Discover Niche Site Profits Now – Is It A Good Fit For You?

Uncover the secrets to online success and discover Niche Site Profits. You’re likely here because you’ve heard of Niche Site Profits and you’re considering whether it’s a wise investment for your digital ventures. This course is a collection of courses, strategies, and tools designed for content creators, bloggers, and online publishers.

Jon Dykstra is an affiliate marketer that offers a course in blogging, but he does it in a bit of a unique way. His favorite method uses display ads mostly for monetizing his websites. And Jon is claiming to produce profits of $50,000 to $100,000 a month. That’s some pretty impressive numbers! But is it true, or just hype? Keep reading to find out!

I originally did my own research to find out what Fat Stacks Bundle is all about. I soon found out the name has changed to Niche Site Profits. However, Jon still labels the 30 day money back guarantee – “Fatstacks Guarantee”.

Unlike one-off courses or single-purpose tools, Niche Site Profits (the Fat Stacks method) positions itself as an all-encompassing resource. It aims to cover various facets of building and growing a content-based online business, from SEO and site speed optimization to monetization strategies.

  • Name    – Niche Site Profits (originally Fat Stacks Bundle)
  • Website –
  • Price  –  $497 (only available a few times a year)
  • Owners – Jon Dykstra
  • Quality – Detailed Online Course For Blogging
  • Overall Rank – 8/10
  • Refunds – 30 day money back guarantee
  • Verdict –  Legit 
  • Alternative – My #1 Recommendation  (Get Started Here)

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Who Is Jon Dykstra?

Jon Dykstra, in his own words, eschews the typical grandiose self-descriptions associated with gurus and SEO wizards. He is an ordinary neighborhood dad who has spent a decade perfecting a formula for creating high-income niche sites through trial and error.

Discover Niche Site Profits - Image Of Jon Dykstra The Creator

Contrary to the complexity often associated with successful online ventures, Jon emphasizes the simplicity of his approach. His formula revolves around the basics—basic writing, basic design, and a basic website—yet yields significant traffic and income.

I believe that understanding who creates a product is just as crucial as understanding what the product does. Jon is the brainchild of Niche Site profits from someone who has plenty of experience in the digital marketing world.

This person isn’t just a fleeting presence online but a recognized authority with a track record of meaningful contributions to the field.

Entering more personal territory, the creator’s expertise stems not only from extensive research but from real-world trial and error. Jon has tested strategies, faced the steep slopes of evolving algorithms, and crafted solutions that are battle-tested.

The credibility of Niche Site Profits is anchored in the creator’s real-life experiences in digital marketing. From these roots grow the reliability and trustworthiness that users can expect. Rather than theoretical knowledge, Niche Site Profits is enriched with hands-on insights that cater to genuine online business needs.

With this blend of expertise and authority, Niche Site Profits is not just a collection of tools, it’s a reflection of the creator’s journey to success. Now, let’s see if this journey aligns with where you’re headed and if it’s the right fit for your aspirations.

Niche Site Profits Basic Overview:

In developing a deeper understanding of what Niche Site Profits entails, we will explore the range of content and tools it includes. As we progress, it will be crucial to examine how these resources integrate to form a synergistic toolkit for content marketers.

The Niche Site Profits course is a comprehensive training package designed by Jon Dykstra. It is aimed at teaching individuals how to monetize online through blogging and affiliate marketing. This course is Jon’s flagship course.

Discover Niche Site Profits - Sales Page O Niche-Site Profits

Tailor-Made for Success: Discover Niche Site Profits- Is it right for you

It’s essential for you to determine if Niche Site Profits aligns with your online business goals. This package isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, it’s crafted for people keen on building and monetizing niche websites.

The target audience encompasses aspiring and established bloggers, affiliate marketers, and content creators. If that’s you, it’s designed to provide you with the strategies and tactics necessary for pushing digital boundaries and increasing revenue.

Expect a commitment to learning and application. Niche Site Profits is content-rich and requires time to digest and implement. Applying these tools effectively means understanding that success isn’t overnight, and consistent effort is key.

Before jumping to the next section, ask yourself whether the goals of Niche Site Profits match your ambitions. Are you ready to invest the time and effort to make the most of its offerings?

What Does Niche Site Profits Offer?

Jon Dykstra’s unconventional approach to affiliate marketing is at the core of this bundle. With seven core courses, Niche Site Profits is a step by step training for building successful niche affiliate websites. Jon has been an affiliate marketer since 2012. He shares his unique tactics and outlandish strategies that have contributed to his success.

Niche Site Profits – Courses Included in John Dykstra’s Training:

The bundle comprises seven courses, each crafted to guide users through specific aspects of online success:

  1. Pinterest Magnate: Utilizing Pinterest for blog traffic boost.
  2. Long-Tail Deep Dive: Unique keyword research focusing on long-tail keywords for better Google rankings.
  3. Content Site Autopilot: Building and managing specialty blog websites for increased profits.
  4. Natural Link Building Formula: Simplifying the process of building quality backlinks.
  5. Display Ads Deep Dive: Maximizing revenue through display advertising.
  6. On-site SEO Deep Dive: Implementing successful on-site SEO methods.
  7. Niche Exponential: Creating smaller niche sites for passive income.

The Toolbox for Growth – Discovering Niche Site Profits, Tools and Support

Niche Site Profits isn’t just a compilation of advice; it’s a comprehensive set of tools. All of them are designed to empower entrepreneurs in their online ventures. Each component is selected with the intention of boosting site traffic, enhancing content creation, and ultimately, increasing profits.

Users gain access to a suite of niche-specific plugins, themes, and content frameworks. These are tools, that have been tested in the trenches of content marketing. For example, tools for SEO optimization and keyword planning help streamline efforts to reach target audiences efficiently.

Beyond mere tools, personal support stands out as a hallmark of the Niche Site Profits. The offer includes access to a private community where users can interact with peers and seek advice from seasoned professionals. Moreover, direct support from the creator and his team signals a commitment to user success.

This dual offering of specialized tools and supportive community helps to reduce the isolation of solo entrepreneurs. There is no need to feel like you are going through this process alone. This results in enhanced strategic decision-making. It’s not just about giving users a fishing rod, it’s about teaching them to fish, and providing help and support.

Bonus: Fat Stacks Forum: Enrolling in the course grants access to a private forum, allowing interaction with other students and enhancing the learning experience.

Discover Niche Site Profits and Weigh The Pros And Cons

Priced at $497 for the entire course, users gain access to all courses upon purchase. Additional monthly expenses may be incurred for tools like site hosting and email autoresponders.

On the other side, no product is without its flaws. One must consider the upfront cost, which might not be feasible for everyone, especially beginners who are just dipping their toes in the online world. There is also a learning curve associated with implementing the strategies, which could be intimidating for some.

Balancing these pros and cons depends on your specific situation. For those who are intermediate to advanced marketers, Niche Site Profits can be a powerful ally. If you’re ready to invest time and resources in scaling your online presence, Niche Site Profits could be the training you need.

However, for those still uncertain about the direction of their online ventures or tight on budget, it might be prudent to start with more basic tools and work your way up as you grow.

In essence, the question ‘Is the Niche Site Profits worth it?’ doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all answer. It’s about assessing the fit for YOUR goals and YOUR business model. Remember, investing in your education is a catalyst for growth. Equally important is understanding when and how to make such an investment. Choose wisely and let your decision be guided by clear, strategic objectives.

While not a scam, some red flags need attention. Claims of earning nearly $50,000 per month through a small specialized blog may raise skepticism. The $497 price tag, though reflective of Jon’s substantial contributions, may be considered steep for beginners. The course sequence, starting with Pinterest, might seem unconventional and potentially confusing.


  • Good For Flipping Websites And Running Ads
  • Various Tools Have Helped Create Lucrative Sites
  • 30 day Money Back Refund Guarantee


  • High Cost With Additional Tools Required
  • Income Claims Are Not Typical
  • Running Ads Can Quickly Become Expensive For Newbies

Making money with Niche Site Profits is plausible, but success requires a solid understanding of various elements such as copywriting, Google Ads, SEO, and more. While not a guaranteed get-rich-quick scheme, the potential for success exists for those willing to invest time, effort, and additional funds.

Related: Laptop Lifestyle Master Program

Is Niche Site Profits Legit? – Yes! Green Thumbs Up Legit Indicator

In conclusion, Niche Site profits offers a unique approach to affiliate marketing, guided by Jon Dykstra’s experience. As with any investment, prospective users should weigh the costs, potential benefits, and their own commitment level before diving into this digital marketing journey. And the more experience marketers have the better this course will work for you.

What I would recommend for ll investors is to get some experience with the basics before you spend too much money on ads. The best place to do this is Wealthy Affiliate. They are comparable in monthly cost at $49 bucks a month, and you don’t need any additional tools

Wealthy Affiliate has done a complete update of all their training, added an AI Niche Finder and AI Author. This makes the creation of content as easy as a few clicks. And you don’t need ads. You don’t have to worry about running out of money and your business becoming dead in the water. You learn all the basics of SEO and secrets of getting content to rank. And the best part – they have a free trial package so you can take it for a test drive before you spend a nickel. Try it out today, you won’t be sorry, and you have nothing to lose. Here are some good reasons to check it out.

  • Free to try: No risk, just the chance to change your life.
  • Proven track record: Thousands of success stories from real people.
  • Comprehensive training: Learn everything you need to succeed online.
  • Supportive community: Connect and share with like-minded individuals.
Time for Change? Start Today (Free!)


Frequently Asked Questions
What is Niche Site Profits?
Niche Site Profits is Jon Dykstra’s flagship course, a comprehensive training package teaching how to monetize through blogging and affiliate marketing.
Who is the target audience for Niche Site Profits?
Aspiring and established bloggers, affiliate marketers, and content creators keen on building and monetizing niche websites.
What does the course offer?
Seven core courses cover topics like Pinterest, keyword research, content site management, link building, display ads, on-site SEO, and niche site creation.
What support does Niche Site Profits provide?
Access to a private community, specialized tools, and direct support from Jon Dykstra and his team enhance the learning experience.
Is Niche Site Profits suitable for beginners?
While priced at $497, beginners might find it challenging due to additional tool costs and a learning curve. Consider starting with more basic tools if uncertain about your online ventures.

Meet The Author

Chas The Owner Of Help For Scams And Frauds

I am Chas, creator and founder of Help For Scams And Frauds. I started affiliate marketing and earning money online in 2015. And I can tell you, anyone can do this. But, in order to build a business the right way you must have the right training and avoid the get rich quick schemes.

Check out my #1 Recommendation For The Best Online Training in 2024

5 thoughts on “Discover Niche Site Profits Now – Is It A Good Fit For You?”

  1. Hey Chas,

    Just breezed through your post on Niche Site Profits, and man, it’s like you’re reading my mind. As someone who’s been in the affiliate marketing game for a while, I’ve seen firsthand how zeroing in on the right niche can turn a side hustle into a serious income stream. The key is to find that sweet spot where your passion intersect with profits.

    But here’s the thing: while the potential for profit is decent in affiliate marketing, the real magic happens when you genuinely connect with your audience. It’s not just about selling; it’s about solving real problems and adding value. That’s when you see those conversions start to climb.

    Would love to hear your take on balancing the pursuit of profits with providing genuine value. How do you keep from falling into the trap of chasing trends at the expense of authenticity?

    Keep up the great work, and here’s to all of us finding our niche and doing great!



    • Hi Kevon,
      You are absolutely right on target. For the marketer who is looking to flip websites to make money, then niche site profits could help you with some great ideas. But, the blogger who is writing content to sell affiliate programs need to create trust with his audience. Wealthy Affiliate is the best research I have found to do just that. Then connecting with the audience is a lot easier.
      One thing I would suggest is to provide value and quality content as your main focus, then the sales will come as you gain readers.
      Don’t fall for all the fads out there, and try to promote them. They can be a quick flash in the pan. Write about what you are passionate about, and provide help to the burning questions of your readers! That is as authentic as you can get!
      Thanks for taking the time to leave such a good comment, and asking great questions! Please stop back soon!

  2. Hi Chas,

    First, let me thank you for writing this informative review of Niche Site Profits.
    I stumbled upon Jon Dykstra a couple of months ago and after reading about his 6-figure earnings, I looked into this program.
    When I discovered that the name was changed from ‘Fat Stacks’, I decided not to spend too much time on it.

    It seemed to be a bit scam-ish.

    Your review has changed that thinking for me and I appreciate that.

    However, although Jon’s program looks helpful, I compared it with your #1 recommendation – Wealthy Affiliate (WA).
    I have to agree with you – for all that WA offers and their recent upgrades, they have come out on top for me.
    Their training is superb and the support from their community is far superior.

    I appreciate your sharing and informative blog post.


    • Hi Cassandra,
      Thank you for your kind words. I actually didn’t pay attention to “Fat Stacks” myself, but after researching this program. I must say it is legit and decent product. It’s nice to hear you also think that Wealthy Affiliate is the best choice for anyone. Especially after the latest updates and addition of some great AI tools, it is now better than ever! I always say it is the “biggest bang for your buck anywhere on the planet!” If anyone is looking for affiliate training to start a new business, They need to take the free test drive!
      Thank you for taking the time to leave such a nice comment, Please stop back soon!

    • Hi Cassandra,
      Thank you for your kind words. I actually didn’t pay attention to “Fat Stacks” myself, but after researching this program. I must say it is legit and decent product. It’s nice to hear you also think that Wealthy Affiliate is the best choice for anyone. Especially after the latest updates and addition of some great AI tools, it is now better than ever! I always say it is the “biggest bang for your buck anywhere on the planet!” If anyone is looking for affiliate training to start a new business, They need to take the free test drive!
      Thank you for taking the time to leave such a nice comment, Please stop back soon!


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