What Is The Ubersuggest Tool – Does It Work?

What is the Ubersuggest tool? If you are here right now, you have come to the right place. I am going to explain what the Ubersuggest toll is and show you how it works.

Their are many keyword research tools available and you need all the information you can get to make an informed decision.

So , with that being said, let’s take a look under the hood of Ubersuggest.

Ubersuggest is a keyword research tool created by Neil Patel.

And like I said, their are several keyword research tools already available. They all search keywords and provide information on the rankings for each one.

The next question is, what does Ubersuggest do better than the competition? Let’s find out.

  • Name    –  Neil Patel
  • Website – https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/
  • Price     – I week Free, Basic-$,29 Advanced-$49, Premium-$99
  • Owners – Neil Patel and Mike Kamo
  • Quality – Excellent
  • Overall Rank – 9/10
  • Refunds –  1 week for monthly plans, 60 days for yearly plans.
  • Verdict –  Legit

Table Of Contents

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Overview of Neil Patel’s “Ubersuggest” Tool

Ubersuggest helps you take your SEO(Search Engine Optimization) to the next level. With Ubersuggest, you can discover new long-tail keywords. And also research related phrases and keywords, plus learn about your competitors’ SEO efforts.

Ubersuggest also provides a keyword suggestion tool to help you find the terms people are searching for. And it also provides an SEO audit tool to optimize your website for search engines. Plus, analytics tools to help you track your website’s progress. With Ubersuggest, you’ll have all the insights you need to dominate the rankings and increase your visibility online.

The free keyword tool is only free for a one week trial. After that it is $29 a month. But, honestly that is a one of the cheapest keyword research tools available. So, the cost is lower than other keyword tools.

Users of all levels of expertise can use Ubersuggest to find keywords for their websites anytime they are creating content.

Ubersuggest analyzes billions of websites across the web to find the best long tailed keywords to use. The user starts by entering a phrase or keyword they would like to use, and Ubersuggest begins to generate keyword ideas.

Related Article: Neil Patel Digital

What Is the Ubersuggest Tool – How Does It Work?

Ubersuggest analyzes your subject keyword, and then generates hundreds of keyword ideas. All of these keyword ideas are related to your subject. Then using its own algorithm, it gives information on the competition and search volume of each keyword idea.

Additionally, Ubersuggest tracks your competitors’ SEO efforts, giving you the edge you need to outrank them. Finally, Ubersuggest provides an SEO audit tool to help you optimize your website for search engines. And at the same time, it uses analytics tools to track your progress.

Take a look at this video as Neil explains how his tool really works.

Features and Benefits

As I said earlier, Ubersuggest analyzes billions of websites. And along with Google search and other sources, it identifies words, phrases, and topics related to the keywords that people are commonly searching for.

Then it breaks down the information into specific areas. Such as, search volume, keyword difficulty, and cost per click (CPC) for each keyword phrase. This identifies the most relevant and economical keywords to use.

How To Use Ubersuggest

  • Visit the Ubersuggest website and type in your desired keyword. Ubersuggest will then generate a list of related keywords and phrases.
  • Select the keyword or phrase you’d like to research further. Ubersuggest will then provide you with an overview of the keyword’s monthly search volume, competition level, and cost-per-click.
  • Click on the “Trends” tab for a look at the keyword’s search popularity over time. This can help you determine if the keyword is on the rise or decline.
  • Check out the “Related Keywords” tab for a list of other keywords related to your desired keyword. This can help you uncover more opportunities for optimization.
  • Click on the “Content Ideas” tab to get a list of related articles and blog posts that you can use as inspiration for your own content.
  • Click on the “Top Pages” tab to get a list of the top-ranking pages for the keyword you’ve chosen. This can be useful to help you identify opportunities for optimization.
  • Click on the “Competitors” tab to get a list of the websites that are competing for rankings for the same keyword. This can help you identify potential areas of improvement.
  • Finally, click on the “Backlinks” tab to get a list of the websites linking to the top-ranking pages for the keyword. This can help you uncover link-building opportunities.

Advantages of Ubersuggest

Overall, Ubersuggest is an invaluable tool for content creators, SEO professionals, and digital marketers alike. It provides users with the keyword data they need to create content that is relevant, profitable, and easy to rank for.

In addition, UberSuggest provides users with a comprehensive overview of their keyword data in the form of a visual graph. This graph allows users to compare the performance of their seed keyword to related keywords. And also get insights into how their seed keyword has performed over time.

What Is The Ubersuggest Tool - Image of The Graph Display

Improved Search Visibility

UberSuggest also offers a keyword difficulty score which helps users determine which keywords are too competitive to target. And which ones are easier to rank for. This score is based on a variety of factors. Such as the quality of the website’s content, the authority of the website, and the number of other websites targeting the same keyword.

Increase Traffic

  • First, open up the Ubersuggest tool and enter the website URL into the search bar.
  • Ubersuggest will provide you with a detailed report of the website’s SEO performance. Including keyword rankings, traffic volume, and backlinks.
  • Now it’s time to start optimizing your website for SEO. Begin by conducting keyword research to discover the best keywords to target on your website.
  • Once you’ve identified the keywords, start optimizing the website’s content with the keywords. This can include adding them to the title tags, meta descriptions, headings, and body content.
  • Link building is also a critical part of SEO. This involves earning backlinks from other websites, which can further improve your website’s rankings. You can do this by guest posting, creating content for other websites, and participating in online forums.
  • After you’ve made all the necessary changes, it’s time to track your website’s progress. Ubersuggest can help you with this by providing detailed reports on your website’s SEO performance.
  • Finally, use Ubersuggest’s SEO features to continually monitor and improve your website’s SEO performance. This will help ensure that your website is always up-to-date with the latest SEO trends, and will help you maintain high levels of traffic.
What Is The Ubersuggest Tool - Image Of The Traffic Graph display

Generate Ideas

  1. First, you’ll need to go to the Ubersuggest website and type in the keywords you want to generate ideas for.
  2. Next, Ubersuggest will pull up a list of related topics and queries from its keyword database.
  3. You can then filter the list by different criteria to narrow down your search.
  4. Once you’ve refined your search, Ubersuggest will then start to suggest website ideas for you.
  5. These ideas may include topics, content pieces, and even titles for blog posts.
  6. You can then explore each idea further by clicking on it to get more information.
  7. Ubersuggest will provide stats such as monthly search volume and keyword difficulty to help you decide which ideas to pursue.
  8. Finally, you can start researching and creating your website with the ideas Ubersuggest has generated for you.

Some Limitations of Ubersuggest

  • UberSuggest is not as comprehensive as some other keyword research tools on the market. It only provides suggestions based on the keywords you enter, while other tools offer much more in-depth keyword research analysis.
  • Also UberSuggest is limited to Google search data and doesn’t provide data from other search engines like Bing or Yahoo.
  • The tool also has a limited number of features, such as no options to filter your keyword lists based on search volume, competition levels, etc.
  • Finally, the tool is not very user-friendly and can be difficult to navigate for beginners.

Ubersuggest Limited Functions And Features

  • Ubersuggest only allows you to search for one keyword at a time. This means that if you want to see results for multiple keywords, you’ll need to conduct separate searches for each.
  • Ubersuggest does not allow you to filter results by language or region, meaning that you may end up with irrelevant or inaccurate results for your particular area.
  • Ubersuggest does not provide any detailed reporting tools or analytics. You will only be able to see the search volume and CPC for each keyword in the results.
  • Ubersuggest does not have any integration with other tools such as Google Analytics, Adwords, or Bing Ads. This means that you won’t be able to track the performance of your campaigns or keywords in real time.
  • Ubersuggest does not provide any support or customer service. This means that if you have any questions or issues, you will need to search for answers on your own.
What Is The Ubersuggest Tool - Content Ideas Display

Ubersuggest Potential Errors

  • Inaccurate Keyword Suggestions: Ubersuggest can provide inaccurate keyword suggestions, which can lead to wasted time and efforts when targeting the wrong search terms.
  • Data Delays: Ubersuggest can sometimes be slow to process data, leading to outdated trends and incorrect information.
  • Limited Geographic Targeting: Ubersuggest does not allow users to target specific geographic areas, which can limit the effectiveness of campaigns.
  • Limited Filtering Options: Ubersuggest’s filters are limited, making it difficult to hone in on specific keyword sets.
  • Lack of Advanced Features: Ubersuggest lacks some of the advanced features found in other keyword research tools, such as competitive analysis and organic search traffic estimates.


  • Lower Cost
  • Graphs Display
  • Competitor Analysis


  • Only Searches One Keyword At A Time
  • No Integration With Google
  • No Customer Support

Verdict – Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest Is LegitGreen Thumbs Up Legit Indicator

Ubersuggest is a legit SEO tool that can help you push your online presence to the next level. It’s an incredibly powerful tool that allows you to analyze and improve your website, as well as your competitors. With just a few clicks, you can get a detailed overview of your website and what it needs to rank higher in search engine results.

Ubersuggest can analyze your website’s keyword rankings, backlinks, content optimization, and more. It can also help you identify potential link building opportunities and track your competitors’ strategies. Plus, it offers suggestions on how to improve your website’s SEO, such as keyword research, content optimization, and more.

How To Build A Business

One thing that ubersuggest does not offer is training on how to build a business. In order to use this tool, you need a website. The best training to do that is the wealthy affiliate platform. You will also have access to free keyword searches using the Jaaxy Keyword Search tool.

If you join Wealthy Affiliates with a Premium Plus membership, The premium edition of Jaaxy called Jaaxy Enterprise is included. That alone is worth $99 a month! Wealthy Affiliate Premium Plus will take your business to the next level with expert classes provided by experienced marketers many of which are making 6 figure incomes. If that sounds like something you might be interested in, you can check it out for free. Take it for a test drive and decide if it is for you. Click on the link below for the details.

I hope you enjoyed reading my article. If you have any Comments or questions, please leave them below. I will answer you ASAP


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  • Lower Cost
  • Graphs Display
  • Competitor Analysis


  • Only Searches One Keyword At A Time
  • No Integration With Google
  • No Customer Support

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