Dental Plans Are A Rip-Off

Dental Plans Are A Rip-Off: Got Insurance?

Dental plans are a rip-off and getting worse every year.I thought that the dental discount cards were the rip-off, turns out the insurance itself is an even bigger rip-off. With the discount cards, usually the dentist that you want, does not take them. Now, quite a few dentists won’t take the insurance either because they also realize dental plans are a rip-off!

Once you get you own healthcare and dental plans, It becomes obvious pretty quickly why they don’t want to deal with them. The dental plans make you jump through hoops to get claims paid, mainly to cover up the fact that they aren’t going to pay that 70% or 100% you thought they were to pay. Why?

Why Dental Plans Are A Rip Off And How They Do It

Dental plans are a Rip-off

If you are retired or self employed then you likely have searched for a Dental Plan to supplement your health insurance.

With the new Health Care Plans, the internet has become a useful tool for people to shop for plans as well as the companies to offer them.

If you go to the page you will see a list of plans from inexpensive to very pricey options. So, you figure you got this, just look at the coverages, and cost and pick what you can afford, right? Well, not exactly!

Sneaky Percentage Play on Words

The first thing you see is a rate or percentage of what they will cover in two different percentages if it is a network plan. What that means is this, they have 100% coverage in network, and 70% if you choose your own dentist, who chances are is not in their network. But, the sneaky percentage play on words gets even worse.

You are thinking, 70% isn’t that bad, I can pick up 30% no problem, right? WRONG! Like me, you are assuming that they are paying those percentages on the total fees the dentist is charging you for work you are getting done on your teeth.

The Plan Chooses The Amount To Pay You!

What they don’t tell you is that the100% or 70% is based on a figure they have not shown you yet, it’s called the amount they will pay!! That’s right, the amount these Dental Plan rip-offs will pay! And it gets better!

Then, from that amount, they deduct any co-pay you owe, and reduce that even more. When I got my dental bill, they had actually paid about 25% on my dental bill, now that did include my one-time yearly deductible of $50. My bill simply stated $72 does not apply to x-rays because the cost is above the price they pay.

When I called and asked how they arrived at a price they would pay, I was told it was clearly stated in my policy. In order to see The “clearly stated“policy, I needed a user name, and ID# to get into a website, which had 2 links at the bottom of the page referencing my Dental Fulfillment Kit. Here is some of what it contained.

The Plan Coverage


Dental Plans are a Rip-off-Insurance Schedule of Benefits

Covered Procedures

Dental Plans are a Rip-off Covered Procedures

What Does it Say?


The plan basically says I can get each tooth filled once per year, and they will pay 100% in network and 70% out of network. But, it is NOT what you think! They DO NOT SAY at least so you can clearly see it,They only pay a cost THEY DETERMINE, not what the DENTIST actually charges you!

They do not list this amount anywhere, and they WILL NOT give you a figure over the phone.

I requested an estimate of what they would cover, and the told me they would send it to my dentist. He never received it. 

So, I called and requested a copy be sent to me, and never got it.The point of this whole discussion is simply this.

They are not going to pay much of anything period, and the public is going to be completely confused by this complete misrepresentation of outright FRAUD.


You Don’t Get Your Money Back

You will never be able to even come close to being covered for any costly procedure. Why? Because they determine some “low price for that procedure”. It will not come close to what your dentist is going to charge you.

I used this plan for one year, and I had $2500 worth of work done. I paid $400 for the plan for the year, and they required the payment IN FULL UP FRONT. As soon as I hit $2000 my dental maximum had been reached, and they had only returned $350 in benefits. So they were not going to take any loss ever, only me, always every year! I will end up paying $400 per year, but never get my money back…EVER!

YES, DENTAL PLANS ARE LEGAL FRAUD, PERIOD. Everyone needs to research every plan they are looking at and try to understand why I say this. Just be totally aware that 100% or 70% DOES NOT MEAN WHAT YOU THINK, that is why they are fraud, and scams! They make up the price, which determines your 100%, or your 70% …or your 50%. They called this ‘BAIT AND SWITCH” for years when you were sold a good product and they switched it to a low priced on delivery. This is quite a scam they have going!

What Can We Do About This?

When insurance companies do this, it is blatant misrepresentation. And why do they continue to get away with it? It is simple. Everyone is too busy trying to make enough money to pay the bills!

Each one of us needs to take the time and write letters to all the people we can and let them know this isn’t right.

If we were to sell a product and guarantee it 100%, then what does it really mean? 100% of a figure we set on our own that we don’t tell the buyer about?

Not you or I, So, how does this insurance industry operate with their own set of rules? How is this possible in this great country. Because not enough people care to make a bit of difference.

Take The Time To Write A LetterDental Plans are a Rip-off-Government hearing room.

Until we take the time to write letters and voice our displeasure it will continue to get worse and worse.The sad part is that they have learned to cause confusion. Dental Insurance companies just blindly continue down the same path. They continue making everything so complex, the real issue is hidden. When you notice this happening to you, file a complaint to: National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) 

You can also file a consumer complaint.

File a Consumer complaint – map of departments for every state in the us.

Maybe if we all complain more, we will get heard eventually.

Any questions, leave your comment below.


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