What Is IM Checklist Vol. 61 – Find Out Now!

IM Checklist Vol. 61 is the latest checklist produced by Kevin Fahey. It is a series of checklists that allow you to produce your own products in a simple step by step format.

And when you buy this product, you also get the PLR (Public License Rights) to reuse the content and also sell it as your own product. I personally have a problem with PLR rights.

Simply because they are basically a DFY (Done For You) product. Everybody else who purchases the program has the same product as you. Let’s take a look at Kevin Fahey’s product.

  • Name    –  IM Checklist Vol. 61 
  • Website – https://imchecklist.org
  • Price     – $7.68 + upsells of $297/ $3/ $26.89/ $26.54 and unlimited access for $997
  • Owners – Kevin Fahey
  • Quality – Grants PLR (Public License Rights)
  • Overall Rank – 5/10
  • Refunds –  14 days and 30 days on some upsells. No refunds on $297 Lifetime Offer
  • Verdict –  LegitNot Recommended

IM Checklist Vol 61 Overview

The IM Checklist Vol 61 is the latest release by Kevin Fahey of his IM Checklists. To be clear, “IM” Checklist stands for Internet Marketing Checklist. Internet marketing is also referred to as Digital Marketing.

The original version of the IM Checklist Series, was released about a year ago. And Kevin has been offering monthly updates ever since for people who joined his monthly membership for $17.95 a month.

In order to draw more people to his membership, and make a few bucks, Kevin markets a condensed version of all the Checklists he has released. And he adds the latest versions he has produced for his monthly memberships in the meantime. This version is Vol 61 version 2.

IM Checklist Vol 61 boasts that it offers over 48 hours of training and grants you the PLR (Public License Rights) for all the material. And it is offered in 5 different formats so you can easily access and use the content, and even promote it as your own. Sounds pretty good right?

IM Checklist Vol. 61 – 5 Different Formats

Well, yes and no, but more about that later. It does offer training, and PLR rights, and it is offered in 5 different formats.

IM Checklist VOL.61 The Five Access Links  Printable PDF, Editable Documents,Mind Map, Google Spreadsheet, Excel Spreadsheet, and HTML Interactive

The bottom line is that this product is just checklists. Sure, they give you the step by step list of things you need to do. But, it does not provide complete training. And, I know from past reviews of Kevin’s products, he has programs to give you training in each area. But each one is another upsell. I don’t like upsells. That is a red flag for me.

Related : The Easy Repetitive System And What Is The Lazy Affiliate Method

IM Checklist Vol 61 Sales Page Image.

How Does IM Checklist Vol. 61 Work?

IM checklist is a series of checklists created by Kevin Fahey that allow marketers to have a step by step checklist for how to do different areas of internet marketing. In this particular Checklist (Vol 61-Version2) you get 18 checklists.

IM Checklist Vol. 61 Checklists 1-6IM Checklist Vol. 61 Checklists 7-12IM Checklist Vol. 61 Checklists 13-18
1- Choosing A Niche7- Leveraging Affiliate Marketing To Build lists13- Creating A Content Plan/Marketing Strategy For A Long-term Affiliate Promotion
2- Identifying The Right Affiliate Networks8- How To Create A Squeeze Page For Affiliate Marketing14- The Essential Tools You Need For Affiliate Marketing
3- Selecting Products and Getting Approved9- Email Marketing For Your Promotions15- Promoting Your Affiliate Links On Social Media
4- Leveraging Warrior Plus For Affiliate Marketing10- Leveraging Free Affiliate Marketing16- Optimizing Your Affiliate Marketing Site With SEO
5- Perfecting Your Product Reviews11- Leveraging Paid Affiliate Marketing17- Converting Clicks To Sales
6- Leveraging JVZoo For Affiliate Marketing12- Incentivizing Potential Buyers With Bonuses18- Setting Up Tracking For Your Affiliate Links

Kevin offers all the previous volumes he has released, currently from volume one to volume 61. However, you have to purchase the “Lifetime offer” at $297. I only purchased the $7.68 version of IM Checklist Volume 61 Version 2 for the purpose of this review. So, that includes the list of checklists above, PLR rights, Plus 4 bonuses which I will explain later.

IM Checklists Vol. 61 – Step By Step Lists

These checklists can be followed to create whatever you are doing, and list all the items you need to have for selecting products and getting approved for instance. That can be quite helpful, if you know what you are doing. But, if you are brand new at marketing, then these checklists are helpful, but don’t show you how to do all the tasks. They do include some helpful tips on how to go about doing some of the tasks on each checklist.

To learn how to do all the tasks, you need training. And Kevin Fahey is more than willing to provide that for each area you want to learn about. The problem is you have to shell out more money for another program. In the long run this makes a lot of money for Kevin, but costs you a lot more in upsells. I personally have a better solution that provides step by step training and teaches you how to do each step as you go. There are two levels of training, and no upsells.

IM Checklist Vol. 61 Affiliate Marketing Version 2

This is Kevin’s sales page. It really makes these lists sound like the answer to all your marketing questions. But, in reality they are simply a checklist.

IM Checklist Sales Copy Granting Access and PLR Rights.

Kevin is pretty good at marketing products, because he has been doing this a long time. And he has done a ton of testing to find out what works. When you read this you think it must be the holy grail of marketing, but it is just a checklist of actions you need to take for a reference.

Kevin’s “Bridge of Knowledge”

IM Checklist Sales Copy

Kevin’s product also includes full Private Label Rights – PLR. This means that you can use the checklists as if they were your own. This gives you a product that is DFY – Done For You Product. That sounds pretty good, but all the products are going to be exactly the same for everyone who buys this product. In reality, they are not very good to use. It is hard to say it’s your own product when a bunch more people have the exact same product!

Im Checklist Sales Copy Granting PLR rights again.

Free Bonuses With The IM Checklist Vol. 61

IM Checklist Vol 61 text listing the bonuses included.

IM Checklist Vol. 61 – 4 Bonus Packages Included

These are the bonuses that Kevin included with the whole IM Checklist bundle. But they don’t match the ones I got?

IM Checklist Vol 61 bonus #1
IM Checklist 2nd Bonus
IM Checklist 3rd bonus
IM Checklist 4th Bonus

My Bonuses Included With IM Checklist Vol. 61 – Version 2

I was surprised to learn that the bonuses I received when I purchased Kevin’s product, were quite different than the bonuses he had advertised. Maybe this is an update of sorts.

Here is a list of my bonus titles included with my purchase.

  • 11 Questions to Success / 11 Steps To Success -Just what it says, 11 steps to success. All the things you need to do to become successful. But, no training on how to do here, that is a separate training. It did include a link to Weekly Seminars and the Mastermind Group.
  • Open Rate Explosion – A step by guide of ninja tricks for email marketing. This is actually a useful guide showing you how to actually do each step, and lists some great tools (and their links) and why they are useful for emailing. Some do have added costs involved.
  • Solo Ad Escape – Everything you need to know about escaping the Solo Ad world of email marketing. Plenty of tips and helpful suggestions to use for better results. Also includes a link to Kevin for his personal coaching course. Yes, another upsell.
  • Dropout Entrepreneur – Kevin tells his life story and how he found his “Why”. you learn the ups and downs and all the hard work required to become successful. it’s not a get rich quick scheme.

The IM Checklist “Triple Threat” Guarantee

This is the money back guarantee that Kevin offers for buying his IM checklist volume 61 version 2 product training bundle. And that is the only thing you get a refund on. IM Checklist Volume 61- Version 2 and you get to keep the bonuses if you request a refund.

IM Checklist Vol. 61 "Triple Threat Guarantee"

It certainly does not include the “Lifetime Offer” I have the lifetime upsell listed below, and it is a non refundable sale! Imagine that! I don’t see any stipulations on the “Triple Threat” Money back guarantee! No mention or exception for the “Lifetime Access”. The “Triple Threat” Guarantee is practically worthless!

I Purchased The IM Checklist For $7.68 And Here’s What Happened Next!

As soon as I hit the button to complete my purchase, just what I expected happened. I was immediately hit with a pop up upsell! Yep, I have reviewed Kevin Fahey products before and this is how he promotes his products.

In this case, these are checklists. They don’t provide any training to show you how to do what they are listing as steps you need to follow. For the best training to start your own business check out my #1 Recommendation.

Ok, so this upsell is for Lifetime access to everything created the IM Checklist, plus access to what Kevin calls the “Gold Training Vault”

IM Checklist Vol. 61 Upsell #1 – Lifetime Access – $297

IM Checklist Vol 61 First Upsell "Lifetime Offer"

It looks like the “Lifetime Offer” is limited to all the volumes already produced + two more years. I guess the IM Checklist is going to discontinue in two more years, so that would qualify for it’s lifetime.

One good thing, with this offer, it claims that there are no monthly fees. And you get access to all the checklists I have listed below.

Kevin charges $17.95 a month for membership to this service. So, the $297 upsell would be the same as paying for 16 months of his membership. You could be saving some money if these are helpful to you. It is definitely not a scam, and you do get quite an assortment of useful checklists for many areas of internet marketing.

But, it has a major drawback!

IM Checklist Lifetime Purchase – Sale Is Final – NO REFUNDS

IM Checklist Checkout $297 - No Refunds

You can see the bottom line on the sales receipt clearly says sale is final, no refunds! Wow.

It appears that Kevin has a separate policy for the Lifetime payment, after making sure to tell you all about the “Triple Threat” money back guarantee shown above. There is no mention of the “Lifetime Offer” not included in the “Triple Threat Guarantee”.

IM Checklist Vol. 61 Upsell #2 – Gold Training Vault – $3

This is yet another upsell that has a teaser rate of $3. I passed on this one as well, but if you really want these checklists, I guess $3 is not that much money. My only complaint is that you don’t realize that you are only getting one volume for $7.68. Had I known that, I may have opted to purchase this for $3

This is just hyped up selling, You only get a very limited access for one volume of checklists. And that is not mentioned anywhere in all of the sales pages, or offers. The ONLY way you will get complete access to all the checklists is if you buy the non-refundable Lifetime offer. This is included in the lifetime offer.

IM Checklist 2nd Upsell Gold Vault Training $3

I didn’t actually copy the list because this review is long enough already. And to be honest, I am a little confused about what all is included or what is a separate offer. But, 18 topics, and 324 checklists should be worth more than $3.

IM Checklist Vol. 61Upsell #3 – Traffic Shotgun – $26.89 Upgrade

This is yet another upsell that contains information for using a mailing list to gain traffic. Mailing lists are a lot of work, and even though you get your traffic for free, you need additional tools to start a mailing list. And it takes additional time to maintain and build a mailing list, but it is worth it in the long run.

You will need an autoresponder to send and receive emails. And you will need an email system that will handle all the mailings you will be sending out. Sorry, this will cost extra depending on how much mail you are sending. You have to do this because any free mail account will only give you very limited quantities of mail. So, it isn’t exactly a free traffic source! But, it is not as expensive as paid ads can be.

IM Checklist Upsell #3 for Traffic using email lists.

IM Checklist Vol. 61 Upsell #4 – Access To High Performing Sales Funnels – $26.54

And yet another upsell. This product is going to teach you how to build sales funnels. Ok, that’s great. But, you will need more tools to do this as well. You will need a website and training on how to set up your funnel, or you will need a complete platform like GrooveFunnels, or a funnel builder such as ClickFunnels

IM Checklist 4th Upsell - Sales funnels

Finally Access To IM Checklist Vol.61 – A Look Inside

After I get through all the pop ups, this is what I found when I got inside.

IM Checklist Vol. 61 look inside

I choose to pass on all the upsells, just to see exactly what was offered for the $7.68 teaser rate. As you read all the sales pages, you get the impression that this is all of the 61 volumes of the IM Checklist. But, that is not the case at all.

What you see above appears as though you get 4 different volumes of checklists. In fact all the volumes will appear but you can only access one. That is all you get for the $7.68. Plus the bonuses and the PLR license.

Here is what one of the checklists looks like. I have chosen checklist 17 – Converting Clicks To Sales

IM Checklist #17 Converting Clicks to Sales pg 1
IM Checklist pg 2 of checklist 317
IM Checklist pg #3 of checklist 17

As I mentioned above, Kevin uses some hard sell techniques that lead you to believe the “Teaser Rate” includes everything he shows you. Well it doesn’t. He make a big deal out of the “Triple Threat Guarantee” but it won’t apply to the “lifetime Offer”. So, the only refunds you will get are the teaser rates on his upsells. If you get the Lifetime Offer you are stuck with it! No Refunds!

The IM Checklist Modules

Here is a rundown of all the modules that Kevin Fahey has created so far. This does no include what he calls the ” Gold Vault” but the headings in the “Gold Vault” look the same as some of the modules in this list.

In order to access all these you would have to purchase the “Lifetime Offer”

IM Checklist (Vol. 49 – Vol 60)

This is the all the IM Checklist Volumes released earlier.

# 60 – Starting an Online Business#59 – Seasonal Marketing#58 – Customer Service and Retention
#57 – Cutting Operational Costs For your Business#56 – Online Gaming#55 – Metaverse
#54 – 18 Free Traffic Generation Strategies#53 – TIKTOK Marketing (Free and Paid)#52 – Financial Management For Business Owners
#51 – Using Crypto Currencies In Your Business#50 – Pinterest Ads#49 – Domain Flipping

IM Checklist (Vol. 37 – Vol. 48)

#48 – Niche Websites#47 – Cyber Security#46 – Google my Business
#45 – Improving Email Delivery#44 – Bing Ads#43 – Tripwire Offers
#42 – Digital Agency Startup#41 – Kindle Direct Publishing And Print On Demand#40 – List Engagement
#39 – Split Testing And Optimization#38 – Securing your Content#37 – Consulting

IM Checklist (Vol. 25 – Vol 36)

#36 – Podcasting#35 – Review Sites#34 – Online Traffic For Marketers
#33 – Content Management#32 – Facebook Ads#31 – Local Marketing
#30 – Instagram Marketing#29 – E-Commerce (18 Checklists)#28 – Funnels(18 Checklists)
#27 – Daily Tasks(18 Checklists)#26 – Lead Sources(18 Checklists)#25 – Membership Sites(18 Checklists)

IM Checklists (Vol. 1 – Vol 24)

#24 – Influencer Marketing (18 Checklists)#23 – Google AdWords (18 Checklists0#22 – Mindset (18 Checklists)
#21 – Google Checklists (18 Checklists)#20 – PLR Kickstart (18 modules)#19 – Selling On Webinars (18 Checklists)
#18 – LinkedIn Marketing (18 Checklists)#17 – ClickBank Marketing (18 Checklists)#16 – Copywriting (18 Checklists)
#15 – YouTube Advertising (18 Checklists0#14 – Search Engine Optimization (19 Checklists)#13 – Make Money Online (18 Checklists)
#12 – Offline Business Startup (18 Checklists)#11 – Building A Business On WordPress (18 Checklists)#10 – Self Publishing (20 Checklists)
#9 – Outsourcing (18 Checklists)#8 – Messenger Marketing (18 Checklists)#7 – Newbie Marketer (18 Checklists)
#6 – Canva Design (30 Checklists)#5 – Video Marketing (19 Checklists)#4 – Affiliate Marketing (19 Checklists)
#3 – Social Media (30 Checklists)#2 – Email Marketing (19 Checklists)#1 – Product Creation (18 Checklists)

As I said before, this is a lot of material for $297. That’s a good deal. But, you need to purchase additional training to understand how to implement all the steps in the checklists. Kevin does have a Facebook group and maybe you can get enough help there, but I don’t really like Facebook groups.

I like the one on one training when it is available. With my #1 Recommendation for training, you get one on one help included with your membership. And a whole lot more. I personally think it is the best training you can get.

Pros and Cons


  • Step By Step Checklists Of Actions Necessary
  • Affordable Cost
  • Broad Range Of Subject Material


  • No Refunds On “Lifetime Offer”
  • Too Many Upsells
  • Training Costs Extra

Verdict: IM Checklist Vol. 61 Version 2 Is LegitGreen Thumbs Up Legit Indicator

IM checklist is definitely not a scam. It is a group of checklists that could be useful in showing the steps required to do quite an assortment of tasks necessary for internet marketing. The problem is that there is only an overview of how to actually do this . If you are an experienced marketer, then you would most likely have the experience necessary to do the work required for each step.

If you are a beginner, then you will need to purchase additional training to implement these steps correctly. It may be possible to learn everything from the Facebook group that Kevin offers, but that is not easy to do. Kevin also offers coaching, but again it is an additional cost.

I think you get a better bang for your buck with my #1 Recommendation. It has two levels of training, and no upsells. If you are tired of scams, and want to start your own business, I highly recommend it.

If you got this far, thank you for reading my review. I hope you have enjoyed reading it. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. I answer all my readers as fast as I can.


Now is the time to start your own business

Covid 19 has ravaged the world causing the death of tens of thousands compromised family members and tens of millions of people worldwide. Millions of people in the USA have been thrown out of work do to no fault of their own. This has caused workers to rely on temporary state aid, and forced many from their homes. Something like this is how your life can be turned upside down in an instant. It doesn’t have to be that way

This stark reality is why creating your own business is so important now more than ever. Affiliate Marketing is something that cannot be taken away. Online business is thriving because people are shopping online more than ever!

There has never been a better time to cash in on this lucrative business and create your own financial Independence with online marketing.

Be your own boss, start your journey to financial freedom today.

Chas The Owner Of Help For Scams And Frauds

I am Chas, creator and founder of Help For Scams And Frauds. I started affiliate marketing and earning money online in 2015. And I can tell you, anyone can do this. But, in order to build a business the right way you must have the right training and avoid the get rich quick schemes.

Check out my #1 Recommendation For The Best Online Training in 2024

IM Checklist Vol. 61




  • Step By Step Checklist Of Actions
  • Affordable Cost
  • Broad Range Of Subject Material


  • No Refunds On "Lifetime Offer"
  • Too Many Upsells
  • Training Costs Extra

9 thoughts on “What Is IM Checklist Vol. 61 – Find Out Now!”

  1. This checklist is a comprehensive list of everything you need to know about creating and launching successful online courses. From identifying your target audience to creating compelling content, it covers all the essential steps to make your course a success. I also like your honest review of the IM checklist- especially the pros and cons. I highly recommend this resource to anyone who wants to create a high-quality online course and boost their sales.

    • Hi Femi,
      The checklists in IM Checklists do cover the topics but they don’t provide the training that Wealthy Affiliate can provide. If beginners don’t understand how to do the steps, they are going to be spending much more on upsells, and that is the major drawback to IM Checklist.
      Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, please stop back soon.

  2. Hi Chas,

    For me, the amount of information that is provided in the checklists does provide a level of value but I can also see it being extremely overwhelming for somebody that is starting out. Couldn’t agree with you more on the the amount of upsells, that would be a deal breaker for me. In terms of the whole package you are potentially paying for I think there are much better systems of teaching and community that are available. Even a quick search on YouTube can provide someone with plenty of knowledge, for free, if they are wanting to get started. Thank you for sharing your expertise!

    • Hi Dereck,
      Yes it could be overwhelming for someone who does not really understand how to achieve the steps outlined in the checklists. And I have also used Youtube myself for research and free information. I guess the checklists could save you some time or give you topics to research as well.
      Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, please stop back soon.

  3. I’m always on the lookout for additional training, as I feel that one can never be too educated. However, I don’t like upsells, especially ones that pop-up when I’m trying to make a simple purchase.

    His checklists do seem to cover a wide variety of subjects, actually more than what most people would need or use. The “Triple Threat” Money Back Guarantee definitely does not collaborate with the “no refund” policy on the lifetime purchase though. To me it seems that a beginning marketer would have to purchase the upsells to truly learn, and a more seasoned marketer would most likely have all the knowledge.

    Thanks for the review. Although it’s not a scam, I do think I’ll stay away from this one.

  4. Great article, love the insight you provided about this program, essentially going into depth on all the pros and cons. I love especially how you give your ‘recommendations’ what you did and didn’t like whilst also providing enough information for someone like me who is new to all this, an opportunity to make a conscientious decision on whether or not this is right for me. Based on your information I can see that perhaps this is not something for complete beginners as it lacks the required training and there is no essential hand holding for newbies. Brilliant breakdown and this is the kind of information someone like myself who is otherwise not well versed in the internet space needs.

    All the best, James

    • Hi James,
      Thank you! Glad you liked the article. As you pointed out, the big problem is the fact that beginners would have to pay more for additional training to learn how to use the checklists. But, to be clear, it is not a scam. These are legitimate checklists with a good list you can follow to keep you on track with your internet marketing.
      Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, please stop back soon.

  5. Like you said, such check lists could be useful for an experienced marketer, but not for a newbie or even someone who has been doing it for a while but is still learning. I wouldn’t spend that much money on just a check list, and I also hate upsells; they always make me run for the hills – or click the hell away from there.
    The bonuses seem good but you got different bonuses than the ones that were advertized. Although I’m sure his story is inspiring, I am getting tired of all those stories from rags or dropout or bankrupt to internet guru or whatever. As inspiring as they are, I want some training and support, not a story over and over again.

    • Hi Christine,
      I agree with you, I need the training to go with the checklist. But, that’s the whole idea that Kevin is banking on. he is making money off extra training and upsells. He is a legit character, but you will spend a lot more money than you have to by getting his checklists. And yes, he does seem to change things around a bit as well.
      Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, please stop back soon.


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