The Money Map Press Scam? – [My Review]

 Is The Money Map Press a Scam? After doing some research I uncovered some facts about why some people think Money Map Press is a scam. The Money Map Press is one of a network of companies that publish research analysis in the form of newsletters and subscriptions. Some use highly leveraged instruments like stock options. These might be too risky for some investors. Let’s take a deeper look into The Money Map Press Scam.

  • Name    – Money Map Press
  • Website –
  • Price     –  $299 to $599 a year + $5000-$17,999 a year upsells
  • Owners –  Bob Keppel – Part of the Agora network
  • Quality –  Poor – Long record of complaints
  • Overall Rank – 3/10
  • Refunds – 60 days and Prorated refunds
  • Verdict –  Not Recommended

The Money Map Press Scam

What is the Money Map Press? The Money Map Press is a part of the network of companies affiliated with “The Agora”. They publish financial research products that are sold as newsletters and subscriptions. The are mostly for giving buy recommendation’s for stocks and options. Each claims to have a proprietary system for making huge profits in the stock market.  

The Agora network combined has over a million subscribers and profits of over 500 million per year worldwide. Some of these companies have purchased email lists of conservative politicians such as Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul And Newt Gingrich to advertise their products. 

The U.S. Based companies include Agora Financial, Laissez Fare Books, Stansberry Research,  Common Sense Publishing, The Oxford Club, Money Map Press, Wall Street Daily, Bonner and Partners, TradeSmith, NewMarket Group, Institute of Natural Healing, Banyan Hill Publishing, and Omnivista Health. Each company is independently owned and operated.

Unfortunately,  Agora’s publishing record is littered with litigation involving claims of  violations of state and federal securities laws. However, they have prevailed by using the first amendment protection against factual misstatements. 

Agora Financial, a child company of Agora’s network currently has it’s ratings suspended by the Better Business Bureau for too many complaints. They had over 300 complaints in 2019.

The FTC is currently seeking a court order halting Agora Financials’ allegedly deceptive conduct. Including obtaining money back for consumers. This is one area that money map press is improving on, by actually giving refunds.

The Money Map Press Scam Uses The Agora Techniques 

Some of the claims from products contained in the Money Map Press are highly touted with very high expectations. And if you read the terms and conditions, they state they are not acting as investment advisors! Nor do they advocate the purchase of any recommendation! Why are they making such hyped claims? Because everybody wants the fast get rich quick scheme to make millions. Some of the publications even suggest if you follow their advice, you will make 1.2 million. Well, wouldn’t that be nice? 

If you think you are going to get rich from these newsletters, think again! There are just too many complaints for anyone to believe they offer legitimate money making products.

Some Comments On Trust Pilot About The Money Map Press Scam.

Image Of A Comment About Money Map Press Scam
Image With Text Comment From Trust Pilot
Image Of Comment From Trust Pilot
Image With Text Comment From Trust Pilot
Image With Text Comment From Trust Pilot For The Money Map Press Scam

It does seem like a few people are having problems getting refunds, while they are promised refunds, no questions asked. The same problem that Agora Financial is under investigation for. Surely, they would have learned a lesson from a company in their own network?

The Money Map Press writers are not allowed to purchase their own recommendations for 24hrs. And 72hrs after any hard copy is mailed. It is clearly written in the Terms and Conditions. If they tell you they are taking the same trade recommendations in real time, they can’t. 

The reason for this is, if they are offering real time advice, they can’t influence the stock or options move by buying large amounts.

 A Long List Of Products In The Money Map Press Scam

Products and up-sells offered by Money Market Press:

Andrew Keene – Globally Known Trader And Expert On Anything Options

Andrew’s publications for Money Map Press:

  • Profit Pre-Game – Free newsletter Daily updates – includes sales pitch for Abe Wagner – Previews upcoming trades
  • Project 303 – $599 per year – Online Options Trading Service. – Lifetime Project 303 [Upsell] –  30 minutes a day, 3 days a week to make thousands of dollars in income.
  • The 1450 Club – $5,000 per year – Offers a Bonus Trade each week – Elite Service [Upsell] – 60 minutes 4x a week = 50X
  • Super Options – $5000 per year – Elite Service – [Upsell] – Find companies with limited share available for massive profits.
  • Inner Circle –  $9,999 for lifetime – Black Card Membership.- [Upsell] – Access to all the Bucket List Retreats and Day Trips- more upsells.

Bill PatalonExecutive Editor and Senior Research Analyst For Money Morning

Bill’s publications for Money Map Press:

  • Money Morning – Free Newsletter with email signup
  • Monday Morning Private Briefing – by – $ 299 per year – Stock Investment  Service. Promises A double or triple digit winner every single week.

Michael A Robinson – 36yr Silicon Valley Veteran & Top Tech And Biotech Financial Analyst.

Michael’s publications for Money Map Press:

  • Strategic Tech Investor – Free newsletter with email sign-up 
  • Nova X Report –  $299 per year – Technology Investment Service. Our Mission Unlock 7 Trillion In New High-Tech Wealth.
  • Bio-Technology Profit Alliance – $5,000 per year. Biotechnology Investment Service [Upsell] One of a kind research service.
  • Nexus-9 Network is just $5,000 per year – Trading Service [Upsell]  Change your life in a profound way

Shah Gilani – 38yr Career And Connections With The Biggest Players On Wall Street.

Shah’s publications for Money Map Press:

  • Total Wealth Report – Free newsletter with email sign-up
  • Money Map Report – $299 per year – Stock Investment Service – The Money Map Method For Creating Lifelong Wealth.
  • Straight Line Profits – $5,000 per year[Upsell] Wall Street’s “Volatility Maverick” – Founder of what eventually became the Vix.
  • Hyperdrive Portfolio – Trading show every Wednesday at 9:30 am.- Elite Service
  • Rapid Fire Profits Alliance – $9,999 lifetime + $199  per year maintenance fee – Membership [Upsell] – Lifetime access to all three services.

Tom Gentile – 30 Years Of Experience in Option Trading, Teaching, Author Of 8 Books. 

Tom’s publications for Money Map Press:

  • Fast Fortune Club – $599 per year – Stock and Options Investment Service – Make low-ball offers and get take-it-to-the-bank profits each week.
  • V3 Trader – $5,000 per year – Trading Service [Upsell] – Tom Gentile’s Secret “Chaos Profits” Plan – Make $10,000,$20,000 even 30,000 a month.
  • Money Calendar Pro – $4995 per year –  Trading Service [Upsell] – Make $162,000 year after year after year.
  • Money Hour – $5000 per year – Elite Service [Upsell] – Make 29% 3 days a week in under an hour.
  • Rocket Wealth Initiative – $6995 per year – Elite Service [Upsell] – A chance to pocket cash fast and gain long term profits.
  • Microcurrency Trader -$5,000 per year – Elite Service [Upsell] – Expects gains of 1,000% this year.
  • Alpha 9 Trader – $6250 per year – Elite Service [Upsell] –Double your money trade recommendations.
  • Weekly Cash Clock -$4995 per year – Elite Service [Upsell] –Capture gains of 100%,200% even 500% weekly
  • Trading Circle – $17,999 Lifetime plus $199 per year Maintenance fee [Upsell]

Chris Johnson – 30 Year Career Building Complex Mathematical models For Investing

Chris’s publications for Money Map Press:

  • Money Morning – Free Newsletter with email sign-up
  • Strike Point Trader – $5,000 per year – Elite Service – Sell at the peak and realize more than 124% gains
  • Night Trader – $4995 per year – Elite Services – Trades during the market hours and after market hours.
  • Black Diamond – $17,999 Lifetime + $199 per year maintenance fee. Membership – Elite membership from Money Map Press.
  • Passport Fellowship -$1997 Lifetime + $149 per year maintenance fee. Membership – 6 reports, weekly live training, everything for life.
  • Passport Club – $17,999 Lifetime + $199 per year maintenance fee. Membership – Most elite membership, direct access to the best research and recommendations.

The Products Are Not Cheap In The Money Map Press Scam

Every product except for the free newsletters and maybe a teaser product for a few hundred bucks, the bulk of the products cost $5,000 to $18,000. Not hardly cheap products by any means.

The hype makes each product sound like an instant winner and you feel like your portfolio will double or triple in no time, right? And heck, some cost only a few hundred bucks, so why not try one? It is risky, and you can lose money quickly if your recommendation turns into a losing trade. But, that is the whole idea! When you lose, you will be told it’s your fault and you need to learn more. And so, you are sold an upsell to the $5,000 product.

They do have free newsletters?  Have you ever signed up for anything free? Then you know you will see a non-stop barrage of ads for products flooding your email box.. And they are extremely costly! 

Also you will need additional funds to be able to trade. That is in addition to the high cost of any upsell. If you lose on the first couple of trades, you will have to replace the money. If it is all you have, you are done, period. Game Over. It is a risky game.

Why Are People Asking For Refunds? 

If it was as great as they claim, nobody would ever ask for a refund. It is because much of it is just hype. It is hard to make up losses. Because every pick is not a winner! In fact, most stock and option investment services only have average results at best. Nobody knows for sure what is going to happen tomorrow, next week or next year. Sure indicators and probability predictions help to keep you on the probable winning side, but nothing is guaranteed. One news event can turn a winner into a loser overnight.

Options are a great way to make money, but the downside is they are a great way to lose money as well. Most options expire worthless. That is a fact that option writers know very well. They make money each month writing options that have a high probability of expiring worthless. So, if you are playing these risky games, be prepared to lose everything. They do not mention anything about losing all your money, but it happens. 

Stocks are also risky. Some stocks make a ton of money, while others lose a fortune. People have cursed the stock market and vowed never to get into it again. If you go through just one bad bear market, you will know what I mean.  

Even the Wall Street hedge funds lost 3.8% globally in 2019.

Losing trades are part of the game. If you get a string of losers, it can wipe out your account. Wall Street doesn’t tell you this. They tell you that they have losers, but always claim a higher percentage of winners. It is just not always true.

Another very annoying and persistent problem with the Money Map Press Scam is the constant upsells and sales pitches from each product. Products from all the Money Map members fill your email box every day. Each one is the program you need it to make money. They market all their products relentlessly as soon as you sign up for the free newsletters.

The incredible claims in the ad copy sells the product, but the products fall short of these claims. After a while, people who have purchased several products, have 10’s of thousands of dollars invested on these programs. And remember, most of these programs are yearly subscriptions. That means repeat income for them, repeat cost for members over and over again year after year.


  • Easy to sign up
  • Your trades are picked for you
  • Some trades are winners


  • Products are expensive
  • Not all trades are winners
  • Can lose all your money
  • Heavy email promotions

Verdict – Not Recommended Thumbs Down Image for Not Recommended

After reviewing the Money Map Press, I find it too risky for seniors nearing retirement, unless you have plenty of trading experience. And you must be able to lose all your money, and not hurt your retirement money. It is extremely risky and not for people who don’t understand how to trade options. The products are real and not fake, but it is not a good way to try to make some extra money.

All of the products are promoted relentlessly as soon as you sign up for any newsletters. It is quite annoying and hard to stop. You will receive another pitch as soon as you sign up for anything. I think their heavy promotion and upsell combination is basically email spam.

The Money Map Press is technically a legitimate product, but I can’t recommend the products. If you have any questions or experience with Money Map Press you would like to share, please leave it in the comments below. Thank you, and please stop back.


Why risk your money on this madness? Let me show you a way to build your own business. You can get the training for free and take a look for a week at no cost at all. If you don’t like what you see, you can walk away. But, if you are serious about building your own business, then you can do it for much less than $5000! Save your money and change your life forever. 

Chas The Owner Of Help For Scams And Frauds

I am Chas, creator and founder of Help For Scams And Frauds. I started affiliate marketing and earning money online in 2015. And I can tell you, anyone can do this. But, in order to build a business the right way you must have the right training and avoid the get rich quick schemes.

Check out my #1 Recommendation For The Best Online Training in 2024

Money Map Press


Money Map Press



  • Easy To Sign Up
  • Trades Are Picked For You
  • Some Trades Are Winners


  • Products Are Expensive
  • Not All Trades Are Winners
  • Risky - You Can Lose All Your Money

10 thoughts on “The Money Map Press Scam? – [My Review]”

  1. What about Nick Black and his Digital Fortunes Network and Digital Heavyweights programs? I can’t find any bad reviews about him. Can you comment on him and his programs, please?

    • Hi Jolea,
      I don’t see any complaints about Nick Black or the Digital Fortunes Network. But, I would advise caution because this is a product of the Money Map Press. They have loads of complaints!!! The problem is that they are mostly just publishers of investing promises and they are good at what they do! You will pay for a subscription to one, say Digital Fortunes Network, then you will get bombarded with spam from every other product in Money Map Press. I was a member and couldn’t take all the garbage they send. It is relentless!

      If you are ok with that, then know their are no refunds! All you get is the remaining subscription (If you get that) They say that, but these outfits just go silent when you want your money back. I would be very careful about sending any investment money to them. And they are in like a referral partnership with firms they recommend. All I can tell you is do your own due diligence. That is a crypto investment and it may be great or you may lose everything?
      I don’t invest in crypto, so I don’t know anything about it. If I were to get into it, I would really check out the companies as best I could first! Look at that guy who ripped people off and his fund blew up, and he was just a kid really!
      I would say it is all hype, and even the articles I read seem like affiliates just trying to make a sale! When it sounds too good to be true, it usually is!!
      If this guy was really that good, I would think everybody would be on TrustPilot giving him some great reviews! I saw one, and when that happens, it is just someone plugging for the guy! And even that review is mixed inside complaints and reviews for Money Map Press.
      Hope that helps! Good luck with your decision!

  2. MMP survivor. Paid for a “Lifetime” membership for Kenny Glicks “Warlocks World”. My “Lifetime” lasted less than 2 years! The remaining sc%%#*gs? Garrett Baldwin is thee only credible, competent, incredibly intelligent individual left there! Mark Sebastian is gone…good guy!! Voice of experience….DO NOT, REPEAT! DO NOT listen to or put on trades from Tom Gentile or Shah Ghilani!!! Kiss your money goodbye with these two hacks!!!

    • Hi George,
      Sorry to hear you were a victim as well. The “Agora” company has a long history of scams and they don’t apologize at all for taking peoples money! It is the way the make money and a lot of it! It sounds like management just was neutral about what the writers did to make their money, And ending the lifetime plans is fraud! I don’t know what you could do, if the people leave? You could ask you local attorney general if you are in the US, but for anywhere else I wouldn’t know what to tell you!
      Thanks for leaving a comment and telling your story. You just might help someone save some money!
      Stop back soon,

  3. Money Map Press has all the markings of a scam. One thing every investor should remember is you can lose money when investing. Buyer Beware is something I learned years ago(the hard way). If Money Map Press continues in this fashion they can certainly lose all the money they have received from the upsells and memberships. On the surface they may appear to be a legitimate company but if their finances were to be thoroughly examined there may be suspicious activity there. The number of refunds they are having to make is a sure sign that there are  major problems with the company. I would recommend that a person examine a company before investing with them. I suggest this for every company that deals with finance.


    • Hi Jerry,

      It could be something shady going on, but I truly believe from investing myself, the money map press writers are just making bad calls on their stock picks. They use options a lot, and they lose value very quickly if a stock goes south. The people who buy their memberships are expecting great advice and profits. It is similar to hedge funds claiming great returns and when the year is over, they don’t preform much better. 

      It seems the refunds are from people who lost money when the stocks declined in value. But, you do give some good advice to investigate companies before investing in them. Sound advice.

      Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, please stop back.


  4. Thanks for your review.  So I’m reading the upsells: The price $299 to $599 a year + $5000-$17,999 a year upsells. This is really costly and I wouldn’t buy it. I think that people who offer make money online businesses should be upfront about the costs. All of costs upfront. Also, I don’t think the price should be high. I use Wealthy Affiliate, and they have memberships.  Premium is at $49 a month and super premium is $99 per month. They keep their prices stable for years. 

    • Hi Shalisha,

      Yes, they are very expensive. That is why most people call them a scam when they lose their money. The Money Map Press is notorious for that kind of promotion. It stems from the parent company Agora. They have used the high price and high pressure upsells for years. Wealthy Affiliate is by far the best price on the web for learning how to start your own business. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, please stop back.


      • They are a big scam!! DO NOT PURCHASE ANYTHING FROM THIS COMPANY!!!! They sell lifetime subscriptions and then fire the guy running the program and offer you some bullshit subscription that I would never want to get for free let alone pay for it. Again DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THIS SCAM OF A COMPANY. If you want to know how to make money check out Kenny Glick on Youtube it was his subscription that I wanted but after buying lifetime fired him and offered bullshit subscriptions in return. 5 grand wasted but Kenny is the real deal.

        • Hi Mark,
          I totally agree with you! The whole company basically “Arora publishing” has been known for years as just a subscription selling service! They are not trying to make you money, they just want to sell subscriptions! They are ruthless! You have a great tip for everyone, Kenny Glick seems to make money regularly. I should probably follow Kenny’s advice!
          Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, please stop back soon!


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