Credit Score Scam [Alert]

I felt I needed to include a credit score scam alert article to warn people about these scams.

A bad credit score will prevent you from getting a loan for that nice new pool you wanted this summer.

Naturally, you want to do something to get that score higher. So, if you have a bad credit score, maybe 500,

People will make untrue claims about removing bad debts from your credit report.To avoid being scammed you need to read my credit score scam alert.

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 How to Avoid A Credit Score Scam 

To maintain good credit, is mostly common sense.

  • Pay you bill in a timely manner, early rather than late.
  • Don’t overextend your credit with high debt balances
  • Try to have as few accounts as possible open and paid on time.
  • NO bankruptcy, lawsuits or arrests

Correct And Remove Any Mistakes

Sometimes people get false reports on their credit files, or data remains on their files longer than it should. In those situations, you can get incorrect information removed. Everyone is allowed to dispute inaccurate, or incomplete information on their credit reports.

If you spot any mistakes on your credit report, you can write a letter and request it be removed, or corrected.

Use the address or phone number listed below. Many offers for free credit reports, have hidden fees and costs, and enroll you into mailing lists.

Former Spammer – River City Media

Update: The River City Media Data Breach is an example of just such a company, RCM, now defunct, were a spamming company who sent out similar emails offering free credit reports. The purpose was to get you on a mailing list, and fill your email box with spam. They sold your name and addresses to anyone who paid for a list. However, they allowed access to all the names on their list, which also included personal information and passwords. Scammers then had access to your money!

That’s why it is a great idea to request a credit report each year to be sure all the information on your file is accurate. In fact you  can request a free report from each of the three credit reporting agencies each year. If you stagger the requests a few months apart, you are more likely to pick up any unusual activity.

How to Get a (Real) Free Credit Report – No Credit Score Scam

You can get a no strings, free credit report from

or call 1-877-322-8228

For more help, visit Fixing Your Credit You can find forms for disputing credit mistakes.

How To Spot The Credit Score Scams

You see an ad for credit repair, and getting cool in a new pool sounds great!  So, you give them a call.Too often it turns out badly. Be careful and make sure they are legit with you best interests in mind.

Maybe, you see somebody running an ad to repair your credit. Beware, some of these are turning out to be scams. Not all credit repair companies are scams.

You have to be careful, who you choose.

They offer help in  fixing bad credit scores, and  cleaning up you report. They can help you get rid of bad marks,maybe removing that missed repossessed car report, and give you a clean record.

Beware Of Fantastic Hype And Free Credit Reports

Sounds too good to be true! Well, sometimes unfortunately it is. These types of methods turn out to be scams.

This is exactly what the crooks know you want to hear, and it is too appealing for people to turn down.

Be aware of this type of sales pitch, because if they offer you a new social security number,or ask you to apply for one, it may well turn out to be stolen.

 “Sign For a Loan With Your New Identity” – Credit Score Scams

credit score scam alert

If you try to use another number other than your SSN,or A CPN Credit Profile Number. They may give you a 9 digit number, to make it look like a Social Security Number but it’s not.

If they ask you to apply for a new EIN,  Employer Identification Number.It is a real number, but it is illegal to substitute it for your SSN, so, don’t do it. It is called misrepresentation. It will only make matters worse.

They Will Give You a Clean Record – Credit Score Scams

credit score scam alert

If it is a mistake, or error that is reported on you credit, then you can get it removed. Otherwise, most negative marks, such as vehicle repossession, and foreclosures, will stay on your credit report for seven years… period.

Bankruptcy stays on for 10 years, and tax liens stay till they are paid, then it will take another seven years before your credit score alert is removed.

If you are told that this can all be removed, don’t believe it. It simply is not true.

Advance Payments Are Illegal – More Credit Score Fraud

It is illegal in the United States, and also Canada, for credit repair companies to charge up front. Credit repair companies must perform their services before they get paid.

  • IF they are demanding payment up front,before any work is done, they are a scam.
  • Any company telling you not to contact the credit bureaus is not a legitimate company.
  • Telling you to falsify documents, or dispute correct information

Read The Contract

Read the entire document carefully to insure anything you sign contains the correct information. Be sure it spells out exactly what you are going to receive.

What are the services to be performed? How long will it take? How much is it going to cost? Ask if there is any guarantee of results? Be sure they explain your legal rights to you, especially the right to cancel the contract in 72 hours, at no cost.

What Can You Do?

You have the right to sue them for what you paid or your losses. If you win then company pays the lawyer expenses. You can also sue them for punitive damages, for breaking the law and lying about what they can do for you.

The Contract Can Be Cancelled Under Federal Law

You have 3 days her in the United States to cancel your credit contract, in Canada it is 10 days. That is Federal law and State Law also in some states.

Education and being aware of your rights may help to avoid being the crooks next victim.

Report a Credit Score Scam

If you have a problem with a credit repair company, report it to:

  • Your state attorney general or local consumer affairs office.
  • Contact the FTC at or 1-877-FTC-HELP. The FTC can’t resolve individual credit disputes, but it can take action against a company for breaking the law.

Always report any fraud to the FTC. These reports help them to find out about the credit score scams and frauds.

For more help, try these links.

If you have any comments or questions please leave them below. I want to hear any problems you may have resolved as well.


If you want to learn more about spotting scams and how to avoid them, or how to start the business you have been dreaming about, then take a look at  My #1 Recommendation  and see how it is possible, to start your own business, work when you want, and live the life you have dreamed of living.

Meet the Author

Chas The Owner Of Help For Scams And Frauds

I am Chas, creator and founder of Help For Scams And Frauds. I started affiliate marketing and earning money online in 2015. And I can tell you, anyone can do this. But, in order to build a business the right way you must have the right training and avoid the get rich quick schemes.

Check out my #1 Recommendation For The Best Online Training in 2024

2 thoughts on “Credit Score Scam [Alert]”

  1. Free score 360. Fa360wanted a credit card number scared they were a scam now. They messaged me I gave them information but not credit card number

    • HI Glenda,
      Free credit scores is a way for people to get your information and then spam you or worse, sell your name/email addy on mailing lists. I fell for that along with others years ago and gave my credit card numbers also. You can also read about how I got Caught in the River City Media Data Breach. They started out using the very same technique. People were offered credit reports for a small fee like, one dollar. But, their actual motive was to collect your email addy, then spam you and sell your address.

      You did the right thing! Only give information when you know exactly who they are, and you are dealing with a secure locked site using the (https) designation.

      Free score 360 is an information site that has a disclaimer at the bottom. They tell you they are offering information for other sites that are charging monthly fees for their services. They are affiliates of those programs. Those programs are offering a free trial or a $1 charge, then they will charge you monthly fees.

      You can obtain a true credit report by contacting the three credit agencies directly. They are Experian, Transunion and Experian. You are allowed to have one free credit report a year from each one.

      Always deal with the government website Here is a link that gives a phone number and a link to the official website for free credit reports without any gimmicks. Hope that helps!
      Thanks for your comment!


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