The Product Launch Formula – Find Out If It Works?

I’ve been down the rabbit hole of product reviews, and today, I want to do a review about Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula (PLF). Is it worth your time or just another flashy thing in the world of internet marketing?

If you are here researching the Product Launch Formula, congrats for researching the product before you buy it. I’ve checked out so many products, and let me tell you, I can spot a phony from a mile away. Is this one the real deal! Stick with me till the end and find out. Let’s get started.

  • Name    – Product Launch Formula
  • Website –
  • Price  –  $1997 or 6 payments of $397
  • Owners – Jeff Walker
  • Quality – Detailed Online Course For Launching Products
  • Overall Rank – 8/10
  • Refunds – 14 day ( limited modules available till after refund date)
  • Verdict –  Legit 
  • Alternative – My #1 Recommendation  (Get Started Here)

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Who is Jeff Walker?

Product Launch Formula Image Of Jeff Walker The Creator

Jeff is the author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller LAUNCH, and the creator of Product Launch Formula (PLF).

He is a prominent figure in the field of online marketing and known as a top trainer to entrepreneurs and marketers worldwide.

He gained significant attention in the marketing industry after the success of his own product launches. Then, he went on to teach others his strategies through PLF.

The program emphasizes the use of storytelling, strategic planning, and specific launch sequences to create buzz and drive sales during a launch period. If you have a product you would like to launch, Jeff and his PLF are pure gold.

The PLF is a comprehensive framework designed to guide entrepreneurs through the process of launching and marketing their products or services online.

It’s built on the concept of orchestrating a sequence of steps leading up to a product launch to maximize sales and engagement.

Understanding Jeff Walker and PLF

For more than 20 years Jeff taught others what he learned, and his programs have raked in over $1 billion from his students’ successes.

The success of the PLF framework has been credited by many entrepreneurs for its ability to generate significant revenue and create successful online business launches. Walker’s approach has been lauded for its structured methodology and adaptability to various business models and niches.

Overall, the Product Launch Formula has become a cornerstone in the online marketing space, utilized by numerous entrepreneurs seeking to maximize their product launches’ impact and effectiveness.

Related: Laptop Lifestyle Master Program

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Product Launch Formula Components

Think of PLF as a goldmine of knowledge. It houses about 100 videos and over 40 hours of top-notch content, all geared toward launching various products online.

Included in the PLF package :

  • The PLF training program – Strategies and Tactics that Jeff’s Students have over a billion dollars in launches.The training leads you step by step in creating your first launch. You know what to do and when to do it.
  • I full Year of Access to Launchy- the AI tool that maps out your entire launch in a few clicks. It defines your client avatar to planning your product and offer, lead magnet, landing page, Product Sales path, Prelaunch Content and sales page.
  • I full year of Coaching Calls, with the full time inhouse coaches, every other week, and the recording to listen to over and over.
  • Action Guides, timelines, templates, and checklists to keep you ontrack.
  • Interactive Launch Path a “bird’s eye view” of the launch process with an Accelerated Path option that unlocks the whole course.
  • The PLF Community Hub – Connect with thousands of PLF owners, find JV partners, Mastermind partners, ask questions and get feedback and accountability. The Alumni Community is where you celebrate victories and get encouraging support.

PLF Launches and Strategies

PLF isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution by Jeff Walker. It offers strategies for different business stages, ensuring specific approaches for unique product launches, avoiding overwhelming, cookie-cutter tactics.

Take a look at all the different launches that Jeff has done over the years.

product Launch Formula image of types of prior launches.

What Is The Product Launch Formula Tool Called Launchy?

Now, let’s talk about Launchy, a key tool in Jeff Walker’s arsenal. It’s not just any tool—it’s an AI-powered platform designed specifically for PLF users.

Launchy is like your personal launch assistant. It’s an AI platform custom-built by Jeff’s team to streamline your entire launch process. From defining your audience, creating products, crafting offers, to pre-launch content, and even guiding you through the launch sequence, Launchy’s got your back.

Imagine this: Launchy knows the ins and outs of the Product Launch Formula. It’s your virtual guide, prompting you at every step, eliminating the guesswork in building your launch strategy. Sure, you’ll still need your human judgment, but Launchy serves as your biggest helper, ensuring you’re on the right path throughout your launch.

And here’s the kicker: If you’re part of PLF, you get a whole year of free access to Launchy, coupled with coaching to help you master the system and fast-track your launch success.

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Success Stories and Impact

The results speak for themselves—PLF has been a game-changer for many. Entrepreneurs from various backgrounds hail PLF for its role in shaping successful launches, strengthening affiliate approaches, and skyrocketing sales and revenue.

Countless success stories echo the effectiveness of PLF strategies. Entrepreneurs credit PLF for guiding them through structured launches, bolstering their affiliate game, and driving substantial growth in their businesses.

With testimonials galore, these stories paint a vivid picture of how PLF has transformed businesses and propelled them towards success.

And here are a few more:

No Complaints About The PLF Course Were Found

There are plenty of good testimonials and I must say that I did look for any complaints and couldn’t find any negative reviews or complaints. Jeff does offer a 14 day refund. If you look the first 14 days of the course and decide it’s not for you, you get a prompt refund, no questions asked.

This course is sent to your inbox weekly, so you get one course at a time if you are using the $397 payment plan. But if you use the one payment plan for $1997, you can opt for the Accelerated Path option that is available after the 14 day refund period has passed. It allows you to receive all the modules and training at once.

Pros and Cons


  • Detailed Course On Launches
  • Payment Plans Available
  • 14 Day Refund


  • Expensive For Newbies
  • Course Delivered Weekly
  • 14 Days Only Allows A Week or Two Of Lessons

Is Product Launch Formula Legit – YES Green Thumbs Up Legit Indicator

After research this product, and finding an overwhelming amount of testimonials and no complaints, the course is definitely legit. Jeff Walker’s Product launch Formula is a comprehensive and well designed program. It is for anyone who wants to know step by step exactly what they need to do to launch a product or business.

With his 20 years of experience, there is little doubt he is an expert in the product launch arena. This is a potential game changer for marketers who are struggling to get sales.

But, even $397 every 30 days is a bit of a tough decision for new marketers.

PLF Could Be Expensive For Some

Most people starting out don’t have that kind of money. A lot of individuals starting online businesses are looking at a shoestring budget on their way to the top, and that doesn’t include a $2,000 program.

Now, while PLF offers an exceptional roadmap, it’s essential to explore various avenues for business growth. Platforms like Wealthy Affiliate present another path. The focus is on broader aspects of online business beyond product launches. They provide a more comprehensive approach to building an online presence. And it’s affordable!

You can try their starter program for free and get a taste of what it is all about, without spending anything. But, you will have to upgrade to the Premium Membership to get your business on the fast track to success.

It doesn’t cost $2000 bucks. You can join for $49 bucks a month! If you like the idea of financial freedom and working your own hours, but you are tired of all the scams! Then check out Wealthy Affiliate.

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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Product Launch Formula (PLF)?
The PLF is a comprehensive online training program created by Jeff Walker, a renowned marketing expert, to guide entrepreneurs through the process of launching and marketing their products or services online. It’s built on the concept of orchestrating a sequence of steps leading up to a product launch to maximize sales and engagement.
Who is Jeff Walker?
Jeff Walker is a New York Times bestselling author and a leading figure in the online marketing world. He’s known for his successful product launches and his expertise in teaching others how to launch their own products effectively.
Is the PLF right for me?
The PLF is ideal for anyone who wants to learn a proven system for launching and marketing their products or services online. It’s particularly beneficial for entrepreneurs who:
1. Have a product or service they’re ready to launch.
2. Want to create a buzz and generate excitement around their launch.
3. looking to maximize their sales and revenue during their launch.
4. Want to learn from a recognized expert in the field.
What are the key components of the PLF?
The PLF includes:
Video training: Over 100 video lessons covering all aspects of product launches, from product development to pre-launch marketing and sales.
Launchy tool: An AI-powered platform that helps you plan and execute your launch step-by-step.
Coaching calls: Bi-weekly coaching calls with experienced PLF coaches to answer your questions and provide personalized guidance.
Action guides and templates: Practical tools to help you stay on track and implement the PLF strategies.
Community forum: Connect with other PLF members, share experiences, and get support.
How much does the PLF cost?
The PLF costs $1997 for a one-time payment or $397 for six monthly payments. There’s also a 14-day refund guarantee if you’re not satisfied with the program.

Thank you for reading my post. If you have any questions or comments, leave them below.


Meet The Author

Chas The Owner Of Help For Scams And Frauds

I am Chas, creator and founder of Help For Scams And Frauds. I started affiliate marketing and earning money online in 2015. And I can tell you, anyone can do this. But, in order to build a business the right way you must have the right training and avoid the get rich quick schemes.

Check out my #1 Recommendation For The Best Online Training in 2024

2 thoughts on “The Product Launch Formula – Find Out If It Works?”

  1. hello,
    I have heard about Jeff Walker before, and I was interested in all he had to say, but as a beginner, his training is way too expensive for me. I am happy to have found a much less expensive way though which you suggested and that is Wealthy Affiliate. With the premium membership, and hard work, of course, it is sure enough to be successful with affiliate marketing, you don’t need anything else? thanks!
    Kind regards,

    • Hi Lizzy,
      Jeff walker is good, but yes he is expensive. I agree with you that Wealthy Affiliate is much more affordable. And you do learn how to build a business from the ground up.It is hard work, nothing comes easy. But, it is scam free! And you don’t need any extra costs to get started.
      Thanks for leaving a comment, please stop back soon.


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