15 Current Scams And Frauds – Find Out How To Stay Safe

Let me share 15 Current Scams And Frauds with you. I understand the confusion and frustration that comes with being on the wrong end of a scam. It’s not just about the money lost, it’s the sense of betrayal and the shattering of trust. That’s why I’m here to talk about an issue that’s both urgent and personal.

Every day, clever schemes are conjured up by scammers aiming to snare unsuspecting individuals. You or someone you care about may have already encountered these ploys.

The emotional toll of fraud can be overwhelming. Imagine opening your heart or your wallet, only to discover you’ve been deceived. Sadly, it’s a common experience in this digital age. And while the fraudulent patterns seem recognizable, they evolve constantly, slipping through the cracks of our vigilance.

I hope to arm you with knowledge and effective strategies to stay one step ahead. Education is your strongest shield against these deceptive tactics. By understanding the mechanisms of common scams and how they’ve adapted over time, you can protect yourself from future fraud.

In this day and age, you must always be on guard. The sophistication of modern scams makes them difficult to spot, but not impossible. In the next section, I’ll dive into the murky waters of email and phishing scams.

Email and Phishing Scams: Don’t Take the Bait

In a digital age where our inboxes are flooded with a barrage of emails, it’s crucial to distinguish genuine communication from malicious scams. Email and phishing scams are especially insidious. They masquerade as legitimate requests or warnings from companies you may know and trust.

I understand how sophisticated these schemes can be. They’re cleverly designed to hoodwink even the most cautious individuals.

Phishing attempts often come in the form of urgent or alarming emails, prompting you to act swiftly. It’s this haste that scammers rely on to trick you into disclosing personal information or clicking on malicious links. To keep your personal data secure, it’s essential to recognize these false alarms.

Look out for telltale signs — inconsistencies in the sender’s email address, grammatical mistakes, or requests for sensitive information that a genuine company would never ask for via email.

Phishing Frenzy: Don’t Be the Catch of the Day!

  • Smishing: Text messages may contain shortened URLs or masked phone numbers to disguise the scam.
  • Spear Phishing: Emails may contain personal information specific to the recipient, making them appear more credible.
  • Victims: Anyone who clicks on suspicious links, opens attachments, or provides personal information in response to these phishing attempts.

Related: Watch Out – PayPal Fraudulent Emails Could Take Your Money!

Moreover, the danger isn’t limited to the act of clicking alone. Unsuspecting downloads may install harmful software that can compromise your computer and data. Before you consider interacting with a questionable email, verify its authenticity. This might mean contacting the supposed sender directly through verified channels. Or conducting an online search for any reported scam activity associated with the email in question.

As we move forward, remember that the impact of these scams isn’t just an immediate loss of data or money. It’s a breach of your digital privacy that can have long-lasting repercussions. In the next section, we’ll discuss how phone and text message frauds employ similar tactics to ensnare victims. I’ll share strategies for avoiding these increasingly common pitfalls.

Ring Ring, It’s a Scammer! Don’t Get Hooked by Phone & Text Frauds

  • Beware of unexpected numbers: Don’t answer calls or reply to texts from unknown numbers, especially those with unusual area codes.
  • Resist the urgency trap: Scammers often use urgent language and dire warnings to pressure you into quick decisions. Take a breath and verify any claims before acting.
  • Question “too good to be true” offers: Promises of instant wealth, free prizes, or exclusive deals are likely scams. Do your research and avoid impulsive actions.
  • Never click suspicious links: Text messages and calls might contain links promising “account updates” or “free downloads.” Always double-check the sender before clicking and avoid unverified URLs.
  • Don’t give out personal information: Legitimate businesses won’t ask for sensitive details like passwords, Social Security numbers, or bank account information over the phone or text.
  • Verify “official” contacts: If a caller or text claims to be from a bank, company, or government agency, verify their contact information directly through their official website or phone number listed on a trusted source.
  • Block and report suspicious numbers: Most phones allow you to block unwanted numbers. Report suspicious interactions to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/.
  • Use caller ID and spam filters: Enable caller ID and spam filters on your phone to help identify and block potential scams.
  • Talk to loved ones: Raise awareness among family and friends about common phone and text message scams to help protect them from falling victim.

Remember, staying vigilant and informed is key to staying safe from these fraudulent tactics. Be cautious, be skeptical, and be smart with your personal information. If something feels off, hang up, delete, and report!

If you’ve experienced the uneasy feeling of answering a call from an unknown number, you’re not alone. Phone and text message scams are becoming more sophisticated and convincing. Here’s what you should know to maintain control and keep scammers at bay.

Lock Your Lips: Why Your Personal Info is Never Phone Safe

One standard tactics scammers use is impersonating legitimate institutions, like banks or government agencies, to coerce you into sharing sensitive information. Always be suspicious if you’re pressured to provide personal details or make immediate payments over the phone.

It’s crucial to remember that authentic organizations do not request sensitive information through insecure channels like phone calls or SMS. Before taking any action, if you’re uncertain about a caller’s legitimacy, hang up and contact the organization directly using an official number.

Another prevalent scam comes in text messages claiming you’ve won a prize or are entitled to a refund. These often require you to click a link to claim the ‘prize’. Exercise caution and refrain from clicking; these links can lead to malicious sites designed to harvest your personal data.

Text messages from unknown numbers that urge prompt action or use an overly friendly tone can be a red flag for smishing attempts—a text message variation of phishing. Be skeptical of messages that try to create a sense of urgency or familiarity without context.

App-solutely Not! Unmasking the Deceptive World of Mobile App Scams:

  • Subscription Traps: Often target apps offering free trials or access to exclusive content.
  • Red flags: Vague terms and conditions regarding subscriptions, hidden fees buried within the app, and difficulty canceling subscriptions after the trial period.
  • Victims: Users who sign up for free trials without understanding the automatic subscription renewal terms.

To fortify your defenses against these invasive scams, keep your phone’s operating system up to date. This ensures you have the latest security patches. Consider installing a call-blocking app to filter out potential scam calls and messages, effectively giving scammers a busy signal.

Staying educated on the latest phone and text message scams sets you up for a safer communication experience. And, as we move into the world of online shopping—the next battlefield for your attention and finances—arming yourself with knowledge becomes even more essential.

Related: The Social Security Call Scams – [Impostor Threat]

Pop-Up Panic? Don’t Fall Prey to Tech Support Deceptions

  • Tech Support Pop-Ups: Fake warnings appear on users’ screens, directing them to call a “tech support” number for immediate fix. The scammers then gain remote access to the device and install malware or steal personal information.
  • Deepfaked Customer Service: Scammers use deepfaked audio or video to impersonate customer service representatives from well-known companies, tricking users into revealing personal data or granting remote access.

Watch out for panicked pop-ups and frantic phone calls promising “urgent tech fixes”! Tech support scams lurk in browser errors, robocalls, and even fake customer service numbers. These scams are aiming to steal your personal info, install malware, or drain your bank account.

They prey on your fear and confusion, urging you to grant remote access or download suspicious software. Stay safe by ignoring unsolicited calls and pop-ups. Always verify contact information before calling tech support, and never granting remote access to strangers.

Remember, legitimate tech companies won’t pressure you into immediate action. And they do not request sensitive information. Use verified channels only. Stay calm, stay vigilant, and keep your tech secure!

Don’t Get Duped: Red Flags to Watch Out For in Online Shopping Scams

  • Too-good-to-be-true deals: Prices significantly lower than market value on brand-name items are often a sign of a scam.
  • Unrealistic shipping times: Promises of immediate delivery or overnight shipping for international products should raise suspicion.
  • Suspicious websites: Look for typos, grammatical errors, or unprofessional design on the website.
  • Payment methods: Avoid using unconventional payment methods like wire transfers or cryptocurrency. Stick to trusted credit card processors or online payment platforms.
  • Unverified sellers: Check for seller reviews and ratings, especially on unfamiliar platforms.
  • Vague return policies: Be wary of unclear or restrictive return policies that make it difficult to get your money back if you’re not satisfied.
  • Pressure tactics: Scammers might use limited-time offers or countdown timers to create a sense of urgency and rush you into buying.
  • No contact information: Websites with no physical address, phone number, or email address are likely scams.

Shop Savvy: Essential Tips for Choosing Reputable Online Stores

Remember, if something feels off about an online shopping deal, always trust your gut and walk away. Do your research, compare prices, and only buy from reputable sources. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your money and personal information.

I know how convenient it is to click, browse, and buy from the comfort of my home. Online shopping has become a staple for many of us. But, with its rise in popularity, there’s also been a surge in online shopping scams. My aim here is to arm you with knowledge so you can spot these scams a mile away.

If you find deals that seem unbelievable, think twice. Scammers often lure in shoppers with eye-catching discounts on high-demand items. Pay careful attention to the website’s URL and look for odd spelling or strange domains.

A secure site should typically start with ‘https://’ and include a padlock icon in the address bar. Anything less is a risk not worth taking.

Payment methods. I always recommend using credit cards or secure payment services when shopping online. Why? Because credit cards and secure payment methods often come with protection policies in case things go sideways. With direct bank transfers or cryptocurrency payments, once you send it, consider that money gone if it’s a scam.

Fake Package Delivery Scams: Don’t Get Caught on the Doorstep

  • Unexpected messages: You receive a text message or email claiming to be from a delivery company about a package you weren’t expecting.
  • Urgency tactics: The message demands immediate action like clicking a link, paying a fee, or confirming personal details.
  • Suspicious links: The message contains shortened URLs or links with misspellings in the company name.
  • Personal information requests: The message asks for your credit card details, Social Security number, or other sensitive information.
  • Fake fees: The message demands unexpected fees like “customs charges” or “delivery surcharges.”
  • Vague details: The message provides no specific details about the package, sender, or delivery date.
  • Contact discrepancies: The contact phone number or email address listed in the message doesn’t match the official information of the real delivery company.

These exploit the widespread use of online shopping and delivery services. Scammers might send text messages or emails mimicking delivery companies. They claim there’s an issue with your package and requiring you to click a link to “reschedule” or “pay a delivery fee.”

Be wary of any messages asking for personal information or payment related to your deliveries. Always verify the sender’s address and contact the legitimate delivery company directly. Use their official website or phone number to confirm any alleged issues.

Remember, if something feels off about a delivery message, always err on the side of caution. Don’t click any links, provide personal information, or send payments. Contact the legitimate delivery company directly through their official channels to verify any alleged issues.

Beyond the Code: The Human Side of Robo-Advisor Spoofing

  • Technique: Scammers may use fake app store listings, search engine optimization, or even paid advertising to make their apps appear legitimate.
  • Red flags: Unfamiliar logos or branding, lack of user reviews or ratings, and requests for excessive permissions on the device.
  • Victims: Investors seeking automated investment solutions who download the fake app and provide their financial information.

Beware of fake robo-advisors promising effortless wealth! Scammers lurk in app stores and online ads, mimicking legit services to steal your logins and investments. They just want your hard-earned money and personal info.

Stay safe by downloading apps only from official stores, checking reviews and developer info. And never entering financial details in unfamiliar platforms. Remember, true robo-advisors prioritize security and transparency, not quick riches and hidden fees. Invest wisely, not blindly, and choose genuine robo-advisors with a proven track record!

Stolen Lives: The Chilling Truth Behind Identity Theft Scams

  • Deep Web Data Breaches: Personal information leaked in data breaches can be used by scammers to commit identity theft, opening fraudulent accounts or accessing existing ones.
  • Synthetic Identity Fraud: Scammers create entirely new fake identities with stolen information from multiple individuals, making them harder to track and prosecute.
15 Current Scams And Frauds - Chalk Board With Identity Theft Written on it.

Guard your identity, not just your valuables! Sneaky thieves lurk in data breaches, fake job offers, and even social media posts. The goal is to steal your personal info like Social Security numbers or bank details. They just want to open accounts in your name, drain your funds, or ruin your credit.

Stay safe by being cautious with personal info online, shredding sensitive documents, and checking your credit report regularly. Remember, you control your identity, not online shadows. Be watchful, not careless, and keep your personal info under lock and key!

Related: Identity Theft and Protection [Review]

Helping Hearts, Hurting Wallets: Unmasking the Deceitful World of Fake Charities

  • Disaster Relief Scams: Scammers exploit natural disasters by setting up fake charities or posing as representatives of real ones to solicit donations that never reach the intended victims.
  • Emotional Blackmail Appeals: Scammers use manipulative tactics, often featuring heart-wrenching stories, to pressure people into donating to fake charities that exploit their compassion.

Beware of sob stories that tug at your heartstrings, but empty your wallet! Fake charity scams lurk in emails, social media pleas, and even phone calls, exploiting our compassion with tales of “sick children” or “disaster victims.” They just want your money, personal info, or even access to your bank accounts.

Stay safe by verifying charities through official websites, avoiding emotional appeals, and never donating over the phone or through unverified links. Remember, true charities focus on helping others, not lining their own pockets. Give wisely and with an open mind, not a tear-stained checkbook!

Beyond the Fake Interview: Spotting Employment Scams Before You Apply

  • Work-from-Home Scams: Fake job postings for seemingly lucrative work-from-home positions with minimal effort lure in victims. Scammers then charge upfront fees for “training” or steal personal information during the application process.
  • Pyramid Schemes: Multi-level marketing (MLM) companies can often blur the line between legitimate business and pyramid scheme. Be wary of schemes that heavily emphasize recruitment over product sales.

Watch out for job offers promising quick cash and zero effort! Employment scams lurk in online postings and emails, dangling dreams of remote work riches or pyramid schemes disguised as “opportunities.” They just want your money, personal details, or even free labor.

Stay safe by avoiding upfront fees, verifying company info, and being wary of “too good to be true” promises. Remember, legitimate employers value your skills and won’t ask you to pay to work. Trust your gut and job hunt wisely, not desperately!

Brick & Mortar Mirage: How Scammers Trick You Into a Housing Nightmare

  • Virtual Apartment Tours: Scammers use photoshopped images or stolen videos of real apartments to advertise non-existent rentals, collecting deposits from unsuspecting victims.
  • Bait-and-Switch Leases: Landlords advertise attractive rental rates online, but upon signing the lease, the actual terms are significantly worse, with hidden fees or bait-and-switch clauses.
  • Method: Scammers might use stolen apartment videos found online or even create their own CGI renderings.
  • Red flags: Inconsistent floor plans, unrealistic pricing, lack of contact information for the landlord, and pressure to send deposits quickly.
  • Victims: People searching for apartments online, especially those in high-demand areas or facing tight deadlines.

Beware of charming “dream homes” online that turn into nightmares! Rental scams lurk everywhere, from too-good-to-be-true deals to fake virtual tours and bait-and-switch leases. They just want your deposit, personal info, or even leave you homeless.

Stay safe by never paying before seeing the place in person, verifying landlord info, and avoiding rushed decisions. Remember, if it feels too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your gut and rent smart, not fast!

Related: Vacation Rental Scams [Help Guide]

Beyond the White Coat: How Scammers Exploit Health Fears for Profit

  • Fake Medical Diagnoses: Scammers contact people through robocalls or emails, offering free health screenings or claiming to have detected serious diseases based on limited information. The goal is to sell unnecessary “miracle cures” or steal personal information.
  • Medicare and Medicaid Fraud: Scammers may offer fake Medicare cards or claim to be able to enroll victims in government healthcare programs for a fee, stealing their personal information and potentially affecting their future benefits.
  • Victims: People who are worried about their health and fall prey to the fear tactics used by the scammers.
15 Current Scams ANd Frauds- Image of Doctor In handcuffs

Predators can also be found in the well-lit healthcare jungle! From “miracle cures” peddled by phone to fake Medicare cards and emotional pleas for non-existent charities, healthcare scams prey on your worries and vulnerabilities.

They just want your money, personal info, or even access to your medical records. Stay vigilant by checking credentials, questioning unusual requests. Never give out sensitive information over the phone or email.

If something feels fishy, report it and protect yourself. Remember, true healthcare professionals prioritize your well-being, not quick profits. Stay safe and healthy!

Beware the Fake Friend: A Guide to Identifying and Avoiding Social Media Scams

  • Deepfake Scams: Scammers use synthetic media technology to create convincing video or audio of celebrities or trusted figures endorsing fake products or investment schemes.
  • Romance Scams on Dating Apps: These scams involve building an online relationship with the victim to exploit their emotions and extract money. Scammers may even use AI chatbots to mimic realistic conversations.
  • Victims: People who are worried about their health and fall prey to the fear tactics used by the scammers.

Watch out for cons lurking within the fun of social media! From fake friends promising dream vacations to heartbreaking pleas for sick kids, scammers hide behind convincing stories and familiar faces.

They just want your info, money, or even your identity. Stay safe by checking links, verifying profiles, and keeping your emotions in check. Don’t fall for “too good to be true” offers, and remember, report anything suspicious. Trust your gut and have fun, but with caution!

Research Everything Before You Take Any Action

Lastly, do your homework. Before you purchase from a new online retailer, take some time to read reviews and check their credibility. Look for a physical address or a customer service phone line. No contact information? That’s a huge red flag. Remember, if an offer looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Keep this advice close to heart, and you could save yourself from the headache and heartbreak of fraud. While shopping scams are usually a ‘smash and grab’ affair, investment frauds are a different beast entirely. They promise big and deliver nothing. Knowing how to spot these scams could mean protecting more than just your immediate finances – it could save your future.

My 15 Current Scams & Frauds Help You Stop The Con Artist!

As you’ve come to see, scams and frauds are like chameleons, continuously changing colors to blend into the evolving landscape of our digital world. It’s critical to keep your guard up and be vigilant. This doesn’t mean becoming paranoid; it means becoming smarter and more aware.

Remember to TRUST YOUR GUT. If something feels off, it probably is. Be cautious with your personal information and financial details. Never hesitate to seek a second opinion from a trusted friend or professional if you’re unsure about a transaction or offer.

Educate yourself regularly on the latest scams, as knowledge is your BEST DEFENSE. Your efforts to learn about these deceptions today is a significant step towards protecting your finances and peace of mind.

In the face of these threats, it’s affirming to know that you can empower yourself against these tactics. By staying informed, you’re not only protecting yourself; you’re also contributing to a safer community. Plus, you are raising awareness and preventing the spread of these scams.

Finally, if you’ve been the victim of a scam, report it. Your action can help authorities track down perpetrators and prevent others from falling for the same tricks. Vigilance, education, and proactive measures are the keys to staying one step ahead of scammers.

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Frequently Asked Questions
How can I tell if a website is a scam?
There are a few red flags to watch out for:
Unprofessional design: Typos, grammatical errors, and a layout that looks like it was thrown together in a hurry can be signs of a scam.
No contact information: If there’s no way to get in touch with the website owner, that’s a bad sign.
Unrealistic promises: If a website is promising you something that sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Pressure tactics: Websites that try to rush you into making a decision are often scams.
Payment methods: If a website only accepts unconventional payment methods like wire transfers or cryptocurrency, be wary.
If you see any of these red flags, it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid the website.
What should I do if I think I’ve been scammed?
If you think you’ve been scammed, the most important thing is to act quickly. Here are a few steps to take:
Contact your bank or credit card company: Let them know what happened and ask them to cancel your card or reverse the charges.
Report the scam to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC): You can file a complaint online at https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/.
Change your passwords: If you think your personal information has been compromised, change your passwords for all of your online accounts.
Be careful about sharing your personal information: In the future, be careful about sharing your personal information online or over the phone.
How can I protect myself from scams?
There are a few things you can do to protect yourself from scams:
Be skeptical: If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Do your research: Before you buy anything or give out any personal information, do some research on the company or person you’re dealing with.
Never click on links in unsolicited emails or text messages: These links could take you to phishing websites that are designed to steal your personal information.
Be careful about what you share on social media: Scammers can use the information you share on social media to target you with scams.
Use strong passwords and keep them safe: Don’t use the same password for multiple accounts, and don’t share your passwords with anyone.

More FAQ’s

Frequently Asked Questions
What are some common types of scams?
There are many different types of scams, but some of the most common include:
Phishing scams: These scams try to trick you into giving up your personal information, such as your Social Security number or credit card number.
Investment scams: Promise you high returns on your investment, but they’re often just a way to steal your money.
Tech support scams: Try to convince you that your computer is infected with a virus, and then they offer to fix it for you for a fee.
Online shopping scams: Involve trying to trick you into buying something that you don’t need or that doesn’t exist.
Identity theft scams: Try to steal your personal information so that they can use it to open new accounts in your name.
Where can I get more information about scams?
There are many resources available to help you learn more about scams. Here are a few:
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC): The FTC has a website with information about a variety of scams, as well as tips for how to protect yourself. You can visit their website at https://consumer.ftc.gov/.
The National Consumers League (NCL): The NCL provides information on consumer issues, including scams. https://nclnet.org/.
AARP: AARP has information about scams on older adults. https://www.aarp.org/money/scams-fraud/about-fraud-watch-network/.

I hope you found my information useful. if you have any questions or comments please leave them below. I will get back to you ASAP. If you have a story to share about a scam, Let us hear it. You may help someone else avoid getting scammed.


About The Author

Chas The Owner Of Help For Scams And Frauds

I am Chas, creator and founder of Help For Scams And Frauds. I started affiliate marketing and earning money online in 2015. And I can tell you, anyone can do this. But, in order to build a business the right way you must have the right training and avoid the get rich quick schemes.

Check out my #1 Recommendation For The Best Online Training in 2024

4 thoughts on “15 Current Scams And Frauds – Find Out How To Stay Safe”

  1. This is a fantastic guide to help people identify scams, but also what to do if you think you might have fallen victim. Unfortunately, this type of thing is everywhere online. Offers that look too good to be true, but at the time it felt a reasonable thing to believe.

    Genuine opportunities are available, but these scammers make things look too good to be true and before you know it, you’ve been caught out… Great to see this type of guide online that will help people avoid the same traps and learn all they need to ensure them and their loved ones do to the same.

    Thanks for sharing the guide…

    • Hi John,
      I am glad you liked it. Yes it is true that scams are everywhere today, and unfortunately they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon! In fact I suspect they will get worse with the AI technology to help the bad guys out! I want to try to do what I can to alert everyone of how they can be tricked into something they didn’t want in the first place. A lot of it is common sense, but somehow we all get caught up in things that we like. I have had three phone calls telling me I won 3 million dollars! I played along with them and told them we would go to the bank tomorrow and make the money deposit they wanted. I asked if the would mind if I brought the police with me to do this transfer! They agreed, but never showed up! Like I expected them too! I knew it was a scam! When you win something, they don’t call you on the phone!
      Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment John, Please stop back soon.

  2. Hey Chas, this is a brilliant breakdown of the dreaded scams that are out there! Everyone should print this out and have it stuck up there on their wall!
    Unfortunately I have been bitten twice, one which is similar to the one you mention above. Where a famous actress was recommending, a fabulous face cream on Facebook. Anyways, I went ahead and purchased the cream on offer for only £3.95, as a trial and didn’t see what I was signing up for. Consequently after initial months trial I was billed for a further £79 for another tub of cream! I didn’t read the terms and conditions.
    After a fight with my bank, and showing evidence of many others who got caught up in this I got my money back and I was advised to changed my bank details. This scammer had no contact details, or address and was nowhere to be found!
    On another occassion, I allowed these tech. scammers to take over my computer to fix it! Cutting a very long and embarrassing story short, they claimed they refunded me more than they should have, and I owed them money!
    The Red flag was they wanted my on-line banking details, which thank God, I didn’t have set up then! It ended with my husband clicking me out, thereof ending the ridiculous deceptive conversation. So no transaction was made! HOORAY!!!
    As you mentioned in you article, con artists, or frausters, come in sorts of guises and can fake anything!
    Loving your passion in sharing such very important information, that will help many innocent people, out there and highlighting regrettably how gallable we can be, but following your guidance we can be more savvy and how NOT to be caught up in a horrible web of clever trickery!
    Thanks you for sharing your ‘guidance on staying safe’, and keep up the good work! 👍
    Julia. 😄

    • Hi Julia,
      Thank you for your wonderful comment and kind words! It is great that you shared your scams with everyone, maybe you will help someone else avoid one. I was trying to get a few scams on here that were more recent. I have mentioned many in the past, but they are becoming obsolete as the scammers keep inventing new twists to make their scam more believable!
      I am glad you had a pretty good outcome with your scams, many people aren’t so lucky.
      Thanks again for your comment, and please stop back soon.


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