic
  • Expensive
  • Huge Profit Claims
  • MLM Features

Is The Super Affiliate Network A Scam? – No, It Is Legit

The Super Affiliate Network has good training. It is narrowly focused on the paid ads and email marketing. It is quite detailed in teaching how to get leads, and sell products using affiliate links and paid advertising. The shortfall is it doesn’t teach how to get organic traffic using SEO(Search Engine Optimization) and the use of keywords. It uses a landing page, but does not teach how to design and create websites.

Verdict – Not RecommendedThumbs Down Image for Not Recommended

The cost of the SAN product is not something people who are trying to start a business on a shoestring budget should get involved with. They will quickly find themselves in debt unless they have quite a nestegg to pay for all the upsells. And, it does not produce a website, or help you establish one. Websites make your efforts more valuable and create a business you can sell later.

Using websites and organic search allows you to create traffic without paid ads, and gaining a better online presence. Having a website also allows you to build a brand and more secure business model. It builds trust by allowing you to display who you are and show your audience how you can help them. That is why I can’t recommend this product as a good investment.

If you invest in all the upsells and costs and live events, you will be keeping Misha Wilson very happy! But, why keep constantly giving up your hard earned profits to make Misha richer? I have a better way. Build your own business and become your own boss without paying someone else.

Are You Tired Of Throwing Your Money Away Yet?

Isn’t it about time you get something that really works, and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg? I have found that most programs are nothing but promises, and don’t make you any money. Overhyped sales pitches make money for the promoters and owners of the product they are selling to you.

My goal is to help everyone I can, by uncovering scams and trying to prevent others from falling for them as I did many times. I have spent several years in the internet space, trying to finds ways to increase my income. The internet is a minefield of scams and get rich schemes. Along the way I found an honest way to increase my income and work for myself. You can too. It is no a scam, it is real training that will teach you to earn a living and start your own business.

It’s True, But You Have to Take Action

I can’t make you believe that what I am telling you is true, you have to get it and see for yourself. If you are seriously looking for a way to change your life, then why not try a program where people come to you? They come to you because you offer value, and don’t scam people.

Don’t buy the hype. You can start building a solid business online that actually makes you money. But only if you take action. If you don’t change your life today, nothing happens. Ten years from now, your life will still be the same. You have to take action and make the change NOW. Don’t wait another minute, or waste another dime. Check out what really works. Click the link below.

Covid 19 has ravaged the world causing the death of tens of thousands compromised family members and tens of millions of people worldwide. Millions of people in the USA have been thrown out of work do to no fault of their own. This has caused workers to rely on temporary state aid, and forced many from their homes. Something like this is how your life can be turned upside down in an instant. It doesn’t have to be that way

This stark reality is why creating your own business is so important now more than ever. Affiliate Marketing is something that cannot be taken away. Online business is thriving because people are shopping online more than ever!

There has never been a better time to cash in on this lucrative business and create your own financial Independence with online marketing.

Be your own boss, start your journey to financial freedom today.

Chas The Owner Of Help For Scams And Frauds

I am Chas, creator and founder of Help For Scams And Frauds. I started affiliate marketing and earning money online in 2015. And I can tell you, anyone can do this. But, in order to build a business the right way you must have the right training and avoid the get rich quick schemes.

Check out my #1 Recommendation For The Best Online Training in 2024

Super Affiliate Network


Super Affiliate Network



  • $7 access
  • Quality Training
  • Facebook Support Group


  • Too Many Upsells
  • Expensive
  • MLM features

10 thoughts on “Is The Super Affiliate Network A Scam – Find Out Now”

  1. Hello Chas, 

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful article on the super affiliate network and I feel so happy to be at Wealthy Affiliates for real. There are so many other platforms out there and was really glad to hear a lot more about this one because of all the things I have heard of it. I actually like the programs and it’s one of the best I have seen but it’s pricing is really heart breaking. 

    • Hi Lawson,

      You are welcome. It is my pleasure to share these articles. Wealthy Affiliates is one of the best programs on the web. But, Super Affiliate Network is a limited scope program of using paid advertising, where WA teaches how to build an entire website, not just a landing page. And the cost of WA is much more reasonable.

      Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. Please stop back soon.


  2. Thank you for sharing this extensive review of super affiliate network which has taught me all I need to know about the platform, enough to form my own decisions about it. I appreciate that you gave an unbiased review by also listing the cons of it and after reading your article I don’t think I can consider the platform. 

    • Hi Sean,

      You are welcome. I am glad I educated you on the Super Affiliate Network, and maybe saved you some expensive pain.I think even the name using Super Affiliate implies you will become an educated affiliate marketer. But, it only covers paid advertising. I think training that covers all types of affiliate marketing is much better training.

      Thanks for leaving a comment, and please stop back soon.


  3. Hello there! Thank you very much for dropping this review on super affiliate. Many people tend to avoid online businesses these days because most of them turn out to be scam or not legit so this review is really nice. Super affiliate network from what I read here is an okay platform. The access fee is really affordable and it also provides quality training. However, this is not something I would involve myself with. I don’t like any platform with MLM features so I’ll skip this. Thank you. 

    • Hi Sophie,

      You are welcome. Trying to stop people from getting into programs that are not quite what they think they are is what I try to do. MLM’s are a real pain in the butt in my opinion. I don’t like recruiting people into what I don’t like to do. 

      Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. Please stop back soon!


  4. It’s very helpful to have come across this article right now and I’ve been able to learn a lot of things from it. It’s very important to know whether the product you’re looking into is owned by a real owner, it helps clarify how safe it can be. I think super affiliate network is a good product, it depends on what you’re looking for.

    • Hi Jbryce,

      I am glad you found some value in my Super Affiliate Network Review. It is a good product if you only want to do paid ads and have money for many upsells also. It is very expensive, and is like an MLM. I think is is a waste of money myself.

      Thank you for your comment. Please stop back soon.


  5. Thank you Chas, for this very Informative article. Super Affiliate Network is like the next big thing in the online marketing business, paid ads training. The way you brought the pros and cons makes everything easy for someone who is thinking of going into it. You can also write to increase your traffic. You also can use the general public through search engines. Super Affiliate Network does not teach this.

    This piece will help to guide an individual in deciding the costs involved with paid ads for online marketing, and getting free organic search traffic. 

    • Hi Maureen,

      You are welcome. I try to bring out the important points of products that could bring unfavorable results to people who get involved with them. The Super Affiliate Network has a lot of hidden costs involved that would cause some great hardships financially to people just starting out. Using paid ads is costly. Having upsells as well is even more costly. I prefer to refer people to my Free 10 step training course instead. 

      Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. Please stop back soon.



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