Scams Cons And Frauds


Scams Cons and Frauds List


#1 Coolhandle Web Hosting

  • Name:  Coolhandle Web hosting Service-
  • Website:
  • Price: $29.95/$39.95/49.95 per month
  • Owners: CoolHandle started as a group of IT professionals in early 2001
  • Product Quality:  Weak
  • Overall Rank:   Fair to Poor
  • Verdict – 100% guarantee is FRAUD


Overview of Coolhandle Web Hosting

Coolhandle has been around since 2001

and has brought mixed reviews. The biggest

issues appear to be support/refund related.Coolhandle website logo

Over the years they have improved their service and have fewer complaints.

It is the first time I ever heard of a

  • 100% Satisfaction GUARANTEE with TERMS OF SERVICE  that read….NO REFUNDS!   That puts them on the   Scams Cons And Frauds List
  • 5 FREE websites  bonus offer thru Success with Anthony , were not free!
  • Required a 2yr hosting fee of $262 unethical advertising

They were such poor quality sites, even ClickBank will not accept them.


  • 3 different hosting plans
  • 24/7 support
  • Tutorials and support documentation
  • Free privacy on domain names forever
  • One free domain name


  • No refunds on 100% guarantee
  • Mailing address hard to find
  • No access to owners
  • Use unethical advertising gimmicks
  • Support is not very helpful

Overall Coolhandle – The Final Word

Coolhandle is offering some of the lowest rates in the industry apparently

in an effort to get and keep people. It appears they need to focus more on

customer satisfaction to improve their retention rate. They also need to improve on

advertising things more accurately, and realize people have more options than ever

for web hosting.

Verdict -Unethical Advertising – RED FLAG-  Poor

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#2 Success With Anthony

Success With Anthony-Image of Anthony Morrison

  • Name: Success With Anthony-RED FLAG
  • Owners: Anthony Morrison
  • Support: Limited
  • Product Quality: Very Weak
  • Overall Rank: Fair to Poor
  • Verdict: SCAM!

 Overview Of Success With Anthony

Offers a 60 DAY Money Back Guarantee!

This is a program promising same day success. After a week of this program, thousands of dollars are promised. The very next day after I purchased this product, I discovered numerous complaints were filed against the company for unethical advertising, puts Success With Anthony on the  Scams, Cons and Frauds List

  •  Relentless pop-ups are considered unethical advertising.
  •  5 FREE websites from Coolhandle- not covered by the same  60 day Guarantee
  • 2yr fee of $262  is misleading

Beware of People Upselling With  Pop-Ups

One right after another of upsells that is just “sounds so good promises” and

before you know it, you are $2500 in the hole, and have no idea what his program is.

Even with pop up ads that force you to buy, just to see what the program is all about,

they call you the next day and try to sell you coaching for an additional $5000.

Fortunately I got my money back from Success with Anthony.

Anthony Morrison – Success With Anthony: –RED FLAG!

Verdict– Scam— Avoid

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  • Name: Vibrant Web-RED FLAGVibrant web site Logo
  • Owners: UK and US, not listed
  • Support: Limited
  • Product Quality: Varies
  • Overall Rank Worst
  • Cost: $2,500-$$$$$ plus monthly fees.
  • Verdict-Unethical/License-Scam


 Vibrant Web Website Builder Fraud


Vibrant Web is a Website building service which in reality is a website building fraud.They promise to build whatever you want, but it gets built how they want to build it.They are charging you to install free plugins, into a a free wordpress website. Then they say this is your website, but it is not really.

The  problem is, you are buying a license to use what they build you. They own the site and all the content, this is the typical website builder fraud.

What Are The Pitfalls Of Not Owning Your Site

This means all the articles you are told by them that you have to write for website rankings, really belong to them. So, when you finally realize they are overcharging you for things you can do yourself for free, and decide to go somewhere else, they can keep your articles, and everything they have built for you.

They rely on the website building fraud working by recruiting people who know little or nothing about websites.Then, they are sure you don’t realize you are getting snookered out of tons of cash, by being sold software that is available for free. What you don’t realize is that you can join my #1 recommendation and be your own online website builder for free.

The first sales pitch is a premium site for $5000. They are relentless to the point, of offering a small money down deal with payments! People like my self, who didn’t know you can build a website completely free, think $250 down and $50 bucks a month is a great deal! But it is a horrible deal, even if it were free, because it’s a license!


  • Offer written articles, images, banners.
  • If you pay enough, they can make you site LOOK good.
  • Promise 24/7 support.
  • Offer phone  one -on -one  setup help.
  • Can run you website 100%
  • Use wordpress…but a”Developers Pro Version”


  • You do not own your site, You buy a license to use the site!
  • They can shut you down for any reason whatsoever.
  • The programmer is a user inside the back office with control.
  • Controls can be turned off unless you pay more
  • Important things like comments, and plugins tabs are removed.
  • They can turn off or remove you text editor buttons and link buttons.
  • You are told it is YOUR site, no mention of any license, or that they have control.
  • All plugins, or auto responders like aweber need programmer notified to install
  • WordPress premium version is under their control, by their programmer
  • Pages load painfully slow, corrections are a time-consuming chore.
  • What you are being charged for are free wordpress plugins.

Vibrant Web Support

When I first got the site , they had already put up a junk site, and I was taught how to play with the text editor and write a few blog posts, grab a video from YouTube, and put the categories in and tags on. I had one-on-one help every few days for an hour.

Support is by phone, and it is an answering machine, and they get back to you later, sometimes days later, sometimes not at all.Then, it wasn’t long and the controls disappeared, and you are sending email after email to support that never answers.

They shut down features, and keep making it harder and harder for you to update or add and content to YOUR site. This is to frustrate you into believing you need to invest more and more money, for the website to work better.

You get promises to fix the controls,but they won’t because that gives too much control away. Once the have that control, they install what THEY want,not what YOU want. They have you trapped, your time is invested in your content, and they have it, and can keep it, unless you keep paying the plan fees.

Vibrant Web – The Final Word

Vibrant Web is not suited for someone who wants to run his own website. They may be ok for a hands off approach, and not running a blog website, but I think there are much better choices around. Small businesses who run blog websites could not afford the unethical practices of keeping all the data and controlling functionality of the site.

The time lost with slow functionality and lack of optimization of the site due to poor programing management can’t be recovered quickly. Nice banners and fancy images do not improve google SEO(Search Engine Optimization) rankings for your site, while fast page loading does.

Selling free plugins from wordpress, as programing advantages from their programmers is really misrepresentation. Reducing functionality by removing features from the website editor, making writing articles, and creating links impossible, is unethical behavior.

Vibrant Web is a website building scam and belongs on the 

Scams Cons and Frauds List


Verdict-Unethical/ License Scam — Avoid


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