Amazon Scam Calls – How To Stay Safe Now!

Amazon Scam Calls are the latest version of scam calls used by scammers to trick victims into giving out their account information. Similar to the Amazon fake emails that have been making their rounds, These are a recorded phone call that claims your Amazon account has a fraudulent charge on it.

A phone message claims to be Amazon calling you about fraudulent activity on your Amazon account. Victims are told their account activity has fraudulent charges, and to clear up the account, a call is needed. These calls are all fake and people that fall for the hype, are giving account information directly to the scammers. Amazon will never make a phone call to tell you your account has been frozen. Or that you have a fraudulent charge on your account. They have been around for awhile, and now they they even use AI technology to trick people.

Who Is Amazon

Amazon is the world’s leading online retailer that offers millions of products and attracts countless customers daily. Founded by Jeff Bezos as a bookstore July 5, 1994, Bellevue, WA. Now, Amazon sells just about anything! They sell books, electronics, household goods and sporting equipment, just to name a few of the items they sell!

This makes it a prime target for scammers who try to impersonate the company and steal personal information. While Amazon strives for seamless customer service, they rarely initiate contact through phone calls. Knowing this and understanding their typical communication channels can help you identify and avoid fake calls attempting to scam you

Amazon Scam Calls Are Fakes

If anyone calls you and tries to tell you they work for Amazon, or someone telling you that there is a major charge on your Amazon account. Don’t fall for it! It just isn’t true. Before you call the number they give you, hang up and check your Amazon account, by logging into your account with your computer or phone and checking your account orders. You will see any new orders appearing in your account. Stay alert and stay safe.

A phone call exclaims “Your account has been frozen due to fraudulent activity”. It is a scammers desire to get you emotional. Then, you are provided a number to call. The number you see is a fake number.

If they give you, what they claim is an Amazon support number, do not call it. You will be calling the scammers. Hang up and go to the Amazon website and contact them through their customer support. Check your account for any new orders while you are there. Call your credit card company and ask if any charges are appearing on your card.

Related: Amazon Order Email Scams

Amazon Scam Calls Reported To The FTC

Below are several scam calls that were reported to the FTC in 2021 . Many sound very much the same, using the same tactics. Fortunately, most of these folks were too smart for the swindlers.

False Charges To Their Accounts

Not a dummy. | February 3, 2021 | 

I just received a call from a guy pretending to be from Amazon. Told me that somebody had just charged $746.42 on my debit card and I needed to get on my computer while he was on the phone login to my Amazon account go to my bank account and cancel that charge and he would help me take care of that through my computer. I told him I do not have a computer I use my cell phone for everything and I am talking to him on my cell phone. And to please put me over to the fraud department and he hung up on me he was from Maryland.

Not Me!!! | February 18, 2021 |

I just received a call from a 915 area code with a claim that my credit card was charged $700+ for the purchase of a new iPhone. He wanted me to put me on speaker on my cell phone, go to my home screen on my phone, and he would “help” me. My wife is an IT guru and this has happened before. I must admit I led him down the garden path a bit before I told him I knew he was trying to scam me. he was quite persistent until I asked to speak to his manager. I then hung up. BEWARE!!!!

adVisorie | February 26, 2021 | 

Received a automated voice message ,”I have been charged $500 on my account to Amazon and if I didn’t make this purchase to call (208)722-0315 to clear this matter if I didn’t make the purchase.” It also was a reference number given. I guess covid19 hasn’t stopped scammers completely. My cell and home phone are constantly ringing again with scammers. 

Some Scammers Call Repeatedly

Vicbee | March 18, 2021 | 

The Amazon scammer has called us 2x this afternoon. Our caller ID shows 2 different numbers/states they called from. It is a recorded message voice over. We were given the same phone number both times to call. (209-820-4208) We will not call, it sounds like scam from the get go! 

JohnD | March 19, 2021 | 

I got 5 calls back to back about a huge purchase on my amazon account. I pressed 1 and the guy was smart enough to tell my name when I asked for the name on the account. However, I didn’t have an Amazon account under my name and so told him that I don’t have an account and hung up. Never called back.

Molly from Amazon | April 14, 2021 | 

I’ve gotten 11 calls in the past 2 & 1/2 hours (same first 3 numbers, different last 4 numbers each time) with a recording that it’s Molly from Amazon and there was fraudulent activity on my account & to press 1. I won’t press it. Hopefully they’ll give up soon. 

Gary | April 15, 2021 |

I’ve been getting these a lot. I don’t answer and hear the messages. I’m wary because I got scammed big time some time ago when my computer suddenly froze and I fell into the trap and paid some big money. Anyway, I figure why wouldn’t it be the credit card company calling instead of Amazon? Why would anyone else raise an alarm about it? There are plenty of people looking to make an easy, dishonest dollar and it really makes me sick that these people can sleep at night. They must because they keep coming back.

The Calls Won’t Stop

Tired of these calls | May 5, 2021 | 

 I keep getting these calls, up to 10 in a row from different spoofed numbers!!!! How can these be stopped!!!!

Karen P. | June 8, 2021 |

Yesterday I got at least 4 calls from Molly at Amazon before I hit 1 to tell the person at the other end – an Indian call center – to take my number off their list. He hung up. After that, the Molly calls kept coming at 3/hour. Today it’s starting again. Where are the FTC’s computer hacks that can tackle these frauds and stop them from harassing us? 

Harassed by Mol… | June 13, 2021 |

Exactly the same experience. Molly from amazon, fraudulent charge from Ohio story. Since June 12, I’m getting this robot call every 5-15 minutes, non-stop! I pressed “1” many times and told them to stop calling me and that I’ve reported them to the authorities. They don’t care. Apparently based overseas. My landline answering machine is running out of space. I cannot use my phone. FTC/phone company or somebody has to do something about this organized crime.

M.E.T. | June 13, 2021 | 

How can we get them to stop calling. They call every 15 minutes. It is getting old. The number is never the same.

How Are Amazon Scammers Using AI Technology

Unfortunately, I cannot provide specific examples of scammers using AI technology to target Amazon customers, as such information could be used by malicious actors to refine their tactics. Sharing these details could potentially put vulnerable users at risk.

However, I can share some general ways scammers might leverage AI for nefarious purposes on Amazon:

1. Phishing with Personalized Emails: Scammers can use AI to analyze your purchase history and browsing behavior to craft highly personalized phishing emails. These emails might mention specific products you’ve recently viewed or remind you of an abandoned cart, making them appear more legitimate and increasing the chance you’ll click on malicious links or attachments.

2. Deepfakes and Voice Cloning: AI-powered deepfakes and voice cloning technologies can be used to create realistic audio or video messages impersonating Amazon customer service representatives. These fake interactions could trick victims into revealing sensitive information like account credentials or credit card details.

3. Manipulating Reviews and Ratings: Scammers can use AI to generate fake reviews or manipulate existing ones to artificially inflate the ratings of low-quality products. This can mislead unsuspecting customers into purchasing counterfeit items or products that don’t live up to their advertised quality.

4. Creating Targeted Ads: AI can be used to create highly targeted ads for fake or scam products, specifically aimed at users who have shown interest in similar items on Amazon. These ads might appear more relevant and trustworthy, increasing the chances of users falling victim to the scam.

5. Automating Social Engineering: AI-powered chatbots can be used to automate social engineering tactics, engaging in conversations with customers and attempting to extract personal information or lure them to phishing websites. These chatbots can be programmed to mimic human interaction, making them even more deceptive.

Remember, the best defense against any scam is vigilance. Always be cautious of unsolicited communication, especially if it involves requests for personal information or financial details. If you suspect a scam, report it to Amazon and avoid interacting with the suspicious contact.

Here are some additional tips For Staying Safe on Amazon:

  • Never share your Amazon account credentials with anyone.
  • Be wary of unsolicited emails, phone calls, or text messages claiming to be from Amazon.
  • Only click on links or attachments from trusted sources.
  • Check the URL of any website you visit before entering your personal information.
  • Use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication on your Amazon account.
  • Regularly review your Amazon account activity and report any suspicious transactions.

How To Stop Scam Calls

One common question asked is “How can I stop these calls?” Below I have listed several helpful methods to stop these Amazon Scam Calls from happening.

  • Block the number on your cell phone. Add the number to contacts, and them put it on the reject list on your phone. Some phones have a limit of numbers on the reject list.
  • Download an app that will block the calls such as RoboKiller or Truecaller Currently these both have a free version.
  • Contact and list the numbers with the Do Not Call Registry. Scammers who continue to call the numbers are subject to a fine. Unfortunately, the robo-dialers constantly change their numbers.
  • Report the Phone calls to the FTC at and follow the onscreen directions.
  • For help with “How to make your Amazon Account secure” go to Protect Your System.

If you have been a victim of a scam, tell us your story in the comments below. You will help others avoid getting scammed.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Does Amazon ever call about suspicious activity on my account?
No, Amazon typically communicates about account issues through email or its website’s “Message Center.” If you receive a phone call claiming your account has been compromised, it’s highly likely a scam.
How can I tell if an Amazon phone call is real?
Here are some red flags:
Urgency: Scammers often pressure you to act quickly.
Threats: They might threaten to close your account or take legal action.
Personal information requests: Legitimate Amazon calls won’t ask for sensitive information like passwords or one-time codes.
Suspicious caller ID: The caller ID might look similar to but not quite right as Amazon’s official number.
What should I do if I receive a suspicious Amazon call?
Don’t engage with the caller. Hang up immediately and report the call to Amazon through their official channels:
Phone: 1-888-280-4331
What else can I do to protect myself from Amazon scams?
Enable two-factor authentication: This adds an extra layer of security to your account login.
Beware of phishing emails: Don’t click on suspicious links or attachments.
Regularly review your account activity: Look for any unauthorized charges or changes to your information.
Keep your software and devices updated: This helps patch security vulnerabilities that scammers could exploit.
Where can I find more information about Amazon scams?
Amazon publishes resources on their website to help you stay safe from scams:
Help Center:
Security & Privacy:

Thank you for reading my post. If you have any comments or questions Please leave them below and I will get back to you ASAP.


Meet The Author

Chas The Owner Of Help For Scams And Frauds

I am Chas, creator and founder of Help For Scams And Frauds. I started affiliate marketing and earning money online in 2015. And I can tell you, anyone can do this. But, in order to build a business the right way you must have the right training and avoid the get rich quick schemes.

Check out my #1 Recommendation For The Best Online Training in 2024

32 thoughts on “Amazon Scam Calls – How To Stay Safe Now!”

  1. It makes me sad how many people actually even question if this is legit or not, i guess it makes sense though bc if some fools didnt fall for it occasionally then they wouldnt be doing it still. I however would never be taken by something of this caliber, I suspect everythng in this day and time, dont trust anyone who you do not know unless you can verify what they say on your own and do your dd. Dont become part of another statistic, a sad statistic at that. Times have changed and its high time for people to become more hard when it comes to trust and legitimacy. I view every stranger as a potential crook/scammer. I hate to say but i dont really feel sorry for anyone who falls for this, nobody is to blame but yourself, you answered the phone and gave your money to the thieves, it isnt like they held you up and took it from you and the reason they still bother me and other people today is because of people like you.

    • Hi D,
      Yes it is our own fault. People are just too trusting to a fault. But that is exactly what the scammer depends on. Some of the tactics they use seem very real, and it is easy to fall for it just by not paying attention! They just get fooled, period. Scammers are very good at what they do!
      Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, please stop back soon!

    • I am a senior, I used to think I was still reasonably smart. Sadly, I fell for all kinds of scams in the last 3 years. My credit is ruined. And Amazon is claiming that I am making false reports ( keeping merchandise and saying I never got it! something as petty as spoons. I finally found somethng that I am being scammed in a different now. I wish Ihad seen your articles before now. Thank you for helping others,-you will be blessed-sad for me however.

      • Hi Joyce,
        We all learn some tough lessons sometimes, but we are smarter for it. When you say that Amazon is saying you are making false reports, that sounds like you are talking to scammers and not Amazon. When you talk to amazon, be sure you call their number. Go to your account, and get the number, do not use any number in a email or someone gave you over the phone. They are all fake!
        Thank you for your kind words. I was also scammed, so I know it is painful! That is what made me mad enough to start this website and try to keep people informed, so they don’t lose their money!
        I wish you the best, and thank you for visiting my site. Please stop back soon!

  2. I just contacted Amazon and let them know about these scammer calls!!!
    The scammer message was similar to others. I was told a charge of $999.00 was charged to my Amazon account..
    I pressed 1, but hung up after the line was full of static. After about the 8th scammer call, I pressed 1 and when a person answered, after the transfer, I told them to never call this number again! I then took our phone off the hook! So annoying and stressful!!
    I knew this was a scammer call too..I wanted to ignore the whole thing, but again, decided I had best contact Amazon.

    • Hi Susan,
      I am glad you recognized that it was a scammer. They didn’t get any of your personal information. That is what they were really after. In this case they were just annoying. You did the right thing by contacting Amazon and letting them know about the call.
      Thank you for sharing your experience, and I am glad you were not scammed.
      Please stop back soon!

      • So sad, I have been sick for days as my 80 year old Mom just fell for this Amazon scam, Kevin Singh and EKR Inc. in California at least that is who they told her to make the 2 checks they told her to get totaling $70,000 and another $2,000 in gift cards. $72,000 dollars what my Mom worked for all of her life. What could they possibly say to someone to get an old lady that will not drive to the store that is not even a mile away but she’ll go to 2 different banks 7 miles away from each other and deposit 50 in one and 20 in the other. I just don’t get it. Crushed!!

        • Hi April,
          I am so sorry to hear this. You should file a report with the FTC, and contact the local Attorney General’s Office and see if they can somehow trace those checks. wish I knew what els to tell you, except contact all the consumer protection agencies out there. Check out my scam checklist, I have a few consumer help agencies listed there.
          I wish you the best. sorry I can’t help you.

  3. hi, i got a call from amazon saying “pro using your amazon account if you do not authorize this order press one or press two to aurthorize it, it keeps calling me what should i do

  4. Hi Chas, I’m afraid I might have been scammed today. I had a call from Amazon saying three purchases had been made for large amounts and where they were purchased from on my Amazon account. They said it was Identity theft, they connected me with another person from Amazon that said I could take care of the problem fastest if I was near an Amazon store which I was not. So I was on the phone with this person for a few hours as they told me what stores to purchase gift cards and what amount they should be, after I read them the card numbers they sent me a verification number each time from Amazon it said with each gift card for a certain amount would cancel to fraud purchase. My cards ended up being at their limit. So I couldn’t eliminate the final item. I asked them repeatedly if I would get reimbursed for all these credit card purchases. And they told me that I would. Would a scammer stay on the phone for a long time and send me a verification number?

    • Hi Shari,
      I am so sorry to hear this, I am afraid you likely were scammed. You should call Amazon, and see if there actually were any fraudulent charges on your account. Amazon does not call you. They would most likely send you an email first, asking you to contact them. Scammers will get you to purchase gift cards and then read the numbers over the phone to them so they can cash them out.

      Check the verification numbers with Amazon, they likely are fake numbers.
      So, what I don’t understand is why you are paying for what was fraudulent purchases, to get reimbursed later? If they were fraudulent, they should have been removed?
      Yes, scammers will spend the time to get your money. The verification number is probably fake, ask Amazon to verify.
      After you talk to Amazon about your account, and they tell you your account is good. Then, you will know for sure. I would call the credit card companies and see if they can stop payments somehow, but I am pretty sure the gift cards are already empty.
      It sounds like you might have learned a sad lesson. Always check with Amazon first about your account, before you listen to these scammers. Hang up on them and call Amazon directly.
      I don’t know of any way to track those gift cards once they use them.
      Maybe the attorney general office can help? But they need a contact phone number?
      Here is my checklist. You can also file a report with the FBI Crime division, the link is on the checklist page. The FBI may not get back to you, but you may get the crooks caught!
      I hope that is some help for you. Let me know how you make out. If I can help in any way, just ask, I will be glad to do anything I can.

  5. Received a call today… Automated call “from Amazon” there have been fraudulent charges for a mac book pro and a pair of air pods in the amount of $1956.53. Press 1 to dispute these charges. So of course, I pressed 1. The man came on the phone with a STRONG Indian accent. He went right into his speech. Then asked me if I made these purchases. I informed him that I had not {with such worry in my voice}. Oh no what was I going to do. He then started asking me for my information, but I told him I was very worried about giving him my info if he could not prove to me first, he was a real caller. Well, he gave me a name, but it was NO WHERE close to my name. I told him he was completely **ck** and that he had the wrong caller. Well, he hung up on me, but the line did not hang up, so I put the phone down and went to play my game some more. At least I tied up his line for over 45 minutes, maybe I stopped at least one other person from getting a call. I knew from the onset that it was fake as I don’t have an amazon account and I work for Amazon. The number 254-299-4417

    • Hi Julia,
      I love to hear when people give the scammers a run for their money! You were on the ball, good for you! Maybe they will get a bit tired of the scamming if more people waste their time for a change. It is a bit unsettling to get these calls, because they make you think you have been swindled. In your case, since you don’t have an account, and work for Amazon, you picked up on it right away. Good job!
      Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment Julia, please stop back soon!

  6. I got the call from India this afternoon telling me that a suspicious charge of over $1000.00 was charged to my Amazon account for a cell phone. And…Amazon had already shipped the phone to Ohio. Then he asked me if I knew anyone in Ohio. Strange question as I already told him I did not make this order and it wasn’t appearing on my Amazon account online. He told me it would take at least an hour before it appeared. Then he told me to type in this address into my browser: and then he told me to click on the ”Download” box. I told him that there was absolutely no way I would download anything onto my computer from a strange site. He then said that if I didn’t, Amazon could not cancel the charge. But it seemed a mute question anyway since he said Amazon had already sent the phone out. The man had a very heavy Indian accent and I could barely understand him. He got angry and frustrated with me. Anyway, I told him I was uncomfortable with the call and I was going to hang up and call Amazon. He hung up.
    I was never worried because I knew my bank cards could handle this ”fraudulent” charge if Amazon couldn’t. The number from which I got this call was 209-608-4848.
    I wrote Amazon about this because I couldn’t find a number to call them.

    • Hi Jennifer,
      Wow, you handled that very well. These guys just won’t quit. Fortunately you were aware of these scams. The websites are just fake sites. If it was actually amazon, the site would be, not some other name. Amazon doesn’t make finding their fraud number easy. If you contact customer service, they can help you report this activity.
      Thanks for sharing your story Jennifer, you have helped educate others about these crooks!

  7. Same thing here, but we don’t appreciate getting these fake Amazon calls starting at 6:45am in Southern California. Will these scammer calls ever go away? I will never “press 1 to talk with our Amazon Security Department.”

    • Hi Larry,
      Sorry to hear they call so early! You are smart by not talking to their security, it is fake. They are like the robo calls, they won’t quit. If it is the same number calling, you can block them on your cell phone. If you can’t block them, just hang up. They eventually realize that it is a waste of time calling your number.
      Thanks for letting us know about your calls. Please stop back soon!

  8. Hello,

    I just got an automated call thanking me for placing $386 in Amazon purchases. If this wasn’t me I had to call some number, or I could just hang up to process the order. What a joke – it never works like that. I wish I had wrote the number down so I could share it. I also should call back and make them waste their time – but that imply wastes my time too.

    • Hi Joe,
      Congrats to you for recognizing the scam. Yes, it’s fun to mess with the scammers, but wastes our time as well. You did the right thing in using your time wisely to make others aware of these crooks. Amazon never calls you to thank you for an order. Now, because of your experience, others know to beware of such phone calls.
      Thanks for your heads up, and I hope you stop back soon!

  9. It just happened to me. I received a text message that my Amazon order is being processed and $563.42 would be charged to my account. They stated that to cancel this order call 18332517996. I called to let them know I know they’re scammers and thieves. Then I called Amazon.

    • Hi Millie,
      Good for you! It is good to know people are not being scammed by these crooks! it is not very often I get a story where the person knew what was happening before they called. That’s great!
      Thanks for letting everyone know! And Please stop back soon!

  10. Well, it just happened to me…I knew from the start that it was a scam because of the automated voice. But then I pissed off the guy because I said “look, you have to talk slower, I am not understanding one thing you are saying, perhaps you would like to talk to my husband…he is law enforcement and can understand you people.
    I got a nervous laugh and a f**k you lady- click!
    14058766482 <—— this is the number that called.

    • Hi Patti,
      LOL! It is good to hear that you weren’t fooled! And you gave me a laugh today. The scammers certainly don’t like it when the tables are turned on them.
      Thank you for sharing a different approach to foiling the scammers attempts!
      Please stop back soon, and share any more stories like this one!

  11. Oct. 18, 2021 I just received a automated phone call to advise me that my Amazon account had a a suspicious charge of $1499 and had been put on hold. I was to press 1 to talk with someone about this or press 2 to report this call. I hung up and went online to check my account and there was no charge to my account recorded or no message to me about this suspicious fraud charge to my account. So am assuming it is another scam call from an Amazon imposter. They never give up!

    • Hi Marilyn,
      It sure sounds like it to me! Good for you, you didn’t fall for it! Amazon does not call you. If they did something like that I am sure they would contact you in writing.
      Thank you for taking the time to tell your story. Stop back soon!

  12. +1 (647) 470-1051 Toronto Ontario Canada ?? automated voice saying Amazon will deliver iPhone today and over $1000. Will be taken from account, and to press 1 if order was incorrect ? I hung up & blocked.

    • Hi Lin,
      Good job! You can check your amazon account safely by contacting Amazon directly using their contact number as well. I have so many blocked calls on my galaxy phone it is full and I can’t add any more!
      Thanks for letting us know! Please stop back soon!

  13. Thanks for your review on the Amazon Scam Calls.  I personally have received many of these calls claiming to be from Amazon and that my account is frozen, or that I have been charged (usually around $700) and to call a certain number to clear things up.

    Of course, it is all fake.  I just log into my Amazin account and there are no fictitious purchases or charges to my account.

    I assume many unfortunate people get emotional when they hear the dollar amount allegedly charged and fall for the fake call.  It is certainly a shame these scams can not be stopped but I imaging this is difficulty because of these fraudulent calls are from different phone numbers!

    Thanks again for the information,


    • Hi Dave,

      I am glad to hear your didn’t fall for the Amazon scam calls that you have received. You did the right thing. I did the same when I received mine. Still, it is a bit of a shock when you first hear that your account has been frozen. 

      Checking your account is the only defense you have right now, because as you noted, they can change their  phone numbers constantly to avoid  getting caught.

      It doesn’t matter if they call from the same number or not, you can block them and report them to the FTC.

      Thanks for taking the time to read my article, and leave a comment. Stop back soon.


  14. Hi Chas,

    Thanks for this article Amazon Scam Calls 2021. It was interesting and very informative reading.
    I am an amateur affiliate marketer and if this happened to me, I would have fallen for it!

    Now, I know how to deal with these scammers, and how to stop the calls from continuing.

    Thank you for letting us know that this happens and what to do when it does I will share your article to other affiliate marketing friends so that they learn about it too. We must be cautious at all times in the internet world!

    Best regards,

    • Hi Dominique,

      I am glad you enjoyed the article. I try to alert everyone when I find a scam that people will fall for easily. This  one is particularly bad because a lot of people buy from Amazon. And the only good defense is education.

      Thank you for sharing, and taking the time to comment. Stop back soon!



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