The Easiest System Ever Review – Is It Legit Or Not?

The Easiest System Ever Review is going to take a look under the hood of Devon Brown’s program. He claims this is a DFY program that will solve all your problems with affiliate marketing.

This system is touted as being so simple that anyone can use this system because it is 100% dummy-proof.

Devon boasts that he uses this same system to pocket (up to) $984 a day online. Sounds like a dream come true!

But, most sale pitches always do!

This program is claiming to be DFY (Done For You) and fully automated. But, I can tell you his DFY product is going to make a lot of money for Devon, by selling it to you.

Let’s find out as I take a look at the Easiest System Ever

  • Name    –  Easiest System Ever
  • Website –
  • Price     –  $47 per month (Bronze), 12 payments of $97 or $1,164 (Silver), or $997 one time (Gold). + Traffic Payments
  • Owners – Devon Brown
  • Quality – DFY Program
  • Overall Rank – 7/10
  • Refunds –  30 day Refund
  • Verdict –  Legit Not Recommended – (I have a better Recommendation)

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Table of Contents

Easiest System Ever Review Overview

I am constantly reviewing programs, trying to separate the scams from the legit programs.

Over the years I have shelled out enough of my own money on scams, and now I try to help others avoid the same mistakes. One of my readers asked me to take a look at Devon’s program and give my opinion on the product. So, I am sharing my personal ratings about this product.

Devon Brown’s sales page tells us that his program will only cost us $1.56 a day. And that it will only require 12 minutes to apply his 4 step C.A.S.H method. It is an automated DFY program.

Devon’s 12 Minute System Rebranded

Devon also had a system called “12 Minute Affiliate”, and this program is just rebranded with the same system.

The old “branding’ made it sound like it only took 12 minutes to become an affiliate, but it is 12 minutes to “set everything up”. In reality becoming an affiliate requires some hard work, and much more than 12 minutes..

Easiest System Ever Review - Image Of The ESA complete package.

If you go to Devon’s website, you will see the sales page. This is where Devon says he makes up to $984 a day.

Easiest System Ever Review Image Of ESA Sales Page

How Does The Easiest System Ever Work?

As for his program, first you sign up for a ClickBank account. Then, you sign up for an autoresponder account.

You are going to purchase traffic lists from Devon to send out the emails to customers(on the list). The customers go through the funnels and when they click on your affiliate links, you have a chance to make sales. Devon will set everything up for you.

But, not every click you get will result in sales!

This program is set up to sell ClickBank products. That can sometimes be a problem because a lot of ClickBank’s products are a bit scammy. That usually leads to a lot of refunds and that quickly cuts your profits. You have to pick your products carefully!

But, more importantly, you are buying your traffic lists from Devon.

So, Devon will have a constant source of income from his customers! Because, you will constantly be buying traffic from him to drive people to your landing page. That will cost 100’s if not thousands of dollars while you try to make money.

Devon’s Traffic Lists Are Solo Ads

The traffic lists you are buying from Devon are solo ads traffic lists. If you want to know more about solo ads, You can check out my article on solo ads.

Related: Make Money With Solo Ads – Or Maybe Not

Devon also provides some DFY Facebook posts and Pinterest Pins to use for getting some traffic from the social platforms. So, you are using social platforms to get some free traffic as well. You could also run some ads, but that is additional expense.

And some bonuses are also included with the program. I will detail those later.

With everything you get in this program, you will still be dependent upon Devon for this to work. He is not teaching you anything. Why not put the money into training and learn everything to build a complete business?

With my #1 Recommendation you can learn how to drive you own free traffic, and build your own funnel! You won’t have to depend on someone else. Check it out for free below.

My Easiest System Ever Review Of Devon Brown’s ESE Sales Video

When you take a look at Devon’s website, you see the sales page above an get an overview of what the sales video is going to cover. It is the typical sales sales pitch designed to get you worked up into a frenzy and make you believe it is the best thing ever created.

Well, I can tell you that nothing is as good as it seems and most of the time these things are overhyped! So, keep that in mind as you go through these slides with me.

When you decide to watch his video, you get Devon introducing himself:

This is what you are going to see when you hit the [Enter The Room Now] button. It is a typical sales video

Some Proof Of Earnings

The video does show some proof of earnings from his system that appear to be legit. These are actual people who have used the system showing what they earned. But, he does not guarantee that you will have the same results.

That depends upon how much effort anyone is willing to put into any system. Most systems do require you put in some effort for them to work. And nobody can say if you are willing to do that.

And you get some more testimonials.

Even a full page of testimonials!

Most of the testimonials appear to be real. So, I would be willing to say some people are making some money with this system.

Now, let’s take a look at the C.A.S.H. Process. This is the system that Devon says you can copy and set up in 12 minutes!

The 4 Easy Steps Of The C.A.S.H. Process

Easiest System Ever Review C.A.S.H. System

Let me break down the 4 step cash process and give you more details to help clarify what you actually need to do.

To be honest, Devon does explain that you must have your ClickBank account, and your autoresponder account set up and ready to go before you send everything to him to set up for you. So, keep that in mind as you read through the steps below.

#1 C. is for Clickbank – The Easiest System Ever is a ClickBank product. So, you will need a ClickBank account to access the product. ClickBank is an affiliate network that sells 1000’s of products, and it is free to join.

#2 A. is for Autoresponder – You will need to open an Autoresponder account to use the DFY materials in the program to grab the email addresses of your customers. That is how you will be building your emailing list. You can use your list to market more products later.

#3 S. Is for Send – You will be sending your affiliate links from ClickBank, and the autoresponder account number to Devon. They will set up all the autoresponder details for you.

#4 H. is for Have – Have the DFY “Traffic” sent to you from Devon. You will be “buying” traffic lists of potential customers to send your “Sales Pitch” and try to get them to visit your landing page and buy your products. This is an email marketing system funnel.

You Can Do This Yourself

These systems do work, and they will make money. But, you can do this yourself. You can learn to build your own funnels

When you set this up yourself, it does require more work. The difference is that you learn how to do it yourself. That is important! You don’t need to rely on other people like this to run a business.

And with a system like this, everybody’s sale pitch looks the same. So, people get tired of seeing them over and over again! That is the problem with a DFY system.

It is much better to have the training to show you all the steps so you can do it yourself. The link below is my #1 recommendation for learning how to set up your own business.

If Devon would stop selling his program, and close his doors, what would you do? You would be out of business overnight!

How Much Does The Easiest System Ever Cost?

Like a lot of these programs, the initial cost is small to get you in the door. Then, they hit you with upsells offering products you had no idea you needed to get started. They know they have to hit you quickly to get your money. That’s why you don’t see any free trials.

The Basic DFY package costs $67 to $97 and Devon offers one on one coaching at $297 for three one hour sessions. Plus, more coaching upsells are offered as well.

Easiest System Ever Review

You will also need an autoresponder subscription which runs $250 a year for Aweber. And like I said earlier, you are buying traffic from Devon which will cost hundreds. And if you are using just a landing page, you will likely need to run ads if you don’t buy traffic lists from Devon.

Or you can buy your own solo ads elsewhere, and cheaper than Devon is charging you. The choice is yours! But, know this, solo ads can be good, or not effective at all. It all depends on how “fresh” the list is that you are buying.

What Tools Are Included With The ESE?

The Easiest System Ever includes 6 video modules you get when you purchase the program to provide some training.

#1. Dealing With E-commerce Giants – This explains the platforms that offer the best opportunities for success.

#2. Finding Winning Products – This provide a checklist for finding the most profitable products in any niche.

#3. Preparing The Stage – This module actually explains how to increase sales with drop shipping.

#4. Making Sales – More training on drop shipping. This module includes a checklist to start dropshipping.

#5. 5 Figure Month – Training on how to hit five figure income with free traffic, using Affiliate marketing.

#6. Secret Expansion Strategies – Training on how to maximize income, income streams to achieve five figure income and boosting sales.

Some of these topics are going to need additional training, so I am going to say this is where you will probably need to reach out to get some additional coaching from Devon to learn these strategies in detail. This is one of those “Hidden Costs”

All The Bonuses Included With The ESE Product

Devon does include 7 bonuses along with the sales funnel and training modules.

1st Bonus – The Ultimate Success Library – Gives you access to some of the best internet personal training- A $97 Value

2nd Bonus – Free Traffic – 16 other ways of getting traffic without running ads – A $497 Value

3rd Bonus – Hot Product Promo – Get Notified of New Secret Product Launches with $500 Commissions or more- Value – Priceless!

4th Bonus – First 100 visitors – Purchase the one-time Lifetime Option – Devon will send 100 Free visitors to your funnel – $200 Value

5th Bonus – Private FB Group Access – Share your success or ask for help from like minded people – A $97 a month Value

6th Bonus – Private Group Coaching – Monthly private group coaching with live Q&A and access to past trainings – $197 a month Value

7th Bonus – Free Vacation – Set up your system within 24 hours of joining, and get a free vacation – 24 Location choices – $800 Value (while it lasts)

Is There Support For ESE?

Yes! The easiest system ever does have some support. I can say that this is one of a very few reviews I have done that actually gives a working phone number! And they also include their email support at: or

Easiest System Ever Review - Support Options

You also have the private Facebook group included with ESE and you can also join Devon’s Facebook group page:

Contacting Devon Personally:

And if you want to contact Devon in person, he has several places you can reach him.

Devon has a website:

And Devon does have a Facebook page.

Also, his personal email address:

Easiest System Ever Review – Pros And Cons


  • No Technical Skills Needed
  • No Inventory Needed
  • Plenty Of Support Available


  • No Free Trial
  • Hidden Costs & Paid Traffic
  • Not for Experienced Marketers

Is The Easiest System Ever Legit? – Yes, It’s LegitGreen Thumbs Up Legit Indicator

The Easiest System Ever is legit, but it does have some shortfalls. It is a DFY program and that causes issues with everyone else using the same content for promotions. They look the same. So, the people you send the emails too, soon get used to seeing all the same promos.

With everything done for you, you don’t really learn how to do it yourself. That will eventually lead to you needing to pay for additional coaching from Devon. That is a hidden cost you will experience in the future.

You are paying for your traffic. You are buying solo ads from Devon. If you search around you can find cheaper solo ads than what you are paying Devon.

But, in the end it is still paid traffic. Learning SEO to drive free traffic is a much better way to start a business. If anything happens, you have the training to start over!

Devon does give you a bonus of 16 different ways to get traffic without using ads, but how much training does that include? Organic SEO is quite a detailed subject in getting your site to rank for SEO.

For example, Neil Patel has made a career out of blogging and teaching SEO training!

Related: Neil Patel Digital and What Is The Ubersuggest Tool

The Easiest System Ever Review – FAO

Frequently Asked Questions
How Do You Try The Easiest System Ever?
You can purchase the easiest system ever from the website @
How Much Does The Easiest System Ever Done For You Traffic Cost?
It depends on the size of the list you order. $109 for 90-100 visitors, $209 for 175 -199 visitors, $407 for 350-399 visitors, and up
How Do You Make Money With The Easiest System Ever?
You make money by driving traffic through a sales funnel that sells affiliate products and you get paid a commission.
Is The Easiest System Ever Profitable?
Yes, The amount of money you make depends on how productive your traffic list is and you own marketing skills.

A Better Choice Is My #1 Recommendation

I started my online career early in 2015 and ran into a bad scam that had me wasting my time on a website that didn’t belong to me and it was hacked by an unscrupulous programmer that simply shut down my site.

He slowly took all my controls away and was trying to force me to pay huge sums like $1500 just to do things I would have been able to do myself. I ended up in a huge battle, and after involving the Attorney Generals Office, I did recover some of my losses.

Related: Scams and Frauds Checklist

But, the website was useless. That was my biggest scam and there were others! Fortunately, I found a platform where I could build a website of my own, without any programmer inside.

It was my saving grace. I have been there ever since, and I won’t be going anywhere else. They are a legitimate business and not a scam.

It is my #1 recommendation, Wealthy Affiliate. It is a state of the art platform, with all the resources and training you will ever need to learn the fundamentals of building a successful long term affiliate marketing business.

You learn to do things the right way and build a legitimate business completely from the ground up. No short cuts, no get rich quick scheme.

If you are serious about building a business, there is no place better. I will be there to help you every step of the way, and show you what I learned.

Are you willing to do the work?

But, if you are not willing to put in the effort required, then please don’t waste my time. There is no get rich quick, easy way to do anything. Even with Devon’s system, you will have plenty of work to do, but you are extremely limited in what you can do.

If you are serious about a business you can call your own, then I have written a detailed review of Wealthy Affiliate and show you a community of 2 million members, and the success they are experiencing. You can check all of it out for free.

I hope you found something useful in my review, thank you for taking the time to read it.

If yo have any questions, feel free to leave them below. I will answer you ASAP


Let Me Help You Get Started

Chas The Owner Of Help For Scams And Frauds

I am Chas, creator and founder of Help For Scams And Frauds. I started affiliate marketing and earning money online in 2015. And I can tell you, anyone can do this. But, in order to build a business the right way you must have the right training and avoid the get rich quick schemes.

Check out my #1 Recommendation For The Best Online Training in 2024

Easiest System Ever




  • No Technical Skills Needed
  • No Inventory Needed
  • Plenty Of Support Available


  • No Free Trial
  • Hidden Costs & Paid Traffic
  • Not for Experienced Marketers

14 thoughts on “The Easiest System Ever Review – Is It Legit Or Not?”

  1. Hi Chas,

    This is a very detailed and thorough review of the easiest system ever.

    I agree that the system does look and feel legit, and the prices that you display do not look astronomical. But, in your pros and cons you have mentioned hidden costs which does put a lot of people off. They may not be huge, but you need to get to them to find them out if you haven’t already read your review that is.

    Overall, it looks good but for now I am going to look into the system that you discuss at the end of your review…Wealthy Affiliate.

    I will let you know what I think of that and if I take it on.

    Thank you for sharing and keep up the great work.

    All the best,


    • Hi Tom,
      Thank you Tom, I am glad you liked the review. One of the problems with this product is that Devon wants you to purchase the solo ads list from him. He charges more for them and it is a constant source of income for him. You can purchase solo ads for less elsewhere. And it is a done for you program which means that the emails you send out are the same as everyone else. So you would have to at least re-write the copy and make it seem unique.
      I did not buy his product, because I think that Wealthy Affiliate is the better product. You learn how to make money on your own and do not need to depend on anyone else. If you lost everything, you would know how to start building your business the next day.
      Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment,and please stop back soon.

  2. Hi Chas, only heard about this new product recently but I know about Devon brown from 12 minute affiliate. Did a review of this myself a couple years back and I don’t really like the look of this either. I think some people probably do get lucky with this system same as 12ma but for what you have to spend every month I really don’t believe this is sustainable. I think your recommendation Wealthy Affiliate is a safer bet long term as this can help with setting up your own websites and as long as you can figure it out you can do everything you can with this system and more.

    • Hi Alex,
      I don’t like the fact that Devon has everyone depending on hime to make money. With Wealthy Affiliate you learn to make money without needing anyone else. If you lost your website tomorrow, you know the step by step process to replace your business.
      Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. Please stop back soon!

  3. Hi Chas.
    Thanks for taking the time to give an excellent review. I, of course, am prejudiced toward Wealthy Affiliate. I ran across these sites and managed to stay away from them.
    Legit is nice. I never liked the idea of making money for someone else!
    It is my labor that pays off for me alone and WA made the idea of learning to build my business sound fun and it was
    Thank you for a peek at your work!
    Nicely done,

    • Hi Steve,
      You re welcome! I try to inform everyone about these offers to make money online and expose their pitfalls. Wealthy Affiliate is the best training available. no scams, no upsells, no bull! They teach a legitimate marketing technique that anyone can learn. I am glad you realize the bigger picture, that programs like the easiest system ever is making money for the creator as well as you. Sometimes, they make a lot more money than you do, so you work is wasted making them rich.

      It is much better to learn how to earn money yourself with your own websites by joining wealthy affiliate.
      I am glad you like my work Steve! Than you for leaving a comment.
      Please stop back soon,

  4. Hi Chas. Good info on this online system. I had heard of Devon Brown before but never reviewed his system. I agree it is legit but I prefer other programs such as Wealthy Affiliate. I appreciate knowing about this program though. Thanks.

    • Hi Joe,
      Thank you Joe. I am glad to hear you also like Wealthy Affiliate. They offer great training for an affordable price. As for Devon’s program, it is a DFY program which is not the best way to do affiliate marketing. Everyone’s promotion looks the same, and people get tired of seeing it. And it is much more expensive for some folks at $97 a month or $997 to purchase. Wealthy Affiliate is only $49 a month and has much more training in areas like SEO, and building your own website. I know people would be better informed, better trained, and get a bigger bang for their buck!
      Thanks for leaving a comment, please stop back soon.

  5. What I don’t like about these affiliate marketing programs is they don’t tell you what you’re going to actually have to spend. Meaning sure there is a $47/monthly cost. But, what else am I going to have to purchase? A domain name, web hosting, email mailer, etc. But, the killer for me is the no-free trail. Most products at least offer a week risk-free or something.

    • Hi Garen,
      That is the problem with may programs today, the hidden costs. When people purchase the program they think that is all they need, but they soon find out that more costs are involved. Wealthy Affiliate offers a free trial and they include hosting. That is in addition to some of the most in-depth training anywhere. All for an affordable monthly fee.
      Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, please stop back soon.

  6. Hi Chas

    I really appreciate how detailed your review is of the Easiest System Ever. This system appears to appeal to folks who don’t want to own their own online business truly and are looking for the easy way out. I hope they don’t get too burnt.

    I like the look of your number one recommendation. Learning the ropes and becoming the owner of my own online business definitely interests me more than the Easiest System Ever. I particularly like that I get to choose whichever niche interests me most and I learn all the skills – which are transferable, meaning I could start my own digital agency with all that knowledge.

    Thanks for sharing.


    • Hi Louise,
      Thank you for your kind words. These DFY systems are aimed at people who do want to work, and looking for something easy to do. But, they aren’t really easier, they are just set up to keep the creators making money over and over again. Joining Wealthy Affiliate is the better choice because you are the boss of your own business! And if anything happens to your business, you can start over immediately because you learned how to do it! It is a no-brainer!
      Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, please stop back soon!

  7. Hey, Chas
    I never hear about this program until I read your review.

    Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn money online.
    By reading your review it seems going with a DFY program is not the right way to get started.

    And am even wondering the owner offer to justify the ongoing monthly fee of $47.

    • Hi Sebastian,
      I am glad to give you a heads up on the Easiest System Ever. A DFY program might be easy for someone who has no training, to start making money online. But, I don’t like to be depending upon anyone for my business. I believe that Wealthy Affiliate is a much better program to start a business. It is not a DFY program, and you learn to do all the things you need to keep your business running no matter what. If anything would happen to Devon Brown, creator of the DFY Easiest System Ever, you business would be shut down overnight.
      Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, please stop back soon.


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